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2008-2009 学年度潍坊市昌邑第二学期七年级期中考 试 英语试卷参考答案 一、听力 (20 分) 1-5 CAACB 6-10 BCABA 11-15 CBBCC 16beautiful 17larger 18harder 19vegetable 20worst 二、单项选择(16 分):16-20 CABBD 21- 25 DACDC 26-31 BBCADB 三、完形填空(15 分):32-36 BACDA 37- 41 CBDBC 42-46 ADCAB 四、阅读理解(24 分):47-50 BABB 51-54 CBAA 55-58CCAB 59-62 CADB 五、词汇考查(10 分): 1seconds 2virus 3lonely 4Whether 5honest 6shelves 7collection 8hid 9seems 10lend 六、任务型阅读(10 分): 任务一:(A):C (B):E 任务二:(1)with (2)In 任务三:did you 任务四:如果你告诉他们你的感受,他们 或许会停止争吵,或者至少向你解释一下他们争 吵的原因(只要意思对就可得分) 任务五:I will talk to them about my feelingsI will try to stop the fight 七、动词应用(共 10 小题,满分为 10 分): 1catch 2to stay 3passing 4Dont use 5are coughingcough 6keep 7wont have 8try 9are 10to boil 八、书面表达(15 分):One possible version: My name is Wang LeiMy hobby is drawingI like drawing because it can make me very happyI have learned drawing for three yearsBut I couldnt draw very well three years agoWith the teachers helpI can draw much better nowMy classmates say that if I keep on practicingI will be best at drawingI want to be an artist when I grow upMy teachers and my parents are happy to see my progressI think drawing is the happiest thing to do in the worldI like it very much 真的不掉线吗? ?、? 出国留学面试常见问题 需注意四大关键词 留学面试是申请者与学校最直接的接 触,容易展示优点并给校方留下良好印象、也容 易暴露缺点而给申请带来不良影响。专家说,预 先了解面试时常见问题,才能做到“知己知彼、 百战不殆”。 关键词一:专业选择 “你为什么会选择这个专业? ”这是申 请国外大学硕士学位的学生常被问到的问题。面 试官以此考察学生对专业的了解,还会让学生介 绍自己曾经做过的相关研究。 “你是否从事过与申 请专业相关的工作?”比如申请工程管理,面试 官会问你是否有过工程管理方面的学历、工作经 验。这 两个问题几乎每个面试都必定会问到。还 有诸如“你会往什么专业方向发展?”“你的成绩 如何、学分积点多少? ”学校会关注学生的学习 成绩,根据学习成绩给学生一个申请建议,比如 哪类课程成绩欠佳、提醒学生要加强学习。这也 告诫在校的大学生:如果以后想在某个专业继续 深造,在学校的成绩一定要考好。 关键词二:性格兴趣 中学的面试与大学不同,更注意考察学 生的学习目标和个人性格。 “你喜欢自然科学还是社会科学? ”“长 大想做什么工作? ”面试官常通过诸如此类的 问题,了解学生适合做技术工作、创意工作还是 公关交际工作,性格是内向害羞还是外向活泼。 因为对于中学生而言,选择符合自己兴趣和个性 的发展方向是至关重要的,所以学校面试也会注 重个性的考察。 关键词三:转专业 一个本科学中文的学生,想申请法律专 业硕士,面试时应怎么打动面试官? 其实,国外的法律硕士是不需要专业背 景的,但是学生的学习目的却往往会成为申请成 功与否的关键。 “你为什么转专业? ”毫无理由、 仅仅因为兴趣就想转专业,对面试官来说往往缺 乏说服力。所以申请者千万不要只说“因为我热 爱法律这个专业”,而应尽量从自己的经历、个 性化的理由入手,比如某个学法律真的不掉线吗? ?、? 的人给自己的影响、某个案件促使自己想维 护社会公正,等等。 关键词四:应变能力 MBA 的面试是各类面试中难度最大的。 面试官会营造一种很大压力的氛围,观察应答者 的反应。除了经营管理知识,有时还会问一些历 史、哲学、军事、 时政方面的问题。 曾有学生申请管理类专业,被面试官问到对 “安然破产”的看法。还有诸如“微软的操作系统 软件常被黑客攻击,公司在信息安全方面应如何 加强? ”这类问题。不过问的问题大部分是主观 题,不会有唯一正确答案,因此学生只要逻辑严 密能够自圆其说即可。 真的不掉线吗? ?、? 鼓楼区教师进修学校培训处 小学五升六 英语讲义(四) 姓名_ 成绩_ 用所给词的正确形式填空 一有关知识点的讨论与复习 1. 现在进行时 2. 一般现在时 3. Be 动词 4. 助动词 do 5. 情态动词 Can shall 后加动词原形 6. And,but 前后结构一致 7. Its time to (for) 8. How many 名词复数 9. 动词不定式 want ; would like ; try to do 二课堂练习 1. How_ (be) you? I_(be) fine. Thank you. 2. _ (be) you free now? Sorry, I _ (be) very busy. Today_ (be) a busy day. 3. Look, the boys_ (play) football in the playgroud. And the girls_ (run). 真的不掉线吗? ?、? 4. Listen, the children _ (sing) in the music room. 5. Wang Bing is_ (write) an e-mail to his English friend in the study. 