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新目标初中英语教案八年级下册Unit 5If you go to the party, you will have a great time!Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 使用I think I will.表达 意愿,学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。2 使用If .will 结构进行对话,学会对未来某事的结果提出自己的观点和看法。3 掌握happen, want to do ,ask sb to do, why not ,的用法;bring,take的区别4 学习因果关系的表达和做出合理的建议。5 使用 If- will结构写对话。6 提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。7 通过学习句型Ifyoull,明白有付出才有回报。8 树立正确的世界观、人生观,对待不同的职业能有正确的认识9 在学习中寻找中西方度假差异,培养学生跨文化意识。10 谈论自己的感受,同时使学生在英语交流中注意并观察他人的情感。11 养成遵守公共秩序的意识。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sources对应单元教学目标TextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c341, 2, 62 2a, 2b, 2c35P.21 I省教科院组编 课程基础训练八年级下册3, 4,103 3a, 3b, 436P.22 I, II,4, 9, 114B 1, 2a,2b,2c37P. 23 I, II左3,7,8, 5 3a, 3b, 3c, 438P .23I, II右4,5 ,8,96Self Check39P.24,25学习自检,学习拓展7, 10, 11TotalAll651-11Feedback这个单元的主要任务是让学生学会运用if引导的条件状语从句。在对这个单元进行总体的教学设计的时候,我注意在每节课当中都给学生适当的任务活动,而且任务的难度是从简单到复杂,从单一到综合,从基础到提高,活动的整体体现了循序渐进的教学原则。在设计的时候,我注意到了培养学生综合运用语言的能力。在完成了四节课的教学后,学生已经能灵活的运用所学句型完成情景对话,游戏,听力,写作等任务。在第三个课时的时候,我给了一些图片让学生看图片,然后用if造句。我的本意是让学生能灵活运用所学的知识,并对此进行拓展的。果然通过前两节课的训练,学生到第三节课已经可以出乎我意料之外的说出很多很好的句子。如:有同学造了这样的句子:If I dont study hard, I will be a thief. 又有同学说:If I become a thief in the future, Ms Dai will be very sad. If Ms Dai is sad, she will be unhealthy. If Ms Dai is unhealthy, I will be sad, too.同学们精彩的句子还有很多很多。由此可以看出我对课文进行这样的整合教学,给出多个任务进行教学的是较很有成效的。当然在采用“任务型”的教学途径的过程中,也有许多环节还需要我在今后的教学中进一步完善,如:活动不应该仅限于课堂教学,而应该延伸到课堂之外的学习和生活中,鼓励学生平日里多说英语,让学生达到“活学活用、学以致用、适时适宜,辅助教学。课堂中游戏不宜过多,时间不易过长,以帮助和记忆教学内容为主题为宜,否则就会喧宾夺主,华而不实。学生天性爱玩,提到游戏不免就会飘飘然,课堂难免会失控,教师必须在游戏前讲明游戏方法、游戏规则及一些奖惩制度等,同时教师要根据时间掌握好游戏的长短。此外,教师的语言很重要,以鼓励和赞赏为主,不断提高他们学习的自信心。游戏的内容及方法可根据班级学生特点而进行适当调整。可以是师与生,可以是生与生,可以是少数人,也可以是多人结组进行的多向交流和合作性的学习,但要注意:第一,要让全班同学都积极行动起来,参与其中,体验快乐。第二,要有层次性,即游戏内容要有深、浅之分,要让不同的学生吃到不同的“饭”。这样在游戏中让学生们培养独立思考和合作探究的创新精神和实践能力,既激发了学生学习的兴趣,又不失为提高英语教学质量的良方。2Plan for every periodPeriod 1Teaching contents:Section A 1a 1b 1cTeaching aims:1. Knowledge aims: Words: organize. Grammar: if clause2. Ability aims:Learn to talk about consequences.3. Emotion aims: Learn to work in groups and share informationII. Main Points1. Language pointsIf clauseIII. Difficult pointsIf clause (the different tenses of verbs)IV. Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidsCAIStep 1 Leading in T: Good morning, boys and girls!T: What is your name? (Ask one student)S: My name is .T: Nice to meet youT: Whats the weather like today?S: It is .T: Do you like English?S: Yes.T: If you like English, you will be interested in English.T: When is your birthday?S1: Its T: Did you have a birthday party?T: Who was born in April?T: I want to have a birthday party for you .Would you like to join us?Ss: Yes, Id love to.T: I think if you go to the party, youll have a great time. T: Now boys and girls. I will organize a party for him/her. Look at my scheduletime3:00 pm. Saturday afternoonplaceIn the parkguestsAll the classmatesthingsBirthday cake, cards, candles, giftsactivitiesSing birthday song, blow out the candles, eat birthday cake1) When will the birthday party begin?Ss: It will begin at 3:00 pm. Saturday afternoon .2) Where are we going to have the party?If we have the party at the classroom, you will feel bored.If we have the party at her/his home, you will be afraid of his/her parents.If we have the party at the park, you will have a great time.3) Who will come to the party?Ss: All the classmates.T: I have a good friend. She is an alien. If I take her to your party, what will happen? Will you run away because you are so scared. Will you hide somewhere and watch the alien all the time? Will you call the police and the newspaper or even to the TV station. If you see the alien, what will happen? Id like you to answer my question like thatS2: If I see the alien, I will .S3: If I see the alien, I will.Would you like to invite her?4) What things do we need for the party?We need birthday cake, cards, candles, gifts5) What activities will you do at the party?If we sing a birthday song for her, she will be very happy.If we eat a birthday cake, we will /shall be very happy.If you eat a birthday cake, will you be very happy.If