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I. Freer trade: gradually, through negotiation 贸易逐渐自由化原则 nLowering trade barriers(贸易壁垒) is one of the most obvious means of encouraging trade. The barriers concerned include customs duties (or tariffs)关税 and non-tariff measures(非关税措施) such as import bans or quotas(配额) that restrict quantities selectively. nSince GATTs creation in 1947-48 there have been eight rounds(回合) of trade negotiations. A ninth round, under the Doha Development Agenda(多哈发展议程), is now underway. At first these focused on lowering tariffs (customs duties) on imported goods. nAs a result of the negotiations, by the mid -1990s industrial countries tariff rates on industrial goods had fallen steadily to less than 4%. But by the 1980s, the negotiations had expanded to cover non- tariff barriers on goods, and to the new areas such as services and intellectual property. nOpening markets can be beneficial, but it also requires adjustment(调整). The WTO agreements allow countries to introduce changes gradually, through “progressive liberalization”(渐进自由化). Developing countries are usually given longer to fulfill their obligations. II. Transparency透明度原则 nThe system tries to improve predictability(可预 测性) and stability(稳定性) by making countries trade rules as clear and public (“transparent”) as possible. Many WTO agreements require governments to disclose(公 开) their policies and practices publicly within the country or by notifying the WTO. The regular surveillance(监督) of national trade policies through the Trade Policy Review Mechanism(贸 易评审机制) provides a further means of encouraging transparency both domestically and at the multilateral level. n(一)世贸组织的透明度原则是指任何成员对本 国制定和实施的与国际贸易有关的法律法规、司 法判决、行政决定以及贸易政策都应当予以及时 公布,以便其他成员方政府及贸易商了解和熟悉 。成员方政府之间通过谈判达成的有关国际贸易 的协议,也必须予以公布,以避免因其他成员不 了解这些协议的内容,引起不公平的贸易,造成 对其他成员方的歧视,从而影响最惠国待遇原则 的实施。 n(二)实施透明度原则应公布的国内法规 n1.有关货物进出口贸易的法规政策 n一是进出口管理的法规及规章制度;二是海关法规 ,包括海关对商品的分类、估价规则,海关对进出 口货物征收的关税税率和其他费用;三是对进出口 商品征收国内税的法规和政策;四是进出口商品检 验、检疫的有关法规和规章;五是技术标准及合格 评定程序方面的规定;六是货款支付方面的外汇管 理法规和规章。 n2.有关对外合作的法规政策 n一是利用外资的法规政策;二是有关出口加工区、 自由贸易区、经济特区的法规和规章。 n3.有关服务贸易的法规政策 n服务贸易总协定要求所有成员及时公布“普遍适用的 所有有关措施”;对新制定或修改的相关法律法规和行政 措施,该成员必须向服务贸易理事会作出通知;所有成 员均需设立一个咨询点,以满足其他成员就所有有关法 规政策方面的问题求取信息的需要。 n4.有关司法、行政和仲裁的机构及程序方面的规定 n5.各成员签定的有关影响贸易政策的双边或多边协定、 协议 n6.其他有关影响国际贸易关系的国内法规或政策 III. Promoting fair competition 公平贸易原则 nThe WTO is sometimes described as a “free trade” institution, but that is not entirely accurate. The system does allow tariffs and, in limited circumstances, other forms of protection. More accurately, it is a system of rules dedicated to open, fair and undistorted(未扭曲的) competition. nThe rules on non-discrimination(非歧视) MFN and national treatment are designed to secure fair conditions of trade. So too are those on dumping (倾 销)(exporting at below cost to gain market share) and subsidies(补贴). The issues are complex, and the rules try to establish what is fair or unfair, and how governments can respond, in particular by charging additional import duties calculated to compensate for(赔偿) damage caused by unfair trade. nMany of the other WTO agreements aim to support fair competition: in agriculture, intellectual property, services, for example. The agreement on government procurement (a “plurilateral” agreement because it is signed by only a few WTO members) extends competition rules to purchases by thousands of government entities in many countries. And so on. n公平贸易原则为征收反倾销和反补贴补偿性关税提供法 律依据。世贸组织规定各成员发展对外贸易都不应当采 取不公正的贸易手段进行竞争,特别强调不能以倾销和 补贴的方式销售本国的商品。关贸总协定明确了构成倾 销和补贴的标准,即倾销是指以低于同类产品在出口方 的价格或以低于生产成本的价格向外出口本国商品;补 贴是指出口商在生产、制造、加工、买卖、运输过程中 所接受的来自政府直接或间接的资金。如果倾销或补贴 的商品给某一进口国的相应工业造成实质性损害或实质 性损害威胁,该进口国可根据受损的国内行业的指控, 采取反倾销和反补贴措施,即可通过征收反倾销税和反 补贴税来对本国工业进行保护。 IV. Encouraging development and economic reform 发展原则 nThe WTO system contributes to development. On the other hand, developing countries need flexibility(灵活 性) in the time they take to implement(落实) the systems agreements. And the agreements themselves inherit(继承) the earlier provisions of GATT that allow for special assistance and trade concessions(让步) for developing countries. nAt the end of the Uruguay Round, developing countries were prepared to take on most of the obligations that are required of developed countries. But the agreements did give them transition periods (过渡期) to adjust to the more unfamiliar and, perhaps, difficult WTO provisions particularly so for the poorest, “least-developed” countries(欠发达国 家). nA ministerial(部长级) decision adopted at the end of the round says better-off countries should accelerate implementing market access commitments on goods exported by the least- developed countries, and it seeks increased technical assistance for them. More recently, developed countries have started to allow duty-


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