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四级专项训练 作文应试技巧 作文应试技巧 l一、写作基本要求 l二、引言段的写作 l三、结尾段的写作 l四、写作词语运用技巧 l五、写作套路 写作基本要求 l一、确定文体 l1)记叙文 l 环境(where)、人物(who)、情节( what)、时间顺序往往是记叙手法的基本线索, 用一些表示时间的词语(如:when,while, before,after,then,during,suddenly,at last 等等)把一系列事件和动作连接起来,构成一个 完整的叙述。 lE.g.: An Early Morning Walk 写作基本要求 l提纲: 1、One morning I got up very early, and everything around was very quiet. 2、When I arrived at the park, I found, to my surprise, that there were so many people there 3、Taking early morning walks makes a man healthy and wise. 写作基本要求 l2)描写文 空间顺序往往是描写手法的基本线索, 用一些表示空间的词语(如here,there, outside,on the top of,in the middle, around,above,under,near等等)把一 系列地点和物体连接起来,构成一个完整 的叙述。 写作基本要求 l As I came into my cousins bedroom, I got really surprised, for I had never seen such a mess and disorder in the room of a young man of 16 years old already. On the right wall, a row of hooks was covered with dirty sweet-shirts and filthy hats. Directly in front of me was a dusty desk, on which scattered lots of books, some of which were open as if waiting for my lazy brothers attention; others were piled up in disorder ready to slide down at any moment. Near the desk, there was a toppled poor chair on the floor with one leg damaged. Whats worse, the bed which was against the left wall was a more serious mess and the pairs of sports shoes and socks under the bed gave out a terrible smell. What a room at sixes and sevens! 写作基本要求 l3)说明文 写作目的着重客观陈述、解释说明,例如 “How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning English”, “My Ideal Job”等。 l4)议论文 l 着重于发表自己看法,依靠推理和论证来阐 述自己的观点,力图说服读者,使人相信某种道 理或某种假设;或要影响别人,使人追随自己所 指示的方向。 lE.g.: Examination 写作基本要求 l提纲: l1、There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examination. 2、For both examiners and examinees, the examination can show what and how much the examinees have mastered. 3、In sum, examination does more good that harm for both examiners and examinees. 写作基本要求 l二、评价一篇文章好坏的标准 l一篇优秀作文的标准为: 1内容切题,有较好的谋篇构段框架,文章结构完整;紧扣主 题,转承衔接自然; 2语法基本正确,句法基本准确,句子与句子、段落之间过渡 连贯; 3用词面广,遣词造句得当,句式、句型有变化,字数符合要 求; 4层次分明,说理清楚,语言流畅,内容充实。 l一篇较差的作文表现为: 1文章不通顺,无段落,无结构,无明显主题; 2出现很多基本语法错误和拼写错误; 3词汇量很小,词不达意,缺乏英语表达能力; 4不像一篇文章,仅是把一些不连贯的词语凑到一起。 文章解析 1) l In the past five years, there have been changes in peoples diet. Grain, as the main food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role in peoples diet, while the proportion of some high-energy food, such as milk, meat has increased. What caused these changes? I think there are two reasons. First, people now have more money. The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain. In the old days, people couldnt afford them. Now they have enough money to buy meat and milk. Second, people of nowadays pay more attention to the structure of their diet. They are seeking the most reasonable diet structure which will do good to their health. In short, there have been changes in peoples diet in the past five years and there will be changes in the future, too. 文章解析 2) l In the past five years peoples diet had changed quite a lot. The grain was no longer the main food of peoples diet. It decreased from 49% to 45%. And the possession of the fruit and vegetables was declined, either. But, however, the necessary of the milk and meat was increased with no doubt. Such case owned to two reasons. On the one hand, the level of peoples lives had greatly advanced. More and more people could afford the expensive food. On the other hand, modern science had been developed with high speed. Then people began to be aware of choosing more useful food. With the developing of the society, peoples diet will change more greatly. 