6. I_ _ (play) the piano, my brother_ _ (watch) TV 真的不掉 线吗?、? in the bedroom now. 7. He can _ (swim), but I _ (not), I can _ (ski). 8. Lets _ (go) and _ (play) basketball . 9. Shall we _ (clean) the classroom now? 10. Its time to _ (have) lunch. Lets _ (go). 11. I _ (like) _ (skate), but my parents _ (not), they_ (like) (swim). 12. Miss Green_ (like) _ (dance) very much. 13. _ (do) Uncle Wang _ (run) fast? 14. He and his father can _ (jump) high. 15. YangLing is _ (write) _ (care) now. 16. Look, Mike is _ (sit) _ (quiet). 17. _ (do) WangBing usually_ (surf) the Inter? Yes, he _ (do). 18. Ben _ (like) _ (catch) insects on Sundays. 19. How many _ (lesson) do you _(have) in the morning? 20. My parents _ (get ) up at 6:30, my sister _ (get ) up at 6:40. And I _ (get ) up at about 6:00 everyday. 三课后练习 1. Is she_ (do) her homework at home? Yes, she _ (be). 2. Mikes sister _ (cook) nice food. I _ (like) eating it very much. 3. Do you _ (have)any _ (hobby)? Yes, I _ (do). 4. _ (do) your father_ (watch) TV in the evening? No, he_ (not). 5. This is Helen _ (speak). 6. Tom usually_ (play) football after school. 7. Are these your _ (stamp) ? No, theyre _ (YangLing) 8. He _ (live) in a small town near Nanjing. 9. Pingping_ _ (write) an e-mail to his friend now. 10. What_ (do) Nancy usually_ (do)? She usually_ (grow) flowers in the evening. 11. Yumi is a _ ( Japan )girl . 12. Can you _(e) and _(help) _(I)with _(I) Maths? 13. Childrens Day is _(e), our parents would like _(buy)things for _(we). 14. He is_ (write) an e-mail to his father. 15. I like_ (cook) and_ (grow) flowers. 16. We _ (study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school. 17. I _(be) late. Dont _ (be ) late again. 18. Look, the bus _ (e). 真的不掉线吗?、? 鉴于本人英语水平有限以及对 Houdini 的 学习还不是很深入,所以拿来集思广益,恳求完 美正解!希望您在修改的时候使用红色标记或者 补充说明,发至 satandancinggmail.,我会再 次修改,发给大家! 先谢谢各位兄台的大力支持与帮助! -satandancing 2010/2/26 EXPRESSION SYNTAX(表达式语法) Here are some of the main syntax elements which you will encounter again and again when using expression functions:(以下是主要的 语法 元素,你会一次又一次地遇到一些使用表达式函 数:) () Brackets Brackets are used in order to list all of the arguments that will be contained within a function. Whenever a function is used, there must be an open bracket and a closed bracket. One of the easiest mistakes to make when creating expressions is to accidentally have the incorrect number of brackets. ()括号 括号的使用是 为了列举出 所有的将要包含在函数中的参数。每当使用一个 函数,必须有一个开放的括号和一个封闭的括号。 最简单的错误之一就是当你创建表达式时,意外 的有多个数目不正确的括号。 “”Quotation When a string must be used as an argument inside a function, it must be contained within quotation marks. This can include parameter names, and file paths. “”引号 真的不掉线吗? ?、? 当一个字符串必须被用作在一个函数的参 数,它必须包含在引号内。这可以包括参数名, 和文件路径。 