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最新苏科版七年级数学上册4.3.2和差倍分问题同步练习有答案第2课时和差倍分问题知识点和差倍分问题1小明买书需用34元钱,付款时恰好用了1元和5元的纸币共10张,设所用的1元纸币为x张,根据题意,下面所列方程正确的是()Ax10(x50)34 Bx5(10x)34Cx5(x10)34 D5x(10x)342用一根长12 cm的铁丝围成一个长方形,使得长方形的宽是长的12,则这个长方形的面积是()A4 cm2 B6 cm2 C8 cm2 D12 cm23某学校今年和去年共购置了100台计算机,已知今年购置计算机的数量是去年购置计算机数量的3倍,则今年购置计算机的数量是()A25台 B50台 C75台 D100台4一份数学试卷有20道选择题,规定答对一题得5分,不做或做错一题扣1分,结果某学生得分为76分,则他做对的题数为()A16道 B17道 C18道 D19道5学校举行“大家唱大家跳”文艺会演,设置了歌唱与舞蹈两类节目,全校师生一共表演了30个节目,其中歌唱类节目比舞蹈类节目的3倍少2个,则全校师生表演的歌唱类节目有_个. 62016荆门为了改善办学条件,学校购置了笔记本电脑和台式电脑共100台,已知笔记本电脑的台数比台式电脑的台数的14还少5台,则购置的笔记本电脑有_台7兄弟二人今年分别为15岁和6岁,多少年后哥哥的年龄是弟弟年龄的2倍? 8某课外小组女同学的人数原来占全组人数的13,加入4名女同学后,女同学的人数就占全组人数的12,则课外小组原来的人数是()A35 B12 C37 D389. 小明同学在某月的日历上圈出了三个相邻的数a,b,c,并求出了它们的和为42,则这三个数在日历中的排列位置不可能的是() 图43110. 一次选拔考试的及格率为25%,及格者的平均分数比规定的及格分数多15分,不及格者的平均分数比规定的及格分数少25分,又知全体考生的平均分数是60分,求这次考试规定的及格分数是多少 11一群学生前往某工地进行社会实践活动,男生戴白色安全帽,女生戴红色安全帽休息时他们坐在一起,大家发现了一个有趣的现象:每名男生看到白色与红色的安全帽一样多,而每名女生看到白色的安全帽是红色的2倍,根据上述信息,请你推测这群学生共有多少人 1B2.C3C解析 设今年购置计算机的数量是x台,则去年购置计算机的数量是(100x)台根据题意,得x3(100x),解得x75.故选C.4A解析 设他做对的题数为x道,则不做或做错了(20x)道根据题意,得5x(20x)76,解得x16,即他做对的题数为16道522解析 设歌唱类节目有x个,则舞蹈类节目有(30x)个根据题意,得x3(30x)2, 解得x22, 即歌唱类节目有22个616解析 设购置的笔记本电脑有x台,则购置的台式电脑为(100x)台依题意,得x14(100x)5,即2054x0,解得x16.购置的笔记本电脑有16台故答案为16.7解:设x年后,哥哥的年龄是弟弟年龄的2倍,则x年后哥哥的年龄是(15x)岁,弟弟的年龄是(6x)岁由题意,得2(6x)15x,解得x3.答:3年后哥哥的年龄是弟弟年龄的2倍8B.9B.10 解:设考生人数为a,及格分数为x分根据题意,得25%a(x15)75%a(x25)60a,解得x75.答:这次考试规定的及格分数是75分11解:设男生有x人,则女生有(x1)人根据题意,得x2(x11),解得x4.x13.437(人)答:这群学生共有7人 精编2018-2019年七年级英语上第一次月考试卷七年级 英 语 (考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)Class: Name: Marks: 注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息。2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。第卷(选择题 共85分)I. 单项选择。(A)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15小题,每题2分,共30分)( )1._ is he? He is my friend.A. What B. Where C. Who D. How( )2. Mary and Joy are _ Class One. They are _ the U.S.A.A. from; in B. in; from C. to; from D. in; to( )3. _ Yes, Im Mike.A. Whats your name? B. What are you? C. How are you? D. Are you Mike?( )4.Is this _ car? Yes, its _ English car.A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a( )5.What are those? _ are cakes.A. These B. We C. Those D. They( )6.Whats that _ English? Its a desk.A. from B. to C. in D. /( )7. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说: “_”。A. Thanks. B. Good. C. Yes. D. No.( )8.Is her name Sally? _A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, its. D. No, it isnt.( )9. Im in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, _?A. either B. too C. and D. also( )10. Welcome to Beijing! _A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. Thanks.C. Fine, thanks. D. Yes, I am.( )11. _, are you Michael? No, Im not. Im Ben.A. How are you B. OK C. Excuse me D. Thanks( )12. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. _ is from Beijing.A. She B. He C. Her D. His( )13. Linda is fifteen _.A. year B. years C. years old D. year old( )14. _ . B-O-O-K,book.A. Can you spell it, please? B.Whats this in English?B. How do you spell it? D. How are you? ( )15. What _ is Maria in? She is in _ Six.A. Class; Class B. Class; class C. class; class D. class; Class(B)选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项。(5小题,每题1分,共5分)( )16.Whats your name? My name is Li Ming.A. You are B. I am C. I is D. She is( )17.Thank you very much. You are welcome.A. Thats OK. B. Fine, thanks. C. Nice to see you. D. Good morning( )18.How are you? Fine,thanks.A. Yes, she is. B. Goodbye! C. No,she isnt. D. Im OK.