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2013 年很多高校的翻译硕士词汇翻译真题 (共计 10 页 171 个词汇翻译) 1.Skope theory:目的论 2.blank verse translation:无韵体翻译 3.音译:transliteration 4. astronaut;宇航员 5.HTTP :超文本传输协议 6.EFTA:欧洲自由贸易联盟(European Free Trade Association) 7.APEC:亚太经合组织 8.NPT( military):不扩散核武器条约(Non Proliferation Treaty) 9.VAT:增值说(value added tax) 10.IPO:首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings) 11.strait exchange foundation:海峡基金交流会 12.The Milky Way:银河 13.International Date Line:国际日期变更线 14.returns on equity:权益回报率 15.mass transit system 大运量客运系统/公共运输系统 16.a five percent discount :九五折 17.equalitarianism:平均主义 18.自主招生: independent recruitment 19.工笔画:claborate-style painting 20.资治通鉴:History as a mirror 21.限购:property-purchasing limitations 22.弱势群体:disadvantage groups 23.军国主义:militarism 24.探月工程:lunar exploration project 25.中国证监会:china securities banking regulatory 26.鸿门宴:banquet given with ill purposes 27.三权分立:checks and balances 28.党内民主:democracy within the party 29.AQ:逆境商数(Adversity Quotient) 30.CBD 业务中心地区(Central Business District) 或: 交货前付款(Cash Before Delivery) 31.NDRC:国家发改委 32.DHL:全国曲棍球联合会(National Hockey League 33.ASEAN:东盟 34.Oxfam:牛津饥荒救济委员会(Oxford Committee for Famine Relief) 35.unitary government:单一制政府 36intravenous drip :静脉滴注法 37.EU :欧盟 3 / 10 38.emission cap:废气排放上限 EU emission cap :欧盟排放上限 39.咖啡烘培商:Coffee roasting 40.食品添加剂:Food additive 41.千年发展目标:millennium development goals 42.金砖五国:BRICKs 43.技术密集型产品:technology-intensive product 44.爱国统一战线:patriotic united front 45.学习型社会:learning-oriented society 46.Leap frogging development:跨越式发展 47.over-the-counter medicine:非处方药 48.磁悬浮列车:maglev train 49.自动取款机:Automatic Teller Machine 50.少数民族地区:minority areas 51.Oval Office:美国总统办公室 52.Credential:文凭、证书 53.Invoice:发票 54.lawsuit:诉讼 55.CIA:中央情报局 56.戴维营:Camp David 57.三 K 党:Ku Klux Klan 58.MLA:现代汉语协会(Modern Language Association) 59.Gild the lily:画蛇添足 60.Milieu therapy:环境疗法 61.Put on the new man:改邪归正皈依基督教 62.Hills Like White Elephants:白象似的群山,是海 明威的短篇小说。 63.发条橙:A Clockwork Orange 是指美国导演斯坦利库布里克所执导的电影,根据 1962 年 安东尼伯吉斯的同名小说所改编,是一部相 当引人争议的电影,也被认为是电影史上最重要的电 影之一。一词在英国伦敦地区俚语中用来形容奇怪的 东西。小说作者取名如此的原意是“它标志着把 机械论道德观应用到甘甜多汁的活的机体上去”。 发 条橙起初被归为禁片,直到导演库布里克死后才于 英国首先解禁,为后世誉为 70 年代最具影响力的电 影之一。 64.Tatooing:纹身 65. CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议 66.CD:光盘( Compact disc) /商务部(Commerce Department) 67.Concerto:协奏曲 68.Act of God:天灾、不可抗力、神力行为 5 / 10 69.反对派:opposition forces 70.当选总统:president-elect 71.司法改革:judicial reform 72.钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿:The diaoyu island and its affiliated islands 73.老龄事业:cause for the aging population 74.第十八届全国人民代表大会:the 18the CPC National Congress 75.中非合作论坛:Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 76.Kant:康德 77.The Analects: 论语 78.Meritocracy:英才教育 79.Knockoff:名牌仿制品 80.Pep talk:(对球员等)鼓舞士气的话 81.Fiscal cliff :财政悬崖 82.Austerity budget:紧缩财政 83.Financial bailout:金融援助 84.Power outage:断电事故 85.Emeritus professor:名誉教授 86.NGO:非政府组织 87.Rubber check:空头支票 88.Pragmatism:实用主义 89.The Associated Press:美联社 90.