文章解析 3) l Diet is very important in peoples life. In past five, there is a big change in all kinds of food. For example, Grain. In 1986 it takes 40 percent in Diet in after four years. It decrease 4 per cent in diet; Milk increase 3 per cent in last five years. It grows to 13 per cent in Diet; Meat in 1986-1989, it kept to grow up. An in 1990, it down 2 per cent; Fruit and vegetables is decrease in last five years. Why it will have these changes. It is two side, the first is people began to see that Milk. Meat. Fruit and Vegetable are very importance in peoples bodies, the other is peoples life is quite good. They have enough money to buy Meat, Milk, Etc. They know how to build them bodies. In last five years. Big changes in peoples Diet. It call us more and more people know. Share them Diet and build them bodies. 写作基本要求 l三、写作要领 l 1、审题构思,在获取一个文章题目后,首先根据题目 要求进行思维联想,分析题目表达的主要内容和主旨。 l 2、谋篇构段,草拟提纲。通过分析题目的内容和主旨 ,将大脑中形成的信息、资料,分类整理,列出写作提纲 、主题句,进行文章段落的筹划(三段作文法) l 3、组段成篇,初步成文。将以上的构思内容、提纲、 相关主题句,通过句子扩展,初步整理形成一篇草稿文字 。 l 4、加工修改,润色定稿。对文章草稿修改润色,以加 强文章的说明力及感染力。 引言段的写作 l 一篇短文的引言非常重要,其作用犹如段落 的主题句。引言段的写作取决于写作目的,读者 和文章体裁。一个好的引言既可开宗明义地点明 主题,又可吸引并暗示读者正文的内容及表达方 法以引导读者进行有效阅读。请看下面介绍的引 言段的写作方法。 l1、演绎法 将主题句放在段首。开门见山推出文章主题, 使读者对文章将要讨论的内容一目了然,然后列 举文章所要讨论的细节。这些细节排列决定了文 章的正文内容的安排,这符合人类从概念到具体 的思维方式。 引言段:English is among the most difficult subjects to learn. First, English pronunciation is quite different from that of Chinese. Second, it has a large vocabulary. Finally, idioms are really troublesome. They are usually not grammatical, and even if they are grammatical, we may fail to arrive at their meanings. 引言段的写作 l2、归纳法 由一般性的背景介绍逐步过渡到文章主题句。 这种安排符合人们从具体到概念的思维习惯,也 就是从感性到理性的认识规律。 l3、设问法 即提出问题来引出文章主题,以吸引读者注意 力。 引言段:With all the wealth, power, health standard, luxuries of life, and the abundance of food in the United States, it might be surprising to most people that American rank only sixth in the world in longevity of life. There are many reasons for this low record, but the main one has something to do with Americans eating habit. 引言段:Are you afraid of high places or water? If so, you suffer from one of the most common phobias, which are strong, persistent, but unreasonable fears. The fear of high places (Acrophobia) and water (Hydrophobia) are only two of the more than seven hundred phobias classified by psychologists. 引言段的写作 l4、引用名言 即摘录或引用格言、名句或谚语作为文章开头。 l5、定义法 当所论述的主题的基本概念比较抽象或读者不太熟悉时 ,通常用定义法做必要的解释说明。 l6、数据 列举醒目的数据或资料来引起读者的注意,然后进入主 题。在图表作文中常常引用数据作为文章的开头。 引言段:Intelligence refers to a mans ability to understand and learn. It may vary from person to person. Some people may become more intelligent while others may be less. 引言段:The two graphs show the daily water intake and output which each totals about 2500CC. 引言段的写作 lExercises: 按要求写出下列作文题的引言段: l1、题目:Teenage smoking soars(归纳法) l提纲:A、近年来青少年吸烟人数剧增。 l B、造成这种情况的主要原因是 l C、结论。 l2、题目:The Importance of Telephone(演绎法) lOutline:A、Telephone is one of the most common means of communication. B、There are many advantages of telephone. C、However, telephone has some disadvantages. l3、题目:It Pays to Be Honest Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake product to their consumers; some students cheat in the exams. 结尾段的写作 l 文章的结尾段与引言段同样重要。引言段是 文章主题的提要,结尾段则是对文章的归纳和总 结。它可再次吸引读者并给读者留下深刻印象。 结尾段的写作方式也取决于文章的类型,常见的 结尾段的写作方法有以下几种: l1、重申主题 重申主题,即再次强调和肯定文章引言段中 阐述的中心思想,是一种极为普遍的结尾方式。 结尾段:In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest. 结尾段的写作 l2、归纳文章要点,加深读者印象 即将前面各段中所讨论的内容缩写、归 纳和整理,进一步肯定文章的中心思想或 作者的观点。 l3、提出建议,提出解决方法 这种方法特别适合用于讨论问题的文章 ,比如对某事的原因或结果的分析,提出 建议或解决方法。 结尾段:In my opinion, a balance of these two kinds of activities might be more useful to those who live in retirement. In other words, physical activities are necessary for good health but intellectual recreation provides the most pleasure. 结尾段:On the whole, as a pernicious hobby, smoking will do you more harm than good. For your own health, please keep away from smoking. 结尾段的写作 l4、展望未来 即在文章结尾处表示对未来的期望或号 召读者采取行动。 l5、引用格言、谚语或习语总结全文 l6、提出问题,无须回答 即形式为问句,而意义是肯定的,具有 很明显的强调作用,发人深思。 结尾段:However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a clear world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution. 结尾段的写作 lExercises: l用指定的方式完成下列结尾段: l1、提出建议:Since we can get so much from making our cities greener, we should _. l2、提出问题:Therefore, listening and spoken English abilities must be consciously improved. Since the two abilities are such important means of learning and communication, why _. l3、引语:Later risers may find it very hard to get into the habit of early rising. They ought to make special effort to do so. As the English proverb says, “_.” 