( )19.Here you are. Thanks.A. Thats OK. B. Thank. C. Thank you. D. Bye.( )20.Theyre Maria and Jane.A.They am B. They is C. They are D.You are. 完形填空。(10小题,每题1分,共10分) Hello! 21 name is Li Ying. Im twelve. Im from Kunming. Now Im in Beijing No.14 High School. Im 22 Class Five, Grade Seven. Miss Gao 23 my English teacher. She is 24 old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 25 in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too. 26 is from Guangzhou. She is my good 27 . We are in 28 same class. Now she can 29 English well(好). I think(认为) she is a good girl. Look! 30 is that? She is Liu Ping.( )21. A. I B. My C. Your D. Me( )22. A. from B. to C. not D. in( )23. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )24. A. a B. an C. good D. /( )25. A. buses B. desks C. schoolbags D. pencils( )26. A. He B. His C. She D. Her( )27. A. friend B. teacher C. student D. mom( )28. A. these B. the C. an D. a( )29. A. spell B. speak C. help D. see( )30. A. How B. What C. Where D. Who . 阅读理解(15小题,每题2分,共30分) AName Age From TelZhong Nan 40 Beijing 8876-5342Gao Ming 13 Shanghai 5673-6981Martin 28 England 7342-6979( )31. Gao Ming is from _. A. the U.S.A. B. Japan C. China D. Canada( )32. Martin is _. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. American D. English( )33. Is Zhong Nan from China? A. No, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, it is.( )34. How old is Zhong Nan? A. 8876-5342 B. 13 C. 28 D. 40( )35. His telephone number is 5673-6981. Who is he?A. He is Martin. B. He is Zhong Nan. C. He is Gao Ming. D. He is 40.BHello! My name is Joy. Im a girl. Im eleven. Im in Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is my friend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Whos that? Oh, shes my mom. Shes a Chinese(语文, 中文) teacher.( )36. _ is in Class Eight, Grade Seven.A. Joan B. John C. Joy D. Joe( )37. Joan is Joys _.A. teacher B. friend C. student D. mom( )38. Joan is _. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen( )39. Joys English teacher is _.A. Miss White B. Miss Green C. Joys mom D. Joan( )40. Joys mother is _.A. an English teacher B. a friendC. a student D. a Chinese teacher CHello! My name is John Brown. Im from England. Im an English teacher. Im in Beijing International School.My telephone number is 8523-3237. Zhang Hao, Alice and Yingzi are my students. Im Zhang Hao. My English name is Peter. Im eleven years old. Im from Beijing. My telephone number is 8876-5342.Alice Brown is my name. Im twelve. Im from Canada. My mom is a teacher. My telephone number is 7342-6979.Im Yingzi. Im fourteen years old. Im from Japan. 5673-6981 is my telephone number.( )41. Where is John Brown from?America B. China C. England D. Japan( )42. Peter is a .A. girl B. teacher C. mom D. student( )43. Alice is a girl. Her telephone number is .A. 5673-6981 B. 8876-5342 C. 7342-6979 D. 8523-3237( )44. How old is Yingzi?A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14.( )45.下面哪一项叙述是不正确的?A. John Brown is an English teacher. B. Zhang Hao is from China.C. Alice is a teacher. D. Yingzi is a girl student. . 补全对话。(5小题,每题2分,共10分,其中有两个选项多余)A. Welcome to China.B. Whats your telephone number?C. Are you Maria?D. Whats your name, please?E. Thats OK.F. Where are you from?G. How are you?A: Excuse me, 46. B: My name is Maria. A: 47. B: Im from Cuba.A: 48. B:It is 4383927.A: 49. B: Thank you very much.B: 50. 46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._第卷(非选择题 共65分)V. 词汇(A)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5小题,每题2分,共10分)51


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