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淮海中学2016届高三11月考考试英语试卷本试卷分第i卷和第ii卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第i卷 (选择题, 共85分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. what would the man like to do?a. to watch films.b. to have dinner with the woman.c. to visit his brother.2. what time is it now?a. 4 oclock. b. 5 oclock.c. 7 oclock.3. where are the speakers?a. on a train.b. in a car.c. on a plane.4. what does the woman mean?a. she hopes tom can take over the station. b. she believes tom can manage the station better.c. she doubts toms ability to run the station.5. what do we know about the womans notes?a. she lost her notes.b. the notes are not hers.c. someone has borrowed her notes.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、 b、 c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. what are the speakers talking about?a. the woman s unusual experience last night.b. a famous athlete and his fans.c. how the woman saved the life of a famous writer.7. what did tom clancy do in the end?a. he took a picture with his readers.b. he gave autographs till midnight.c. he left the restaurant secretly.听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. where did the speakers finally agree to go for dinner?a. to a cafeteria.b. to kfc.c. to mcdonalds.9. why didn t the girl drive?a. she was too young.b. she didnt know the way.c. she was a bit tired.10. what can we learn from the conversation?a. the girl will go to find the seats.b. the girl likes fried chicken very much.c. the mother will be back tomorrow.听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. what kind of clothing does amy like most?a. fashionable clothes.b. expensive clothes.c. comfortable clothes.12. how much was the skirt?a. 13 canadian dollars.b. 30 canadian dollars.c. 33 canadian dollars.13. why does she like to go shopping at the local market?a. she can find good and cheap things there.b. she can buy second-hand clothes there.c. she enjoys talking with people there.听第9段材料,回答第14至第17题。14. why couldnt mark play basketball with the man?a. he had to study.b. he needed to go out with his girlfriend.c. he didnt like basketball any more.15. what should mark do according to the man?a. be honest with him.b. spend more time studying.c. end the relationship with his girlfriend.16. what does the man decide to do?a. talk with mark.b. end the friendship with mark.c. ask mary to talk to mark.17. what does the woman think of marks lies?a. mark made a serious mistake.b. theyre harmful to friendship.c. theyre harmless.听第10段材料,回答第18至第20题。18. what are some of the problems brought about by global warming?a. the reduction of sea water.b. more serious earthquakes.c. animal and plant species disappearing.19. what can people do to slow down global warming?a. control population growth. b. use clean energy. c. close down factories.20. why is it hard to get governments to pass new laws? a. they dont care about the environment.b. they don t want to hurt their economies.c. they cant get their peoples support.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21_ with us another hour, i suppose, and we will finish the task perfectly.will that do? ok, lets have a go.ato stay bstay cstaying dstayed22english is a language that many young people around the world _ not speak perfectly but at least _ understand.amay; can bwould; might cwill; must dcould; might23students present insisted that the thief _ in prison.a. referred to be put b. refer to be put c. referred to d. was referred to put24it was in the garden of his old house _ he grew up _ he dug up a pot of gold.athat; that bwhere; where cthat; where dwhere; that25what i tell you is that it may snow, but _ i will go to town.asomehow bsomewhat canyhow danywhere26the old woman _ her sons and daughters _ and see her from time to time.asuggested; to come bhoped; to comecdesired; coming ddesired; to come27i didnt go to work yesterday because my car broke down.you _ mine. i wasnt using it then.acould have borrowed bshould borrowcmust have borrowed dmight borrow28youve finished what you _ to and i think the teacher will praise you for it.i think so.awill expect bwill be expected cexpected dwere expected29expecting a whole day to relax, he _ whether to read the newspaper or watch his favorite tv.awas thinking bthinks chad thought dthought30intellectuals should have the basic characteristics of having social _ and public concern,and persevering the spiritual standpoint of edge person. a. eagerness b. grace c. appreciationd. conscience 31all these documents must be_the university you are applying for before december.a. donated to b. sent in c. submitted to d. handed in32he told me only when he grew up and became a father himself_how much his parents had loved him.ahad he realized bdid he realize che had realized dhe realized33life is ten percent_ you make it and ninety percent how you take it.awhat bhow cwhere dwhen 34the movie has won many awards, but_ say that they have a clear understanding of what the director wishes to express.amany bfew canybody dnobody35sorry for not having got what you wanted. she kept her mouth shut and just said _.a. thats her feet of clay b. a little bird told herc. she wanted to kill the fatted calfd. she was the salt of the earth第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。recently, my husband and i had the opportunity to do something good for two complete strangers. this 36 us feel so good that i felt i had to share our experience.we were traveling to mexico for 37 week with our family. 