Back Ticks When an HScript expression has been entered into a string type parameter, it must be enclosed in backticks in order to be evaluated as an expression. For example, if you are attempting to use an expression function inside a file path, you will need to include the backticks on either end of your function. 返回 标记 当 HScript 表达式中已 经输入了一个字符串类型的参数,它必须包含在 返回标记内,以便作为一个表达式的计算。例如, 如果您正试图使用在一个文件路径表达式功能, 您需要在您的函数结束包含一个返回标记。 Apostrophe Text inside apostrophes are not expanded. It may be necessary at times to use these characters inside strings to prevent a variable from being recognized as a variable. 单引号 文本中的 单引号不是大写 的。可能有必要在有的时候字符串内使用这些字 符,以防止一个变量被承认为一个变量。 TYPES OF DATA(数据类型) There are four main types of data that exist within Houdini(在 Houdini 中存在有四个主要 的数据类型): Float: Floating point numbers are single numerical values which may contain decimals i.e.: 15.5. It is possible to break this down further into integers, which do not contain decimals. An Alpha attribute/channel would be a good 真的不掉 线吗 ? ?、? example of a float value. 浮点 浮点数单一数值可能包含 小数,即:15.5。很可能打破这种进一步下降为整 数,不包含小数。一个 Alpha 属性/ 通道是一个 很好的 float 值的例子。 Vectors: Three floating point values. These values can be used to represent positions, directions, normals or colors (RGB or HSV). 矢量(向量): 三浮点值。这些值可以用来 代表的位置,方向,法线或颜色(RGB 或 HSV)。 Strings: Strings are data which are not numbers, but text. A number is not represented as numerical in a string but as a text symbol. You can enclose strings in double quotes (“) or apostrophes (). Variables inside double-quotes are expanded. Strings inside apostrophes are not expanded. It is possible to create custom variables which make use of strings. 字符串: 字符串的数据不是数字, 而是文字。一个数字并不表示为一个字符串中的 数值,而是一个文本符号。你可以在双引号(“) 或单引号()中放入字符串。内双引号内的变量 会被展开。单引号内的字符串是不会展开的。它 可以利用字符串创建自定义的变量。 Matrix: Sixteen floating point values representing a 3D transformation matrix. 矩阵: 16 个浮点值描述了一 个三维变化矩阵。 SIMPLE MATH + - Add, subtract(加,减) * / % Multiply, Divide(乘,除) % Modulo returns the remainder after division has occured i.e. 4%3=1, 4%20=4 真的不掉线吗? ?、? 百分号返回除法发生之后的剩余,即 i.e. 4%3=1, 4%20=4 Raise to exponent i.e. 33=9(提高指数,例如 33=9) e Exponential notation is a concise way of representing large numbers with a minimal amount of digits, for example 3.2e-5 (equivalent to 0.000032). 指数符号是一个代表了最少 量的数字的简洁方式,例如 3.2e - 5(相当于 0.000032)。 () Grouping(群集) PARISONS Less than, greater than(小于, 大于) = inquire as to whether it is equal(询问 它是否等于) != not equal to(不等于) | or(或) & and(和) GLOBAL VARIABLES(全局变量) Data that is accessible in all contexts. There are different types of global variables, which have various purposes. 在任何情况下可访问的数据。不同的全局变 量用于不同的目的。 Environment Variables: Useful for setting up your Houdini environment.(环境变量:用于 设定你的 Houdini 环 境。 ) $HIP This defaults to the directory containing the current Houdini file.(这个默认值的目录包含了当前的 Houdini 文件。 ) $HIPNAME 真的不掉线吗? ?