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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 教你写出优秀自荐信 一、自荐信规格、建议用 b5 纸或 尺寸小于自荐信封面的纸张,用激光打 印机输出,页面要简洁,布局合理。 二、自荐信主要应包括:自荐信、 个人简历、本专业介绍、学习成绩、各 种奖励、证书、作品等的复印件。 三、自荐信的格式。自荐信的格 式和一般书信大致相同,即称呼、正文、 结尾、落款。开头要写明用人单位人事 部门领导,如“ 某单位负责同志:您好 ” 等字样,结尾写上“ 祝工作顺利 ”等祝愿 的话,并表示热切希望有一个面试的机 会,最后写明自己的学校、通讯联系地 址、姓名和时间。 四、自荐信的内容。自荐信的主 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 要内容应包括自己具有用人单位所需要 的哪些条件、才能及自己对工作的态度。 具体地讲大致有以下几个方面: 简单的自我介绍,包括姓名、 性别、出生年月、政治面貌、学历、毕 业院校、所学专业、特长爱好、主要优 缺点等。 简述自己对该单位感兴趣的原 因。 说明自己期望能在该单位供职。 五、如何写好自荐信。成功的自 荐信应该表明自己乐意同将来的同事合 作,并愿意为事业而奉献自己的聪明才 智。 应注意以下几点: 态度诚恳,措辞得当。 着眼现实,有针对性。 实事求是,言之有物。 富有个性,不落俗套。 言简意赅,字迹工整。 最后祝你成功! -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 参考范文: 尊敬的领导: 我是江西建设职业技术学院学计 算机专业的一名毕业生,我性格内向, 是一个不善于言谈表达的人,在面向人 才竞争的社会中,我深知会吃亏,也正 因如此,我才有 应聘销售人员一职的自荐信格式 写出高质量的作品不是一项简单 的工作,以下几方面正是你该注意的: when you begin to write, your mind may give you random, disjointed thoughts. your ideas probably wont come out logically or sequentially, but write them down as they appear, without worrying about order or logic. dont judge and evaluate, simply collect them. later youll evaluate, sort, and organize them. at this stage you just want to get them down on paper, on tape, or on computer disk. it is easier for most people to write this way, because the creative part of your -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 brain isnt very logical, and the logical part of your brain isnt very creative. dont expect your mind to perform both functions at once . use the “card trick” to organize your thoughts sometimes it helps to put all your thoughts on individual index cards, exactly as they come to mind. later, you can sort the cards to get a finished product, eliminating cards that dont fit. this is also a beautiful way to write a magazine or journal article with very little stress-and very little “writers block,” because nothing you write down has to be said perfectly or accurately. everything can be sharpened up later. your first goal is simply to collect your rough thoughts. once youve accomplished that, heres what to do next: 1. spend time on your letter. someone once said, “with part-time effort, -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 you get part-time results.” this is especially true in letter writing. you can expect to spend several hours, or even several days, on a letter. 2. write a draft, then let it cool off overnight. 3. rewrite if necessary. 4. use a strong close, like these: “after you have had a chance to review this letter, i will call you to get your reactions.” “i will call your office next week to arrange a time when we might be able to get together. if you have any questions before that, please call me at 771-4357.” 5. avoid weaker endings like these: “please call me at your earliest convenience.” “i believe that a meeting could prove to be mutually profitable, and ask that, if you agree, you contact me so that we can arrange a convenient time.” “thank you for your consideration. i am available for a personal interview at your -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 earliest convenience and look forward to hearing from you.” “in the next week or two when your schedule permits, lets meet and discuss my aspirations in more detail. please give me a call.” “i look forward to your reply.” 6. ask for opinions, advice, and feedback from friends, and from sales, marketing, and advertising experts. 