2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 4 earthquakes新人教版必修1_1_第1页
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1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage Points .单句语法填空 1_(destroy) by the terrible earthquake,the town was left almost in ruins and all kinds of supplies were cut off. 答案: Destroyed 2The two boys looked as if they_(be) twins,for they looked so much like each other. 答案: were 3Years of fighting have left the city in_(ruin)It would take a lot of money to rebuild it. 答案: ruins 4This is one of the worst natural_(disaster) ever to hit the area. 答案: disasters 5Will the clothing give protection against_(extreme) cold? 答案: extremely 6Jack had to drop out of the race because his foot was seriously_(injury) halfway. 答案: injured 7Death finally brought an end to her_(suffer) 答案: suffering 8Its_(use) trying to talk to her because she never listens. 答案: useless 9We were warned not to talk to_(report) 答案: reporters 10The coal _(mine) were working underground in uncomfortable conditions. 答案: miners 11With more forests_(destroy),huge quantities of good earth are being washed away each year. 答案: destroyed 12It was a_(shock) story,and we all got_(shock) 答案: shocking;shocked 2 .阅读理解 Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world.In September,1923,Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it.They had to be completely rebuilt.One of the most serious earthquakes was in Chinas Shanxi Province in 1556.It killed almost one million people. We measure an earthquakes strength on the Richter Scale.The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935 in Southern California in the USA.It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten.Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious. The Earths crust (地壳) is made up of rock called plates.As these plates move,they sometimes crash (撞) against each other,causing the crust to quake.In cities such as Tokyo,where small quakes happen quite often,many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves,they move with it. Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes.This can cause fires to break out,which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis.These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea.They can be many metres high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities.China,Japan,Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence (发生) of earthquakes in the world. 语篇解读 中国和日本在历史上都曾发生过强烈的大地震,地震会给人类带来什么样 的危害呢? 1The passage is mainly about_. Ascientists who study the earthquakes Ba usual natural disaster Cthe way of measuring earthquakes Dwhat people should do in the earthquakes 解析: 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了地震这种自然灾害,在世界各地,其实每年都 会发生成百上千次地震,故选 B。 答案: B 3 2The earthquake in Shanxi Province_,which is NOT true? Ahappened in 1556 Bkilled almost one million people Cwas the only earthquake in China Dcaused a lot of damage 解析: 细节理解题。从第一段最后两句 One of the most serious earthquakes was in Chinas Shanxi Province in 1556.It killed almost one million people.可 知 C 项错误。 答案: C 3Earthquakes_. Ahappen all over the world Bare not serious Cmost possibly happen in Japan Ddont cause much damage 解析: 细节理解题。通过全文以及常识可知 B、C、D 三项错误,由短文第一句 Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world.可 知 A 项正确。 答案: A 4.According to the passage,we know that tsunamis_. Acan cause earthquakes Bare caused by earthquakes Conly happen on land Dare a way of measuring earthquakes 解析: 细节理解题。从末段第三句 Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis 可知 B 项正确。 答案: B .完形填空 I have enjoyed stories about the kindness of strangers in Pittsburgh since moving here nearly eight years ago,but now I have one to share. I set off one recent morning with my _1_to get a few groceries (杂货)I didnt have a long list,but early on I should have known it might not be a(n) _2_trip.I forgot the bags I_3_ bring in order to _4_my own groceries,and on the way to the car,I _5_ the necessary coins in the snowcovered grass. We finally made it,got our groceries,and _6_patiently in a checkout 4 line behind a _7_.I put all my groceries onto the conveyor belt (传送带)It was a busy_8_there,and the next person put a lot of _9_on the back of the belt behind me.I _10_then that my wallet was in my other coat pocket back at home and I was stuck with no way to_11_,and no way to get out of the line _12_. I told my daughter at that moment, “Daddy is_13_!” She was kind enough to offer, “No,youre not;youre my daddy!” The woman in front_14_this and asked, “How much do you need?It does not look like much,and I have some money.” I told her I had no way to _15_ the money,but she _16_paying for me.I couldnt_17_her enough.She_18_said, “Its no problem;just pay it forward.” Stories about the kindness of _19_may be common and frequent,_20_ now I want to say thank you to the woman again.And I will pay it forward when I next get the opportunity. 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者接受陌生人帮助的故事。 1A.son Bdaughter Cdad Dmom 解析: 由下文的“I told my daughter”可知。 答案: B 2A.tiring Blong Cordinary Dinteresting 解析: 由下文作者忘带购物袋以及把钱包落在家里可知,这是一次不寻常的购物之 旅。 答案: C 3A.usually Bearly Ccarefully Dgladly 解析: 作者忘了以前经常带的购物袋。 答案: A 4A.sell Bmake Ccover Dtake 解析: 由上文的“bags”可知,作者用购物袋来装杂货。 答案: D 5A.chose Bforgot Cdropped Dbrought 5 解析: 在取车的途中,作者掉了一些硬币。 答案: C 6A.waited Bexplained Clistened Ddescribed 解析: 由下文描述收银台结账的场景可知,作者耐心排队等候结账。 答案: A 7A.man Bwoman Cchild Dstudent 解析: 由下文的“The woman in front”可知,作者排在一位女士后面。 答案: B 8A.night Bevening Cafternoon Dmorning 解析: 由上文的“one recent morning”可知。 答案: D 9A.goods Bbags Ccoins Dcoats 解析: 排在作者身后的人把选好的货物放到传送带上。 答案: A 10A.believed Brealized Cthought Dguessed 解析: 作者当时意识到自己将钱包遗忘在家。 答案: B 11A.cry Bstop Cstand Dpay 解析: 由上文的“my wallet was in my other coat pocket back at home”可知, 作者没钱付账。 答案: D 12A.luckily Bpatiently Ceasily Dquietly 解析: 由上文可知作者购物的那天早上人很多,因此也就不能轻易通过收银台。 答案: C 13A.stupid Bstrange Cpoor Dbusy 解析: 作者购物忘带购物袋,而且还忘拿钱包,因此他觉得自己很愚蠢。 6 答案: A 14A.discussed Bnoticed Cexperienced Dhated 解析: 由上文作者和女儿的对话可知,前面的那位女士注意到作者的两难情形。 答案: B 15A.spend Bsave Cearn Dreturn 答案: D 16A.insisted on Blaughed at Ccalled on Dplanned for 解析: 作者告诉那位女士他没法还她钱,但那位女士还是坚持要帮他付钱。 答案: A 17A.protect Bmiss Cgive Dthank 解析: 受到陌生人的热心帮助,作者对她感激不尽。 答案: D 18A.nervously Bproudly Csimply Dexcitedly 解析: 由下文的“Its no problem;just pay it forward”可知,那位女士只是 简单说“不客气,只需把爱传下去” 。 答案: C 19A.friends Bfamilies Cstrangers Dneighbours 解析: 由上文的“strangers”以及作者并不认识帮助他的那位女士可知。 答案: C 20A.and Bbut Cuntil Dfor 解析: 虽然陌生人的善举很普遍,但“我”现在还是要对那位女士再说一次谢谢。 答案: B .短文改错 Im sorry you are having trouble make friends.However,the situation will be easy to change if you will take my advice.Here is some tips to help you. First,why not going and talk to people?I agree that this is difficult at first,but if you do this,Im sure youll soon have a new friend.Second,you 7 can begin a talk by ask about their likes and dislikes,because of that is also a good way to find new friends.Finally,you should try to join a discussion.That way you are letting people know wha


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