写作词语运用技巧 l 段落清楚、句子结构准确和用词得当是高分作文的关 键。而写好段落和文章的重要标志就是能否有效地应用词 汇来扩展句子。因此词汇是写作的技巧。一般来说词语层 次上应掌握以下技巧: l一、用词要凝练简洁 凝练简洁不是说要避免写长句子,而是要在清楚表达 意思的同时砍掉那些不必要的词。即凝练简洁不在于句子 的长短而取决于是否高效地应用文字来清楚说明问题,使 文章通俗易懂。因此,写作时要避免华而不实的词。 l比较下列句子: 写作词语运用技巧 l(1)、 (a)、These congresses are an ideal opportunity for the presentation of the latest development and the promotion of the new products and services on the market. (b)、These congresses are an ideal opportunity for presenting the latest development and promoting the new products and services on the market. l(2)、 (a)、The reduction of membership fees for all partners will become a reality next year. (b)、Membership fees will be reduced for all partners next year. 写作词语运用技巧 l(3)、 (a)、The intensification of our efforts during the year is for the improvement of our overall communication. (b)、We intensified our efforts during the year to improve our overall communication. l(4)、 (a)、There is often 15 or 30 minutes to be saved by taking one route rather than another to reach the same destination. (b)、Often 15 or 30 minutes can be saved by taking one route rather than another to reach the same destination. 写作词语运用技巧 l二、恰当运用介词 英语中的介词远比中文介词数量多,用途广,而且能和动 词构成多种多样的词组。下面看几个句子: A letter was sent to Bob. A letter was sent from Bob. A letter was sent for Bob. A letter was sent by Bob. 变了一个介词就变了整个句子的意思。所以介词及其短语一 向是英语学习的重点。 l三、巧用短语和词组 除了用词不准确之外,有的同学由于词组欠缺,使其文章 句子呆板。相反,要想提高写作质量,就必须扩大词组量。 写作词语运用技巧 l四、熟练运用逻辑连接词语 l先后次序关系: lFirst, Second,at last, To start with, Next, Eventually, Afterwards, At last but not the least, To end with, Finally, Seeing., Since then, To begin with, First of all. l原因、结果关系: lAs a result, Hence, Because of this, On account of, So, Being that, Due to, As a result of, Because, Since, In that, So that, For this reason , and so, As, Consequently, Owing to, There are about, For Thus, In view of, Therefore, As a consequence, In consequence, Another important factor of, For the reason that. 写作词语运用技巧 l转折关系: lIndependent of, Even though, Even so, But, In spite of that, Despite that, Though, But, unless, Regardless of, However, Reckless of, And yet, Yet. l并列关系: lAnd, Also, Too, As well as, Either,or , Bothand. l递进关系: lMoreover, At the same time, In other words, Not only, but also, In addition, In order to do, In this way, Further, Still, Meanwhile, In the first space, On the other hand, Furthermore, Even, Moreover, In the second place, On the one hand, Accordingly, Besides, Not, but, Along this line of consideration, As a popular saying goes,. 写作词语运用技巧 l比较关系: lLikewise, By doing so, When in fact, When compared with, Similarly, In the same vein, Apart from, Similarly important, rather than, In comparison with, Compared with, By the same token. l对比关系: lOn the contrary, Different from this, However, Contrary to, In contrast, As opposed to, But on the other hand, Conversely, While, Nevertheless, Opposed to, As opposed to this, By way of , Whereas. l举例关系: lFor instance, As regards, Such as, As to, For example, As he explains, I will say, Like, As for, Notably, In particular, According to, Namely, Stated roughly, Including, Put it simply, As you know, Consider, You may ask/say. 写作词语运用技巧 l强调关系: lParticularly, What is more important, In particular, Moreover, By definition, It is certain/sure that, Not to mention, To be true, To be strict, Other thing being equal, Believe it or not, In reality, Especially, In fact, Indeed. l条件关系: lUnless, If necessary, In this sense ,If, If so, If possible, If it is the case , Provided that, If not all, Lest. l归纳总结关系: lIn summary, Hence, Therefore, To conclude, In other words, To sum up, In brief, In short, The conclusion can be drawn that. 写作词语运用技巧 l五、词汇量不足的应急措施 词汇量不足是影响写作的一个重要因素。一个意 思往往会因为一个单词不会而表达不清,一个好的句 子也会因为一个词汇想不起来而不能完成。如何应付 这种情况使作文顺利进行下去?下面三种简便的应急 措施可能对你有所帮助。 