7. mail a small sample to test your letter. this is important. a consultant friend once mailed 76,000 brochures at a cost of nearly $15,000, and only got three responses. what a shame! the material was poorly written, badly designed, and poorly tested. test your letters before you roll them out on a large scale. 8. if youre getting the kind of response you want, mail larger numbers. 9. enclose a response form to increase your response. 10. remail the same letter to the -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 same people two or three times. repetition often helps. 11. dont mark letters “personal and confidential,” unless theres a solid reason why they cant be opened by a secretary. if the letter is persuasive enough, it will get through. give yourself time you cant expect to produce an exceptional document overnight. letter- writing is actually harder than resume- writing because youre starting with a clean slate. in resume-writing at least you have your background-which is definite- to work with. in letter writing, you start with nothing. letters can be about anything. thats why theyre so difficult. i once took a class called “how to market a book.” the class focused on writing query letters to publishers to get a book contract. the course lasted six weeks and met for two hours each week. i spent -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 8 several hours per week on homework- staying up all night several nights-and the end product was a one-page sales letter to publishers. lots of work for just one letter. i mailed the letter to about 30 publishers and got 13 responses. no one bought the book, but one publisher did offer to publish it for royalties only , which i declined. that book was the forerunner of this one. writers often say, “i dont like writing, but i like having written.” thats how many of us feel. writing can be hard work. dont take it lightly, and dont feel bad if you cant write a high-impact marketing letter in half an hour. neither can professional copywriters! writing is a profession, like rocket science. dont expect to learn or perfect it overnight. dont copy someone elses letter take these letters as samples and modify them to fit yourself, but dont copy -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 9 them verbatim. ive found that people who copy someone elses letter seldom get a good response, regardless of how good the letter is. be original. it would be easy to take the letters in this collection and use them word-for- word. that would be quick, but probably not effective. your letter has to be “you.” it should sound like you, feel like you, read like you-because you have to follow it with a phone call, or answer questions about it. so, dont send a really “hot,” aggressive letter if youre introverted and laid-back. youll have trouble following up on the letter and you may not come across well. send a letter that mirrors your style- and only you can write that letter. get professional help if youre a skilled writer, fine. the project may be easy for you. but if youre not, you may need help. consider hiring a -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 10 professional freelance writer to help you compose and edit your letters, but not to do them for you. where can you begin to look? call your local ad club for the names of direct mail freelance writers. read the classifieds in writers digest. check the yellow pages under “writers.” contact your local writers guild. check with local advertising and pr firms. they use lots of freelancers. newspaper and magazine editors know writers too. 