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Unit 2 CloningPartI : Vocabulary一、【学习目标】1. 熟读Unit2的所有单词和词组;2. 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3. 会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】: Word-formation1. exact adj. _ adv.精确地2. commercial adj. _ n.商业;贸易3. carrier n. _ v.携带;搬运4. cast vt. _ pt. _ pp.扔;投;掷5. correct adj./v. _ n.改正;修正6. object vi. _ n.反对;不赞成_adj.客观的_opp.主观的7. medium n. _ pl.媒介8. obtain vt. _ adj.可获得的;可赢得的9. retire vi. _ n.退休;离开10. assume vt. _ n.假定;设想11. popularity n. _ adj.流行的;受欢迎的12. strike v. _ pt. _ pp.打;撞击;罢工13. resist vt. _ n.对抗;抵抗_adj.对抗的;反抗的 14. decoration n. _v.装饰15. reasonable adj. _ n.原因16. differ vi. _ adj.不同的 _ adv.不同地_n.不同;相异 17. undertake vt. _ pt. _ pp.着手;从事;承担;保证_ n.承担者18. conservative adj. _v.保存;保持;保护_n.保存;保持;保护19. forbid vt. _ pt. _ pp.禁止;不准20. identical adj._v.鉴定;识别_n.身份;一致21. accumulate v._n.积累;聚集22. adore v._n.崇拜;爱慕_adj.可爱的;值得崇拜的;可敬重的三、【基础知识】Key words and expressions 1. differ vi._ 【研读思考】(1) Her method doesnt differ much from mine. (2) The brothers differ in their interests.(3) French differs from English in this respect. (4) They differ with each other on/about/over moral standards.【结构归纳】1.与不同_ 2. 在方面不同_3.与 在方面不同_ 4. 与某人在某事上看法不同_ 【实战演练】(1) The climate here _.这里的气候与南方的不同。(2) _ whether to build a new factory, he was forced to give in. 虽然他在是否修建新工厂的事情上与其他领导有着不同的观点,但最后还是被迫让步。2. undertake vt._ 【研读思考】(1) University professors both teach and undertake research. (2) This task is difficult to undertake.(3) He undertook to finish the work by Friday.(4) I can undertake that you will enjoy the trip.【结构归纳】1.从事研究工作_ 2. 承担一个任务/责任_3.从事/承担某事_4. 同意、答应或着手做某事_5.保证_【实战演练】(1) _ is an entirely new endeavor. 我们现在所从事的是一项全新的事业。(2) _ the case, you must be ready to suffer from hardship. 如果你同意调查这个案子,你必须做好忍受苦难的准备。3. objection n._【研读思考】(1) Nobody has raised an objection to my doing it up to now. (2) I feel a strong objection to getting up early.(3) I have/make no objection to the plan, so long as it would not cost too much.(4) I object to all the noises. (5) I really object to our being charged for parking.(6) I objected that he was too young for the position.【结构归纳】1.对提出异议(n.)_ 2.对表示反对(n.)_3.不反对(n.)_4.反对,不赞成某人/某事(v.)_5.反对,不赞成(某人)做某事(v.)_6.反对(v.)_ _【实战演练】(1) The match was cancelled because most of the members _without a standard court. (object) 比赛被取消了,因为很多成员反对没有标准球场而进行比赛。(2) What surprised us was that it was the employees not the boss _the pay.(objection) 令我们奇怪的是不是老板而是雇员们反对加工资。4. forbid vt._【研读思考】(1) Her father forbade the marriage.(2) My doctor has forbidden me sugar.(3) I will forbid you to leave unless you apologize for what you have done.(4) Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.(5) He forbids smoking during office hours.(6) I forbid that you should enter the room.(7) Its forbidden to sell tobacco to children under 18.【结构归纳】1.禁止,不允许某事_ 2.禁止某人某事_3.禁止某人做某事_4.禁止做某事_5.禁止_(从句中用_ 语气,即_)6.做某事是禁止的_【实战演练】(1) Little _ whatever I like except when I read books long. 无论我喜欢做什么,妈妈很少禁止我做,除非我长时间看书。(2) _ leaving the country, he is now very upset. 由于他被禁止出境,他现在很不开心。5. owe vt._【研读思考】(1) These early settlers owed their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.(2) The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors.(3) She still owes her father $3000.(4) I owed it to you that you have carried all the documents for me.(5) Owing to a lack of funds, the project will not continue next year.【结构归纳】1. 把归功于_ 2.欠某人某物_/_3.多亏某人._ 4.由于;因为_【实战演练】(1) She _ who are cooperative, creative and diligent.她把他们的成功归因与她的队友们,因为他们具有合作精神,创造精神,而且很勤奋。6. bother vt. _ n. _【研读思考】(1) You didnt bother me. On the contrary, I like your company.(2) He is always bothering me to lend him money. (3)Tom was used to being outside all day, and did not bother to wash or change his clothes.(4) Im too busy to bother about/with fixing it now.(5) He didnt want to bother her with his financial problems on their honeymoon.(6) It bothers me that he hasnt been telling me the truth.【结构归纳】1.打扰或麻烦某人_ 2.纠缠某人做某事_3.操心做某事_(常用语否定句中)4.为操心,花费精力_5.为某事打扰或麻烦某人_6. 使某人苦恼的是_【实战演练】(1) You _ come to my office.你不必特地来我一趟。(2) _ my old grandmother lives alone in that shabby house,想到我奶奶一个人住在那个破房子里我就坐立不安。(3) I dont want to _ at the moment.我此刻不想让他为我的病操心。7. resist vt. _【研读思考】(1) She could not resist the temptation.(2) I have a sweet tooth and cant resist eating chocolate and ice cream whenever I see them. 【结构归纳】1. 抵制某物_ 2.抵制做某事_3.忍不住做某事_;_【实战演练】(1) He couldnt _his new car the moment he got the key.他一拿到车钥匙就忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。8. pay off _【研读思考】(1) At worst we will have to sell the house so as to pay off our debts.(2) Her design won the first prize in the competition. Years of patience and hard work had at last paid off.(3) He had to work part-time so as to pay for his education.(4) You can pay back the loan over a period of 3 years.(5) That I can pay back people who helped me makes me happy.(6) I will pay him back for making me like a fool in front of everyone.(7) You will pay a price for what you said today.【结构归纳】1.还清债务_ 2.得到好结果,取得成功,没有白费_3.付的钱_ 4.偿还;报答;报复_5.为.付出代价_【实战演练】(1) - Believe me, all your efforts will _ some day. -Thanks for your encouragement. A. pay back B. pay off C. pay for D. pay down四、【当堂检测】1.与 在方面不同_2.从事/承担某事_3.对提出异议(n.)_4.禁止做某事_5.欠某人某物_


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