边际效应:marginal effect 91.利率:interest rate 92.董事:Board director 93.效益评估:Performance evaluation 94.ITC:国际贸易委员会( International Trade Center)或:国际运输委员会(International Transport Committee) 95.FDA :( 美)食品及药物管理局 96.国际日期变更线:the International Date Line 97.居留权:right of abode 98.豆浆:soya-bean milk 99.搬迁户:a relocated unit or household 100.3-point shot percentage:3 分球命中率 101.Local peoples procuratorate:地方人民检察院 102.互惠原则:the principle of reciprocity 103.Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 皇 家环境污染委员会 104.LED :发光二极管(light-emitting diode) 105.WWW :万维网(World Wide Web) 106.HSBC:汇丰银行(全称自己动手查一下 ) 107.PLO :巴勒斯坦解放组织(Palestine Liberation 7 / 10 Organization) 108.CFO:首席财务官 109.NPC :全国人民代表大会 110.OPEC New Deal :欧佩克新政 112.Great Depression :大萧条 113.down payment 首付款 114.rates and taxes :地税 115.Nasdaq:纳斯达克,即:全国证券交易商自动报 价系统协会(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 116.蜀南竹海:Bamboo Sea in Southern Sichuan 117.鱼香肉丝:shredded pork with garlic sauce 118.西兰花炒虾仁:sir-fried shrimp and broccoli 119.乾清宫 :Palace of Heavenly Purity 120.十八大:the 18th CPC National Congress 121.跨国公司:transnational corporation 123.反腐倡廉:combat corruption and build a clean government 124.民生问题:livelihood issues 125.住房政策 :housing policy 126.网络恶搞:Internet spoof 127.美丽中国:Beautiful China 128.自谋职业:find jobs on ones own 129.道琼斯工业指:Down Jones Industrial Average 130.zero tariff :零关税 131.presidential suite:总统套房 132.户口登记:Hukou registration 133.公告服务:BBS(bulletin board system) 134.全球首映:World Premiere 135.Glocalization:全球本土化 136.counter trade:补偿贸易 137.合资企业:Joint Venture 138.贬值:devaluation depreciation 139.NAFTA:北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement) 140.IFC :国际金融中心(International Finance Centre) 141.民生:peoples livelihood 142.科教兴国: develop the country through science and education 143.territorial sea :领海 144.Marginal civilization :边际文明 145.Ideological diference :意识形态差异 146.CNN:美国有线电视新闻网络(Cable News Network) 9 / 10 147.US pivot to Asia:美国以亚洲为重点的政策 148.the Gaza Strip:加沙地带 148.纳米技术:Nanotechnology 149.中等收入陷阱:middle-income trap 150.替代能源:alternative energy sources 151.长三角:Yangtze River Delter 152.独立自主的和平外交政策: independent foreign policy of peace 153.钓鱼岛争端:Diaoyu Island dispute 154. WPC:世界和平理事会(World Peace Council) 155. USCG:美国海岸警卫队(United States Coast Guard 156.FTA: 自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement) 157.US-Japan Security Treaty:美日安保条约 158.Americas “Return to Asia-Pacific“:美国重返亚太 战略 159.Power abuse:滥用职权 160.National Missle Defence:国家导弹防御 161.国务院侨务办公室:Overseas Chinese Affairs Office 162.国家宗教事务局:state bureau of religious affairs 163.西方七国首脑会议: seven-powers summit 164.差额选举: competitive election 165.十面埋伏:Ambush From All


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