保持目标 当你开始写你的求职信的时候, 直入主题。解释你为什么写这封求职信 并将你感兴趣的职位头衔写在里面。你 可能还想要说一下你是在哪儿听到这份 工作的:”i am writing to express my interest in the sales manager position advertised on your web site. i have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.” -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 11 和你技能相匹配 一封求职信是你向雇主证明你是 最好人选的好机会,因此确定该职位的 技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,将你 以前和这些技能相关的工作经历的具体 介绍,并且最后以类似这样的话总结: ”i am confident that these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.” 展示英语能力 如果要求你写一封求职信,那可 是显示你流畅的写作技巧和专业特性的 绝好的机会。记住,无论如何,冗长的 句子并不一定代表流畅。你的句子要短 而精;不要试图用你太过于复杂的句子 来让人影响深刻,否则的话会让读者有 疲劳和困惑的感觉的。 销售自己 当你写求职信的时候,你应该总 是记得你的任务是-推销自己!陈述你 能为雇主所做的,而不是相反,将能让 你脱颖而出。使用行为动词例如 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 12 facilitated,developed 和 managed 来描 述你工作的职责,并自信的表示例如”i strongly believe i possess the right combination of skills and experience you are looking for” 校正 坐下来,马上写然后马上发出你 的求职信将保证发生一件事-错误!一 旦你写了求职信,确定你稍后会校正一 下或是请你的朋友看一下。仔细看拼写 和语法错误并确定写的不会太长。最好, put yourself in the employers shoes,或 假设你是雇主,并决定是否你想要雇佣 一名写了这求职信的应聘者。如果不想, 回过去并重新改写直到你写出一封令人 入胜的求职信! 优秀求职信范文: 尊敬的领导: 您好您能在百忙之中展阅这份自 荐书,是我无限的荣幸,更是我长久的 期盼。我怀着希望和自信,接受您的挑 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 13 选。 呈现在您眼前的不仅仅是材料, 更是我用心血和汗水、热情和奋斗书写 的一段光辉历史。五年大学,花样年华 在我失败与成功、痛苦与快乐、徘徊与 执著、迷茫与思索、漫长而短暂的求学 生涯中,我孜孜以求,不惜奋斗。 “一份 耕耘,一份收获” ,我的付出终有了些 回报: 连获六学期甲等,两学期乙等奖 学金,期期成绩排名全班第一的我,得 到同学和老师的赞赏,连续五年担任年 级学生会生活部部长,锻炼了我的工作 及组织管理能力,培养了我的高度的责 任心。注重综合素质的我频频在演讲比 赛、辩论赛、歌咏比赛及科研活动中获 奖,获大学生综合素质三星级证书。身 为“校园之声 ”广播台记者,科技协会及 演讲与口才协会会员的我,更在各种社 会实践及社会活动不断完善自我,超越 自我,创造自我相信识才善用,阅 历丰富的伯乐您,定已发现我这匹千里 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 14 马非常之处。 理论与实践相结合是我的特色, 高度的责任心和进取心是我的本色,我 自信能成为一名优秀的医生。 品学兼优的我敬候您的回音。 此致 敬礼 *敬上 *年*月*日 教你如何写出一篇优秀的论坛推 广帖子 随着电子商务的发展,软文营销 的需求量与日俱增,软文的质量要求也 变得越来越重视。一篇好的论坛推广软 文,需要达到推广的目的才算是好的, 不然,再美丽的文字无人问津也是一场 梦。 在较早前的文章就阐述过有效软 文的巨大作用:一是传播推广品牌;二 是结合 seo,能迅速优化排名,抢占搜 索引擎有利位置;三是引发事件,产生 病毒扩散效果。如何把软文的力量发挥 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 15 的淋漓尽致?如何让软文营销的主体达 到最好的效果?这归根到底,还要从如 何才能写出一篇好的论坛软文说起。 第一、选择读者感兴趣的话题 要保证你即将写的软文是有灵魂 的,不是零碎的文字加条广告链接进去 就行了。这些软文先不要说给读者了, 恐怕在连网站的站长一关都过不了,那 就更不用幻想会出现被读者点击和软文 被广泛传播的下文了。其次,话题要具 有独创性,不要说如有雷同,纯属巧合。 这样软文和你 ctrl+c 和 ctrl+v 的简单动 作有什么区别?笔者坚持原创性,坚持 用独特创意的话题创作。不可否认,只 要对读者有帮助的,对他们有一定意义, 这样的内容读者看了有反应,读者认同 你的文章,还怕软文没有效果吗? 第二、吸引人眼球的标题 确定软文的话题后,就要为其想 一个让人感兴趣的标题。好的标题也是 成功的一半。要把握网民的心理和习惯, 同时整合、锤炼文章的主要内容和亮点 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 16 来拟标题。也许,大家会想到了百试不 厌的“标题党 ”那样的方式。最讨厌就是 标题党,个人认为只有文章没有实际内 容的人,才会采取这样的方式去赚钱读 者的点击。更悲剧的是,即使读者点击 了,发现上当了,你软文再好读者也会 有被欺骗的心理,不会认同文章。所以, 标题党的做法是自寻死路。 关于标题的拟法,在较早前的 网络营销文案标题写作七大原则九大 技巧里提到五大原则和九大技巧。但 是论坛软文也有其特殊性,笔者的经验 是把标题简洁化、清晰化、关联化。站 在专业的角度,把标题用简洁干练的语 言清晰的、全面的诠释出来,感兴趣的 读者自然会点击。真实、不做假,读者 才会接受,读者接受这就让你的软文成 功一半了。总之,吸引眼球的标题的是 论坛软文的重要部分之一。 第三、流畅的阅读感 要达到流畅的阅读感,需要一定 的文字功底和符合网民习惯的浏览排版 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 17 方式。看到一篇文章,如果排版是乱七 八糟的,阅读起来是要打起十二分精神 的话,估计不会有多少人会看下去,太 费劲了。建议排版可以采用图文结合的 形式,毕竟现在是读图时代,图片赚取 的眼球要比文字来得要快。还有软文文 字需要把握读者的阅读习惯,简单明了, 表达有连贯性,符合网络快速阅读习惯。 语言的表达方式可以根据软文的内容需 要,可幽默可严谨。要注意 的是,不要一开始就不要扯上你 的目的,不能让人一眼看出你就是个打 广告的。把握好阅读的节奏,当读者有 兴趣的读下去时,自然的衔接或者插入 关键的名称和链接,既可以让读者看完 又能达到软文目的。


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