38 i traveled a lot for work, we had enough frequent flier miles (累计飞行里程) and could upgrade (升级) our tickets to 39 class seats. we were sitting in the very first two seats in the first row of first class, 40 the plane to depart (离开). i overheard one of the flight attendants (空乘) telling the others that there was a couple sitting in the 41 of the plane who had just got married the previous day and were heading off on their 42 . they had booked their flight eight months in advance 43 , due to some schedule changes, they had not been able to get 44 together. no one else on the plane was willing to move and the bride was in tears.i turned to my husband and told him what i 45 . we immediately 46 and i called the flight attendant over to tell her that we would be happy to 47 our seats for this couple. the flight attendant seemed shocked and 48 and said, “really? are you sure?” we said, “absolutely!”so we moved to the back of the 49 . i sat in a middle seat part way back and my 50 sat in the window seat in the last row of the plane.the flight attendants were extremely thankful and 51 good care of us even though we were no longer sitting in first class. we both made friends with the people 52 around us and had a great flight. i had to go back to the front of the plane to retrieve (取回) a forgotten item at one point during the 53 . i saw that the newlyweds (新婚夫妇) were sitting very close together, 54 enjoying champagne (香槟)it didnt just make my dayit made my whole thanksgiving 55 !36a.forced bmade cgot dpersuaded37a.christmas bnew year cthanksgiving dhalloween38a.since bwhen cwhile dif39a.second blast cmiddle dfirst40a.watching bwaiting for clistening to drecognizing41a.front bbeside cback dleft42a.honeymoon bholiday cvocation ddream43a.and bor cbut dtherefore44a.bags bseats cluggage dwishes45a.saw bnoticed cfound dheard46a.agreed banswered creplied dmoved47a.give out bgive up cgive off dgive away48a.glad binterested ctired damazed49a.house bcar cplane dtrain50a.friend bhusband cson ddaughter51a.cared bthought ctook dlooked52a.sitting bstanding cwalking dtalking53a.time bflight cspace dschedule54a.satisfactorily bshamefully cterribly dhappily55a.day byear cweek dmonth第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。athe sun is setting on a summer night. at the entrance to a deep, dark cave, a few bats fly out and begin swirling high up into the air. more and more of the small, furry creatures appear. within a few minutes, a whole river of bats is pouring out of the cave, and they keep coming, millions and millions of them.sound like a scary horror movie? believe it or not, this scene takes place every night, all summer long, at bracken cave in texas, where 20 million bats fly outside to feed on insects. “it is magical,” says jim kennedy of bat conservation international in austin texas. “it is one of the most majestic animal movements on the planet.”every march or april, mexican freetailed bats migrate up to 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) from their winter home in mexico to this cave, where they raise their young. soon after they arrive, each mother gives birth to one pup. as many as 500 baby bats live crammed into one square foot (30.48 cubic centimeters) of space, all those bodies create nice warm temperatures to keep them cozy and comfortable. if youve ever lost sight of your parents on a crowded playground, you may be wondering how mother bats recognize their children. they use their sense of smell to tell which pup is theirs when it is time for the babies to nurse.the cave, a quiet place in winter, is full with life all summerand not just with bat residents. bat waste soon covers the floor, providing food for tiny organisms(生物体) like bacteria and fungi(真菌). and then there are the bugs.when the adult bats leave the cave at night to feed, they are helping humans. they eat tons of insects in a single night, including many pests that eat farmers crops. and they get rid of mosquitoes, too.56in the first paragraph, the author _aprovides some information about bats bdescribes the movement of batscadvises the reader to watch bats dstresses the danger of bats in summer57which of the following is true about the bats?athey are well protected by farmers. bthey smell better than other animals.cthey benefit from some tiny organisms. dthey travel from mexico to america yearly.58from the second paragraph, we can know kennedys opinion of the bats flying in group is _amysterious bfrightful ccrazy denjoyablebin shanghais grand theater, a fashionable, mainly young audience applauds enthusiastically as guo yong takes center stage. he holds a large bushy tree branch with leaves. blowing on one of the leaves, he produces a sound like the singing of birds as he plays a traditional buyi folk song. some other musicians are also playing the traditional instruments from various ethnic groups in china.its the first time such music has ever been performed in the grand theater. but all this is the efforts of zhu zheqin, a cantoneseborn singer, who has made it her mission to help preserve chinas traditional ethnic music.in 2009, after being appointed a united nations development program ambassador, zhu traveled through some of chinas remotest regions in an attempt to document the traditional music of various minority groups. in the course of the fourmonth trip, she recorded more than a thousand songs. but she noticed that many of the best musicians were old, and some of the music was at risk of dying out.