



七年级英语下册 Units5-7 作文集 1.假设你是七年级学生,有良好的生活习惯。 如早上按时起床,早饭按时上学,下午放学后 回家做作业,有时候看电视等。 以 My Day 为题,写一篇 60 词左右的短文。 参考词:get up, go to school, have lunch, get home, do my homework, go to bed My Day I get up at half past six every morning. Then I have breakfast at about seven. After that, I go to school by bike. In the morning, I have four classes. At about twelve oclock, I have lunch at school. I have two classes in the afternoon. I usually get home at five. In the evening, I do my homework at home. Then I watch TV for a little while. At about half past nine, I go to bed. 类似例文:Someones day: Lilys Day Lily often gets up at hail past six every day. She has breakfast with her parents at seven oclock, and then she goes to school on foot. Classes always begin at ten past eight. Lily usually has lunch at school at about twelve oclock. After school, she often plays ball games with her classmates. Then she gets home at six oclock and has dinner at seven oclock. 2.某学校的失物招领处有一辆 黑色的自行车,望失主前来认领, 电话:568-7329. 请你以此内容写一篇招领启事。 类似例文: 3.校园的生活丰富多彩, 七年级 6 班和 7 班在这周五下午 要在学校体育馆举行一场篮球赛。 请你写一张海报(poster) ,包括比赛时间、地点。 4.你的校园生活怎么样?你认为它有趣吗?请你以 My School Life 为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的 课内鱼课外生活,让我们一起感受一下你的校园生活。 不少于 60 词。 (文中不得出现真实的 自己或者学校的真实信息) 。 My School Life My name is Tina. Im in Class 3, Grade 7. My school life is very interesting. Classes begin at 7:50 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We study many subjects. They are politics, art, history, geography, biology and other subjects. I like art and I often draw pictures with my classmates. After school, I play basketball on the play ground with my friends. My teachers are all very friendly to us. I like my school life very much. 例文 I Love My School Life My school life is very interesting. We begin our classes at eight o clock every day. We have many subjects. Theyre English, math, Chinese, biology and some other subjects. After school, we often play football, basketball and so on. Look! Some girls are under the big terr. They are singing, and some boys are playing football on the playground. I like my school very much. 5.校报栏目 Weekly Star,向全校学生征文。要求介绍自己的日常学习、生活、爱好等。请以 Lucy 的身份投稿,写一篇介绍自己的短文。 不少于 60 个词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总 Found A black bike Please call the Lost and Found. The telephone number is 568-7329 Poster A basketball game between Class 6 and Class 7, Grade Seven. Place: School Gym Day: Friday Time: 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Lost A red bike My name is Maria. Please call 336-9078 Thank you! 词数. Dear Weekly Star, Im very glad to write to you. I am Lucy from Class Six, Grade Seven. Im thirteen. I do well in all my subjects, but I like English best. I think its very interesting. I often go to the English corner on Sundays. I like animals. I have a little cat. I think animals are our friends. I like music, too. I like playing the guitar. After supper, I usually play the guitar for half an hour. Yours, Lucy 6.假如你是 Susan,你们全家刚刚喜迁新居。请给你的朋友 Bob 写一封信,描述你的新家及你特 别喜欢的房间。 60 个词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Bob, Im very glad to tell you we move to a new house. My house is very big. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room and a big study. My favorite room is the big study. There is a computer in the study. Next to the computer, there is a shelf. On the shelf there are some books. I like reading books there after school. There is a beautiful garden in front of my house. There are many trees and flowers in it. Its a nice house. We all like it very much. Yours, Susan 例文 1.My home I live in a big house in a village with my parents. There are eight rooms in my house. They are two bedrooms, two living rooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. There is a big TV , a table and some sofas in the big living room. there are many books, a desk, a chair and a computer in the study. We often read books or work on the computer in it. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a desk, a chair and some other things. I like my bedroom and I like my house, too. 2. My name is Zhang Yutao. I live in an apartment building in a big city. There is a big city. There is a big garden in front of my building. The people here are friendly. In the city, there are many libraries, museums, restaurants and so on. I can buy all kinds of things, study in good schools and see a doctor in good hospitals. But in the country, there arent supermarkets, good schools or hospital. They are very important for our life. So I like living in the city. 3. My name is Ma Liping. Now I live in the country. In the country, a family can live in a farmhouse with a big yard. There is fresh air, and it is very quiet to live here. In the city, a family usually lives in a small apartment. There are too many cars and people on the street, so the traffic is very high. I think living in the country is fun. 7.请根据以下内容写一则广告: 李海在北京打工,他想租一间 价格为每月 600 元以下的单人间。 他的手机号码是 8.为创建和谐社会,全国各地建设居民小区越来越多了。假设你居住在某一小区,清以 Our Community 为题,从小区周围的建筑及环境两个方面写一篇 60 个词左右的短文。 I live in an apartment building in Hexie Community. There is a book store, a supermarket, a bank, a hospital and many restaurants near here. Our community is very beautiful. The roads are wide and clean. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the garden. And my neighbors are very friendly. I love my life here. Welcome to our community! 