she eats a birthday cake, she will be very happy.If he eats a birthday cake, he will be very happy.If she blows out the candles in one breath, the wish will become true. Do you believe it? If I bring a big birthday cake, will you be happy?.Step 2 Listening T: Some boys and girls want to go to the party, too. Please open the books and turn to page34. Today were going to learn Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Look at the pictures and match the statements with responses. I think you can finish it very quickly. (1a) Have you finished yet? Let me know your answers. You, please.Ss: T: Thank you. Please listen and check your answers. Were your answers right? If your answers were right, please raise your hands! Well-done!Step 3 I think I am going to walk to the party. Because I live near the park. I walk to school every day.She is going to walk to school, too.But she will be late. We can say: If she walks to school, she will be late.She will be hard-working. She will get A. So we can sayIf she is hard-working, she will get good grades. Look, this is Beijing University.If they study hard, what will happen? If they study hard, they will go to Beijing University. Do you want to go to Beijing University? If you study hard, you will go to Beijing University. If he/she studies hard, he/she will go to Beijing University .If you dont study hard, what will happen?If you dont get enough exercise, what will happen? If you dont get enough exercise, you will be fat. If youre fat, youll be unhappy. I wish you happy every day!If I go to Disneyland, I will be happy.If what, you will be happy.If you play a game , will you be happy? OK! Lets play a game!Step 4Please use if and will to make sentences like this.If you can make one right sentence, I will give you an apple. Pay attention! Please use the words I give you. Boys Vs girls. If you have a sentence, please raise your hands! Are you ready?Lets count how many apples there are . Congratulations.Lets do some exercises.1. If he goes to the party, he_will have (have) a great time.2. Ill buy a computer if I have_(have) enough money.3. If the rain stops (stop) tonight, we will go (go) to the cinema.4. If she _is_ (be) kind to me , I _will not argue_(not argue) with her.5. If you find a wallet on the ground, you will give it to the policeman.Step 5T: Now if you find a wallet on the ground what will you do? Look! If I see a wallet on the ground, I ll try to find the owner. If I find the owner, Ill give it back to her. If I give it back to her, she may give me some money as rewards. If she gives me some money, Ill give it to the charity. If I give it to the charity, Ill be happy. If I am happy, Ill do more good things. Are you interested in it? Lets do a Chain practice. If you study hard, what will happen?I need 5 students. Who would like to join us. Dont be shy! Take it easy! OK, you start like this: A: If I study hard, Thank you!T: I have some topics here you can write some sentences like me. Choose one topic to do the chain work. If you dont like the topic, you can change it. Please work in groups. 6 or 8 students are in one group. Every student should write one or more sentences. Then each group chooses one student to read it. Lets see which group did the best? OK? Let me know your answers. Lets see which group is the best? If I am a famous movie star, If I am an astronaut, If I watch too much TV, If I play computer games, If I play basketball, If I go to the movies, If I get up late, If I study for a test, If I have a picnic, If I have a surprise party for my friends,T: Which group do you think is the best one? Congratulations!Step 7What do we learn in this lesson? Look at the new words and read after melet sb. in 让某人进入have a great time 玩得愉快Today we leaned If clause, we usually use the future tence in the main sentence, and use the present tense in the if clause. For example: I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.or If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home .so we can see that if clause can be put in front of the main sentence. Pay attention: we need a comma. And in the object clause if means 是否 not 如果。