l1、试用笼统词 英语中笼统词有have,take等,笼统词的重要特 点在于意义广泛、搭配性强、构成词组后可替代众多 具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表 达意思。举例如下: 写作词语运用技巧 l1、I experienced a terrible time. l= I had a terrible time. l2、I will preside over the meeting. l= I will take the meeting. l3、Do you understand my meaning? l= Do you take my meaning? l4、They occupied the city. l= They took the city. l5、The boy resembles his father. l= The boy takes after his father. 写作词语运用技巧 l2、联想有关词汇 当遗忘产生时,或遇到未学过的词时,应采取放射性思维,发挥 想象力,想出一切与之有关的单词,利用语言的内在联系,多层次多 角度的运用语言。一般联想可按照下列思路进行: l、联想同义词。 举例如下: l1、I had a nightmare last night. l= I had a bad dream last night. l2、He is stupid. l= He is foolish. = He is a fool. = He is silly. l3、The food is delicious. l= The food is tasty. = The food tastes good. l4、His temper is nasty. l= His temper is terrible. = He has a bad temper. 写作词语运用技巧 l、联想反义词。举例如下: l1、He is stubborn. l= He is not tame. l2、The knife is blunt. l= The knife is not sharp. l3、This is expensive. l= This is not cheap. l4、She is talkative. l= She is never quiet. 写作词语运用技巧 l3、使用解释性语句 语言的功能在于表达,而表达的方式是多种多样的。当一 个词影响到某个意思的完整表达时,我们可以用迂回的方式加 以沟通。举例如下: lHe is a dumb. l= He is a person who can not speak. lHe refused. l= He said “No.” lIve never seen such a stubborn person. l= Ive never seen such a person who never listens to others advice. 写作词语运用技巧 l课后练习 完成下列作文题目,注意措词优美。 1、Is Pressure a Bad Thing? 2、If I were a Teacher 3、Fighting against Smoking 4、My Favorite Course 5、How to Spend the Two-day Weekend 写作套路 l 我们知道,文章的结构掌控着文章的全局。作文的内容固 然重要,但它离不开结构的衬托。没有结构的内容就犹如一盘 散沙,令人无所适从。 l 以下的套路可以帮助初写者理清思路,使文章不至于离题 万里。恰当使用这些套路的关键在于灵活运用而不是生搬硬套 。 l(一)、My View ON题型 公说公有理,婆说婆有理,许多话题永远争论不休。写作 常考的就是这种题型。 l例如:“1、失败是常有的事。2、人们对失败有各种不同的态度 。3、我对失败的态度。” “1、有人认为金钱是幸福之本( source of happiness)。2、也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of evil)。3、我的看法。”等等。下面三种套路可任选一个。 写作套路 l套路一: Peoples views/ideas/opinions onvary from person to person. Some people think that They hold this opinion because However, others hold that As to me, I am in favor of the first/second idea. The following are the reasons of/for my choice/personal inclination. First, while it is true that, it doesnt mean that Besides/On the other hand, Admittedly, but this is not to say that Therefore/In a word/From things mentioned above, 写作套路 l套路二: Different people may have different views on It is held that But it is also held that Those who hold the first opinion In contrast, those who hold the second view As to me, I agree with the latter opinion. Admittedly, . But this is not to say that 写作套路 l套路三: When asked about a theme, different people will offer different opinions is no exception. Some people take it for granted/say/think/believe that However, others hold that As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the first/second view. The reasons are as follows. First, there is an element of truth that but it doesnt follow that A case in point is that Therefore, the first view doesnt hold water/cannot bear much analysis/cant stand up to close examination. In conclusion 写作套路 l(二)、Advantage and Disadvantage of题型 事物总是一分为二的。写作题目中有许多是涉及某一事物的正反两 方面。比如“运动的积极因素和消极因素”,“双休日的好处与负作用”, “新的科技给社会带来的好处与问题”等等。凡涉及到利弊的题目时都 可以用下面这个套路。 l套路: Nowadays, plays an important part/role in Like everything else, has/have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantage can be listed as follows. First, Besides, Most important of all, But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, To make matters worse/worst of all, Through above analysis, I believe that the advantages/positive aspects outweigh the disadvantage/negative ones. Therefore, 写作套路 l(三)、How to题型 办法人人都有。你能把你想出的办法一个一个地罗列清楚吗?比 如“怎样才能实现绿化”,“我是如何克服英语学习中的困难的”,“我怎 么为我理想的职业做准备”等等,就可以用到下面这个套路。 l套路: Many ways can contribute to solving this serious problem, but the following ones may be most effective. First of all, Besides,/Another way to solve the problem of is Finally, There are not the best and the only two/three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to 写作套路 l四)、A or


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