、? The name of the current .hip file(当前.hip 文件的名称) $WEDGE The current wedge information(当前的 wedge 信息) $OS Operator String - contains the current OPs name(运算符字符串 - 包含运 算符字符串的名称) $JOB A custom variable that determines where your jobs are located(自定 义 变量取决于您工作的位置) $HOME Your Home environment variable - specify in OS environment variables(你的 home 环境变量 - 指定运算符字 符串的环境变量) $ACTIVETAKE Contains the name of the current take(包含当前的名称) $CH Current channel name(当前 通道的名称) $TEMP Where temporary (crash) files are saved - specify in OS environment variables(临时(崩溃)文件保存的位置-指定 运 算符字符串环境变量) PLAYBAR VARIABLES:There are various variables that are associated with time in Houdini:(播放条变量:一些与 Houdini 时间 有关的各种变量:) $F The current frame.(当前帧) This is very useful, especially for filename numbering.(这对于文件名的编号方式尤其有用。 ) It allows us to introduce the element of time into our expressions. (它允许我们的表达式可 以引入到时间的元素中去。)In the case of file naming we can add padding to $F (因此我 们能 够在文件的名称中添加到$F) $F3 gives us a padding of 3 meaning that Frame 1 = 001(给我们提供了 3 个填充帧 1=001) 真的不掉线吗?、? We can also use $F on a translation parameter tell it to move over time (我们还可 以使用$F 把翻 译参数告 诉它移到那个时间) We can offset $F with simple math. $F-1 tells frame 1 to return a value of 0(我们可以使 用简单的数字补充$F. $F-1 表示帧 1 的返回 值 为 0) Certain elements, work in units of “Time” which refers to seconds rather than frames:(在 某些情况下,工作时所指的“时间”是秒而不是帧) $FPS Playback speed in frames/second (set in Global Animation Options)(播放速度 帧/ 秒(设定全局动画选项) $T Current time in seconds(当前 时间 秒) We can use ($F-1)/$FPS to determine the current frames time in seconds. This can be useful to know when we see parameters like start time on a particle work and want to be able to determine the start frame. By telling the Start Time to be 40/$FPS, the particle simulation will begin on frame 40.(我们可以使 用($F-1)/$FPS 取决于当前帧的时间是秒。当我 们看到类似于在一个粒子网络结构上的起始时 间,并希望可以确定起始帧,知道这些对我们是 有用的。设定开始时间为 40/$FPS,粒子将以 40FPS 进行模拟。 ) Particle and dynamic works use time rather than frames because we often need subframe data:(粒子和 动力学网络的使用 时间 不是帧,因为我们经常需要子帧数据:) $FF Floating point frame number(浮点 帧数) $SF Simulated frame number(模 拟 帧数) 真的不掉线吗? ?、? These bee important variables to remember when we adjust the over sampling. i.e.: if collision geometry isnt sampling between frames, we can have problems with accuracy therefore we want to over sample (sample more than once per frame).(谨记,当我们调节超过采 样值, 这些都成为重要的变量。换言之:如果一 个碰撞几何体之间没有采样值,我们会引起一个 我们无法超过采样值精确度的问题(采样值将多 次超过每帧)。 ) It is important to cache out simulations using $SF for DOPs and $FF in POPs so that we keep subframe data.(给 DOP 和 POP 做 缓存 要使用$SF 为 DOPwork 的子帧参数,pop 使用 $FF floatframe 为计算单位 这样变量去储存子 帧数据。注:KID 的解释) It may also bee essential when using longer expressions to use the Expression Editor (Alt + e) or right click menu on a parameter.(在表达式 编辑器(ALT + e)或在右键菜单中的参数中使用 长的表达式时,这是不可或缺的。 ) OTHER PLAYBAR VARIRBLES(其他的 播放条变量) $NFRAMES The number of frames in the animation(在动画中的帧数) $RFSTART Frame number of the first frame shown in the playbar. The playbar can show a subset of the total number of frames, allowing you to focus on a particular section of a longer sequence(在播放条中显示第一帧的帧数。 