“i was shocked by the beauty of what i heardit was so good,” she says. “but it needed support. i hope to let people see the beauty of these things in the contemporary times.”so zhu decided to introduce some of the musicians to a wider audience. by doing this, she hopes to rekindle(点燃) the interest of the younger generation. “young people dont like this music much; they prefer pop music and love songs. they think these songs are something their grandma sings. this kind of repackaging gives young people a new door into their heritage.”zhu believes china needs to look again at its own roots. “china today is basically all western art; in our conservatories (音乐学院) western classical music is the top,” she says. “for china to really contribute to the world, we need to go on our own path. so what can represent china today?” the answer, she suggests, is to move from “made in china” to “created in china”59from the first paragraph, we learn that_athe audience are all young peoplebguo yong is playing the buyi folk musiccguo yong is the only minority performer in chinadtree branches make good musical instruments60which of the following is true of zhu zheqin?ashe teaches music in a conservatory.bshe is helping preserve chinese ethnic music.cshe works as an official in the united nations.dshes created all the music for the grand theater.61what is zhu zheqins idea about chinese traditional music?ait is completely out of date.bonly old musicians play it well.cit needs changes to attract young people.dit is quickly dying out.62what does zhu zheqin mean in the last paragraph?athe traditional music should be repackaged.bchinese conservatories shouldnt teach western music.cchina has contributed a lot to the western art.donly the things created in china can be symbols of china.cchengdu, sichuanher training as a ballet dancer has served tian yu well in her bid to be a top equestrian(骑手)“i have learned how to balance myself,” said the 16yearold.a member of the national youth equestrian team, tian won a bronze in the jumping challenge at a youth event of the international federation for equestrian sports in south korea in april.a month later, she won a gold in the jumping challenge at the international equestrian masters in the national stadium in beijing.tian is conspicuous (引人注意的) at events because there are not many woman equestrian athletes in the countrymany parents do not want their daughters, mostly only children, to get involved and the practice is not covered by any insurance.“to be an equestrian, a woman has to be strong, be patient and work harder than a male counterpart,” tian said.because of her studies at the beijing national day school, a staterun middle school, tian can only practice about twice a week after school. during summer and winter vacations, she practices in the jingcheng horse club in beijings daxing district every day, even on biting cold winter days. last winter, the skin on the back of her hands cracked and became infected because of the cold, but she did not stop training. even during the spring festival she only took one day off. training can be repetitious and boring, and each day tian has to ride between four and six horses.she became interested in horses at the age of four when she visited a horse club in a beijing suburb and with the help of a coach sat on a horse and rode. she started formal training at age eight.though she has rarely fallen, her worst accident was when she tumbled(翻动) while practicing on a course in hebei province. lying on the field, she lost consciousness for about 20 seconds and bloodied her right hand. when she came to, instead of crying she stood up without the help of her coach, ji yuping.“unlike other girls, tian is strongminded,” ji said.equestrian athletes in the country do not receive much education. but tian insists she should attend college and major in literature or english.despite frequent competitions, tian has distinguished herself as a top student.the principal of her school allows tian to finish her schoolwork and send it to teachers via the internet when she is away for a competition.“i like horse riding but wont make it my profession,” tian said.63which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?atian achieved a gold medal at the international equestrian masters.btian won a bronze in the jumping challenge in beijing.ctian has been interested in horses since the age of four.da woman equestrian should be strong, patient and hardworking.64what can we infer from the ninth paragraph?atian was badly hurt. btian lost consciousness.ctian is very strong and brave. dtians coach helped her.65what can we learn from the thirteenth paragraph?atians headmaster and teachers all support her.btian often hands in her homework by the internet.ctian finishes her homework by the internet.dtian cant finish her homework because of her competition.das a boy growing up in india,i had longed to travel abroad. i used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in canada and tours to europe in the 1970s,with great interest.my big moment finally came in the summer of 1998 when i was able to accompany my parents to europe,where my father was to attend a meeting. we planned to travel to belgium,netherlands and west germany.i have vivid memories even today of going to mumbai airport at night all excited about finally going abroad. i had heard several great things about lufthansa till then but now i


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