T: Todays homework:If I have a lot of money, I will T: I think you all did a good job .you are really wonderful. I really had a great time today! Bye-bye 板书If you go to the party , youll have a great time !If I see the alien, I will run away.If we eat a birthday cake, we will /shall be very happy.If she eats a birthday cake, she will be very happyFeedback 本单元的教学活动旨在让学生能熟练运用if条件状语从句谈论事情的因果关系。科德(Corder,1981)曾经说过,有效的语言教学应适应自然过程。认知理论也认为,英语学习的过程应该是语言能力从理论知识转化为自动应用的过程。第一课时新课导入的开门见山及 Free talk环节的开展让学生迅速领会了if条件状语从句的结构,为进一步的目标语言的综合运用奠定了基础。单一、呆板的教学方法容易使学生失去学习的兴趣, Competition环节和故事接龙和演讲等活动刺激了学生不同的兴奋点,有效抑制了他们的大脑疲劳,并使他们反复运用了目标语言。通过合作性学习,基础差的同学得到了优秀学生的帮助,不仅培养了学生的语言运用能力,同时,学生的团队合作精神也得到了体现。我认为,本单元的教学设计遵循了以活动为中心,以学生为主体的教学理念,注重创设宽松,民主,富于创新的教学氛围,从多角度激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,让课堂真正“动了起来”,从而达到了在教学中是为了“学”,而不是“教”的目的 Period 2 1. Teaching contents: Section A 2a 2b 2c2. Language points:(1)Key vocabulary: organize, bike, youll=you will(2)Target language (3)Listening practicePairwork3.Teaching Difficulties:Pairwork.Grammar focus.Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. Warming-up and revision2. Presentation(呈现新知识)(1) Answer the questions:When do you get up on weekends?When did you get up this morning?What will happen if you get up at 9:00 this morning ?What will happen if your teacher is angry with you?(2) 在if条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来If you play computer games on weekdays , youll be very tired in class. your parents will be sad. you wont get good grades. your eyes will be poor.3. Have a competitionIf she calls me, I will tell her about it.If he comes next weekend, I will tell you.If it doesnt rain, I will go hiking this afternoon.If there is no war, the world will be more beautiful.If she doesnt exercise enough, she will be heavier.If he has free time, he will go to Shanghai. If you eat too much, you will have a stomachache.4Work on 2aActivity 2a encourages students for key words in an exchange.Read the instructions.Play the recording, asking students to complete the task.Check the answers, playing the tape again. Stop at the answers.a.3 b.1 c.2 d.6 e.4 f.55Work on 2bThis activity provides practice in listening for specific information.Read the instructions. Ask better students to answer some of the questions from memory.Then play the tape again.Ask students to complete the task on their own.Check the answers. Encourage students to give their answers in full sentences.AnswersHalf the class wont come.Students will leave early to study for their tests.Some students will be bored.Mark is going to organize the party games.Andrea is going to make some food.62c Pairwork This activity gives students a chance to use prompts to role play the conversation.First ask two students to read the sample dialogue.S1: OK, when is a good time to have the party?S2: Lets have it today.S1: If we have it today, half the class wont come.T: Good. Thank you. Now work with your partner. Look at the chart above and role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend.After a while, ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class.7. Grammar Focus教学设计说明 : 让学生浏览grammar focus 部分,引导学生总结运用if从句规律。8Follow up(1) Fill in the blanks(2)Put into English 教学设计说明 : 利用练习继续巩固句型。9Homework Preview the new words on the next page.Finish off the workbook exercises.Feedback个人认为本堂课教学目标达成度较高,教学步骤循序渐进,铺垫有序,能力训练较为全面,为后面本堂课的特色环节-学生谈论各自上周末活动,打下了坚实的基础,教学效果真实、有趣,激发了学生进一步学习的积极性。Period 3 1. Teaching contents:Section A 3a 3b 4 2. Language points:(1)Key vocabulary:remind; take away; charity; event; folk; visit; flower(2)Target language (3)Writing practice &Oral practice3.Teaching Difficulties: Writing practice.Oral practice.Teaching steps1. Warming-up and revision2. Presentation)(1) Before class: Ask students to collect some rules of public and translate them into English in groups. (2) let students to show class what they do , and ask several groups to give class a report.(3) If I dont help others, If I have a lot of money, If I am the mayor(市长)of Changde, If I am the headmaster of the school, If I try my best, If I study harder, 教学设计说明 : 此环节为了检查学生对上一节课知识点的掌握程度3. Work on 3a(1) Activity 3a provides reading and writing practice using the target language.For this activity first show the notice on the screen. Ask different students to read the sentences. Then tell students the notice is about a school party.I want you to remember the rules for school parties.Dont wear jeans! If you wear jeans, we wont let you in.Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teachers will take it away.Dont bring friends from other schools. If you do, the teachers will ask them to leave.Dont leave the gym during the party. If you do, the teachers will call your parents.Dont run or shout at the party. If you do, youll have to leave.Please bring your ID card. If you dont have your ID card, you cant go to the party.Then get students to look at the dialogue. Read the dialogue to the class, saying blank each time when coming to a blank line.Now have students read the notice again and fill in the blanks.As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.Then correct the answers.Answers1.the school party2.Im going to3.The teachers wont let you in.4Work on 3bThis activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language.T: Now look at the Activity 3b.First Ill ask two students to read the sample dialogue. Who would like to read it to the class? OK. You two, please.S1: Im going to the school party.S2: So am I. Lets bring some snacks.S1: Oh, we cant do that.S2: Really? Why not?S1: If we bring snacks, the teachers will take them away.T: Very good! Thank you. Now work with your partner and use the words in the box and the notice on the screen to make your conversations. Do you know what I mean?Ss: Yeah.T: OK. Now lets begin.As students work, move around the room offering help where needed.At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.5. PairworkThis activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language.First read the instructions.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue.S1: What will you do if you go to the old folks home visit?S2:If I go to that one, Ill bring them some flowers.Ask another one or two students to suggest other charity events. Tell them they can pick a topic of current interest in the news.T: Now lets listen to the tape, find out the names of the people,Ask students to complete the task in pairs. Students discuss the events and think of new events and activities.Get a few students to share sample conversations. List the other events on the board.6Follow up(1) Now, lets make rules for our school library!Dont talk loudly. If you do,_ Dont eat food in the library. If you do,_ _(2) WritingAsk students to make rules for an English clubEnglish Club I want you to remember the rules for our English Club. 教学设计说明: 此活动目的是让学生运用语言点,进行笔头练习。并给予适当的提示,学生的积极性会很高的。 7HomeworkPreview the new words on next page.Finish off the workbook exercises.Feedback个人认为本堂课教学目标基本达成。在本课的教学过程中,笔者以“导学”作为自己的主要任务,借助精心设计的学案来指导、引导和辅导学生高效地掌握所学内容。面对难度较大的教学内容,笔者能对教材做出适当的调整,设计了由易到难层次分明的学习任务,并通过形式多样的教学活动调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,教学效果良好。本节课的遗憾之处在于,节奏把握稍有欠缺,重点句型的讲解不够细致,影响了学生对后续内容的理解;某些任务之间的衔接稍显粗糙,使得部分学生思维没能及时跟进。要解决上述问题,可以在讲授重点句型时适当放慢语速,讲解过程中多观察学生的反馈情况,落实小组合作。另外,在学生小组活动时,部分学生积极性不高,主动性不强,致使训练效果不理想,这是今后要重点解决的问题。Period 4 1. Teaching contents: Section B 1a 2a 2b 2c 2. Language points: (1)Key vocabularyagent; make money; travel; hard; player(2)Target language(3)Listening practice & Pairwork3. Difficulties:Oral practice.Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. Warming-up and revision2. Presentation(呈现新知识)(1)A competition The most important things . Read and explain the phrases to the class, ask students to discuss what is the most important to them in life and give the reason.what are the most important things to you and to your partners? Make a list.Which of the things below are the most important to you in life?(2)Target language:What is the most important to you in life?I think going to college is the most important.Why?If I go to the college, I will get a good job. 3. Work on 2aActivity 2a gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.T: Now, lets listen to two conversations. First a conversation between Michael and an agent. Then a conversation between Michael and his mother and father. You will write A in front of each item the agent talk


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