播放条可以显示所有总数帧的子帧,让你专注较 长序列的单个部分) $RFEND Frame number of the last frame shown in the playbar(在播放条中 显 示最后帧的帧数) $FSTART 真的不掉线吗? ?、? Frame number of the first frame of animation (set in Global Animation Options)(在 动画中第一帧的帧数) $FEND Frame number of the last frame of animation (set in Global Animation Options)(在动画中最后帧的帧数) $RFSTART and $RFEND control the subset of frames shown in the playbar($RFSTART and $RFEND 控制着在播 放条中显示的子帧) $TLENGTH Total length of animation in seconds(总长度在几秒钟的动画) $TSTART Start time of animation in seconds(动画在几秒开始) $TEND End time of animation in seconds(动画在几秒结束) STANDARD VARIABLES(标准变量) monly used variables that are unique to specific contexts, however are mon enough that they may be recognized across multiple contexts. Note that some variables such as $CR, $CG, $CB, $CA are actually attributes: Cd and Alpha. Attributes are data that are easy to lock down, and you can see that they exist if you MMB onto a node. $TX,$TY,$TZ Point Position(点的 位置) $BBX,$BBY,$BBZ Point Position within bounding box (ranges 0-1)(在 bounding box 中的位置(范 围 0-1) $YMAX,$YMIN The max/min values of the geometry on the Y-Axis. Note this goes for X,Y, & Z(几何体 Y 轴上的最大/ 最小值。注意 标 记是 X,Y,Z) $CEX,$CEY,$CEZ Centroid of the input geometry(输入几何体的 质心) $CR,$CG,$CB,$CA Diffuse Point Color, and Point Alpha(点的漫反射颜色和点的 alpha) 真的不掉线吗? ?、? $NX,$NY,$NZ Point Normal Direction(点的法线方向 ) $PT,$PR Point Number or Primitive Number(点的数量或者面的数量) $NPTS,$NPRIMS Total number of points or primitives(点或者面的总数) VOLUMES AS ATTRIBUTES(体积属性) Each volume primitive may be used to represent a set of data. This is important to note when working with fluid dynamics to understand what purpose the various fields serve.(每个几何体的体积都有可能被用于说明 一组数据。用于流体动力学中了解每组数据所对 应服务的记录,这一点是尤为重要的。 ) $X,$Y,$Z Bounding Box Information in Volumes(Bounding Box 在体积 中的信息) PARTICLE VARIABLES(粒子变量) There are some very monly used Standard Variables that are usually associated with particles. Many of the standard variables can be found on the Point SOP.(有一些很常用的标准 变量通常与粒子有关。许多标准变量可以在 SOP 下找到。 ) $VX,$VY,$VZ Point Velocity values(点的速度值) $ID Particle ID(粒子 ID) $PSCALE Particle Scale(粒子 缩放) $LIFE Percent of total life used (from 0 to 1)(已使用生命总 数的 百分之一(从 0 到 1) LOCAL VARIABLES(局部变量) Many variables that are mon to one context are not necessarily mon to another context. Not all variables are standard. In fact, some nodes have local variables, which will be listed in the help cards on a node-by-node basis.(不是所有 的变量都是标准的。事实上,一些节点有局部变 量,将在一个节点上的帮助卡中列出了节点的基 础。 ) We can also use functions designed specifically for accessing attributes: point() detail() vertex() or prim() 真的不掉线吗 ? ?、? 2004 年“希望杯”小学五年级初赛试题 以下每题 5 分,共 120


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