9.根据中英文提示,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。60 个词左右。 内容包括:1. 我和妈 妈正在散步; 2,在路上遇见一个外国人;3.他向我们询问温泉饭店?(the Hot Spring Hotel) WANTED Looking for a single room. Under 600 yuan per month. Please call Li Hai at的路;4.我告诉他沿着这条路往前走,在第三个十字路口向左拐就能看见饭店;5.他非常感谢 我,我也为能帮助他而感到高兴。 参考词汇: go out for a walk, on the road, the way to, walk along, on the left, thank for, be happy to I am going out for a walk with my mother. On the road, we meet a foreigner(外国人) He asks me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. I tell him that he can walk along road and turn left at the third crossing, and then he will see the hotel. He thanks me very much for my help. I am happy to help him. 10.假如星期六是你的生日,你准备邀请你的好朋友 Lucy 来参加你的生日聚会,告诉她怎样才 能到你家。不少于 50 词。 写作提示:1.都有谁来参加你的聚会;2.坐什么车来;3.你家周围 都有什么明显的标志性建筑物。 参考词汇:ask, take a taxi, betweenand, miss Dear Lucy, My birthday is coming, so Im asking some good friends to come to the party on Saturday evening. I will tell you the way to my house. First, take a taxi from your house. Then, pass a bank on your right and go down Zhongshan Street. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. My house is between the park and the bank. Its on your right. You cant miss it. Yours, Sally. 11.假设你是 Mary,请根据你所给提示给你在伦敦的父母写封邮件让父母了解一下你在上海的 生活,可适当发挥。70 字左右。 你可以从以下几方面去谈:1.你在上海的校园生活情况;2. 和周围人相处的如何;3.对上海的感受。 Dear Mom and Dad, How are you? I want to tell you something about my life in Shanghai. Im fine in Shanghai. Dont worry about me. The people here are friendly. I have lessons five days a week. My classmates often teach me to learn Chinese and I teach them English. They all like to make friends with me. After school, we often do many interesting outdoor activities. Shanghai is a big and beautiful city. There are lots of big supermarkets. I also go shopping with my classmates. I like the life here. Please e-mail me soon! Yours, Mary 12.张华携家人来到北京工作, 想租一套家具齐全,适合三口之家的房子, 请帮助他写一则求租广告,电话号码是 138674532110 13.你是不是有一个温馨而漂亮的家呢?请 根据下列参考词汇把你家所处的位置、房 间的分布和主要物体的摆设介绍给大家。 词数 70 个左右。参考词汇:kitchen, living room, study, bedroom, bathroom, TV, computer, books I live in an apartment building. There is a big living room in my house. We often watch TV in this room. there is a kitchen next to the living room. behind the kitchen, theres a bathroom. There are two bedrooms. One is for my parents, and the other is mine. The study is next to my bedroom. There is a computer and many books in the study. My house is beautiful. Do you like it? 14.假设今天是 6 月 9 号事你的生日,你举办了一个 party 并邀请(invite)你最好的朋友 Judy 来参加。Judy 给你带来了一件礼物。它是一个长方形的 MP4,长 9 厘米, 宽 6 厘米,你非常 喜欢它。请根据中文提示和下面括号内的短语写一篇 60 个词左右的短文。 (have a party, invite(/invait/邀请 )to, give a present to, 6cm wide, very much, have a good time) Today is June 9th. I have a party, because it is my birthday. I invite my best friend Judy to come to my party. She gives a present to me. It is an MP4. It is 9cm long and 6cm wide. I like it very much. Wanted Looking for a house with furniture for a family of three. Please call Zhang Hua. Tel: 138674532110 At the party, we sing and dance. We have a good time together. 15.学校文体部要招聘一名文体委员,要求多才多艺。Linda 想去应聘,请你根据所给提示写一 篇 60 个词左右的演讲稿。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1.Can do: sing very well, plan the piano, draw, play football 2. Cant do :play volleyball Hello, everyone! My name is Linda. Im very glad to be here. I can sing very well and play the piano. I like drawing and I can draw nice pictures. I often draw pictures for our class. I also like sports. I am a girl, but I can play football with boys. I cant play volleyball, but Im trying to learn it. Thats all. Thank you! 16.上个星期天是 Mrs. King 的生日。当她下班回家的时候,她惊喜地发现桌上摆满了丰盛的晚 餐。 她的两个孩子还为她准备了一个大生日蛋糕。请根据以上提示发挥想象,用参考词汇写 一篇短文。 参考词汇:open, food, giveto,sing, birthday, happy, enjoy Last Sunday was Mrs. Kings birthday. Mrs. King came home from work very late. When she opened the door, she found many kinds of delicious food on the table. Her daughter and son, Jenny and Tom gave a big cake to her. Mrs. King put the cake on the table. Jenny and Tom sang “Happy Birthday” to her. Mrs. King was very happy. And she enjoyed the nice cake with her daughter and soon. 例文: My Mothers Birthday Its November second today. Its my mothers birthday. I want to celebrate it. I want to buy a beautiful sweater for her, but I dont have any money. So I think I can make a present by myself for her. The present is a beautiful card with some words on it. When I give the card to my mother, she is very happy. I love her very much! 17.写出两件两年前你会做的事,两件你不会做但是现在你会做的事及一件两年前不会做,现 在仍不会做的事。共五个句子。1. I could dance to disco two years ago.2. I could perform kung fu two years ago. 3. I couldnt play the piano two years ago.4. I couldnt skate two years ago but now I can. 5. I couldnt speak Japanese two years ago and I still cant speak it now. 例文: Li Ming can play the guitar well, but he cant play the piano. He couldnt perform ballet when he was four years old, but he can do it now. He could sing Chinese songs two years ago and he can sing English songs now. he is a smart boy and he could count from 1 to 100 when he was three. He is my good friend. I can learn a lot from him. 18.昨晚(5 月 23 日,星期六)你们在学校操场为刚来任教的两名美国外教老师举办了一个欢 迎晚会。在晚上,同学们唱歌跳舞、朗诵诗歌,外教老师们和你们一起做游戏等。请发挥想象, 写一篇 60 词左右的日记。 1. Sunday,May 24 th It was Saturday yesterday. We had an even


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