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第14练 旅游与交通(二)高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:destination behave attractivecomfortableluggage tourist suitcase spotcrash platform trap subwaypasserby departure aboard visatemple scenery insurance terminal短语扫描:enjoy oneself 过得快乐have fun 作乐;玩乐set off出发;引起;放(烟火)leave for 动身去某地see off 送行a place of interest 名胜be struck by.被迷住return to normal恢复正常take a picture 拍照hold up阻塞跟踪训练在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1The deal seems so (attract) that it would be ridiculous to say no.2In warm weather,you should wear clothing that is cool and (comfortably)3As we all know,many women (trap) in loveless marriages.4We got a lot of (tourist) from Europe and some from further areas.5A lot of (passerby) described what they saw after the car bomb had exploded.6You said one should enjoy at the party! 7I didnt go to school this morning because I went to the station to see my friend .8I am leaving USA tomorrow,which is very exciting.9The storm held our flight for 40 minutes.10The official is on the case now,and it looks as if things will return normal soon.知识运用与写作能力专练.完形填空(2016江西高安中学等九校联考)Those who believe that they will never do well in a particular area probably never will.Those who believe they are not good at 1 will forever feel unprepared.But those who believe that it is 2 to succeed at what they attempt can surprise themselves.Adam was ready to 3 .His wife Anna,however,was less 4 .As she explained to a friend,“Adam has 5 done anything that required physical strength.When he retires,he will sit in his easy chair and 6 me to bring him his food.”But to Annas 7 ,soon after her husband retired,he 8 a health club.Arriving home from exercise class one night,he announced,“I 9 for the wrestling tournament.I am going to 10 Friday night.” Anna was shocked.“Please dont do it,Adam.Youre not in 11 .You will be so beat up that they will have to carry you home!” 12 ,he couldnt be persuaded and she told him that if he wanted really to do it,she was not going to watch. 13 to her word,she stayed away as Adam wrestled.And just as she 14 ,two men carried Adam home.He 15 down on the bed,every muscle pained and wounded. 16 she could speak,he cried out,“Dont say a(n) 17 ,Anna!This is not the worst of it.I 18 tonight.I have to wrestle again tomorrow night!”Nothing 19 in your life until you believe you can do things that are important to you.And if you have a low 20 of yourself,nobody else is likely to raise it.1A.something BnothingCanything Deverything2A.possible BvitalCimpossible Dimportant3A.travel BretireCresign Dleave4A.confident BnegativeCenthusiastic Delegant5A.always BoftenCagain Dnever6A.expect BwarnCinvite Durge7A.sorrow BsurpriseCdelight Drelief8A.owned BfoundedCsupported Djoined9A.signed up Bmade upCtook up Dcame up10A.prepare BexerciseCwrestle Dconsult11A.place BshapeCtrouble Dpractice12A.Anyhow BMoreoverCTherefore DHowever13A.True BExactCOpposite DRelevant14A.advised BpromisedCpredicted Ddesigned15A.settled BlayCsat Dlaid16A.When BAfterCBefore DUntil17A.plan BideaCgoal Dword18A.lost BwonCgained Dperformed19A.changes BhappensCrecovers Dreacts20A.talent BdoubtCopinion Dsuggestion.短文改错(2017宁夏银川一中月考)A tourist bus wound its way into a mountain area.On the way,two passengersa couple of young loverswere very attracted by the beautiful scenery that they called on a stop to get off the bus.They were left behind and the bus went on.Suddenly,they heard a loud boom ahead of the road.There was a huge rock rolled down a hill that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley.The lovers were greatly shocked by the news that no passengers on board were survived.When they calmed down they sighed and expressed their feelings in a few words.The above story was told by a women guide when we were riding a tourist bus to scenic mountain.She asked us to guess that the lovers said immediately after the disaster that they had narrow escaped. 答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1fortable3.are trapped4.tourists 5passersby6.oneself7.off8.for9.up10.to知识运用与写作能力专练.完形填空语篇解读 什么样的人才能成功?那些对自己有信心的人才可能做到。文章中通过从未做过体力活的Adam在退休以后参加摔跤比赛并赢得比赛的故事告诉我们:只有对自己有了信心,才能做到一切!1Csomething一些事情;nothing没有事情;anything任何事情;everything所有的事情。本句中not和anything连用,表示全部否定。那么认为他们什么事情都不擅长的人是永远都不会认为自己已经准备好了的。故C正确。2Apossible可能的;vital/important重要的;impossible不可能的。那些认为他们尝试的事情有可能成功的人最后可能让自己都很惊讶。也就是说只有我们认为自己可能成功,那么我们才有可能成功。故A正确。3B根据本段最后一句中的“When he retires,he will sit in his easy chair”可知,Adam很快就要退休了。故B正确。4Cconfident有信心的;negative消极的;enthusiastic热情的;elegant优雅的。Adam要退休了,但是她妻子Anna对此热情不高,她认为Adam会等着她来服侍。故C正确。5D根据本段最后一句中的“When he retires,he will sit in his easy chair”可知,Anna认为Adam会躺在椅子上等着被服侍,这是因为Adam之前从来不做一些需要体力的事情。所以本句使用否定词never。6Aexpect期待;warn警告;invite邀请;urge催促,敦促。因为Adam之前从来不做体力活,所以Anna认为他退休以后会期待着自己去服侍他。故A正确。7B根据下文“I _for the wrestling tournament.I am going to _Friday night.”可知,Adam告诉妻子,他要去参加摔跤比赛。而他之前从来不做体力活,这让Anna很惊讶。故B正确。8Down拥有;found建立;support支持,养活;join参加。Adam退休以后去参加了一个健康俱乐部,他不需要自己拥有或建立一个俱乐部,只要参加原有的俱乐部即可锻炼。故D正确。9Asign up for报名参加。从下文他参加摔跤比赛可知,他报名参加了摔跤比赛。make up for弥补;C、D两项后面不接for。10C根据下文“I have to wrestle again tomorrow night!”可知,Adam星期五晚上要与别人摔跤。故C正确。11Bin shape身体健康;in place井井有条;in trouble处于困境。Anna劝他不要参加比赛,因为他身体不好,会被别人打败并被别人抬回家的。故B正确。12D根据下文空“_ to her word,she stayed away as Adam wrestled”可知他还是去和别人摔跤了。说明虽然Anna努力劝说他,但是并没有成功。上下文之间是转折关系,所以使用however。13A根据上文“if he wanted really to do it,she was not going to watch”可知,Anna告诉Adam,如果他去比赛,她是不会去看的;由空后的“she stayed away as Adam wrestled”可知,Anna的确没有去看比赛。故使用true to her word“信守诺言”。故A正确。14Cadvise建议;promise允诺;predict预测;design设计。根据上文“You will be so beat up that they will have to carry you home!”可知,Anna说他会被别人打败送回家。实际情况正如她预测的一样,Adam被人送回了家。故C项正确。15Bsettle定居,解决;lie躺,位于;sit坐;lay产卵,放置。根据后半句“every muscle pained and wounded”可知,他浑身是伤,那么应该是躺在床上。故B正确。16C在Anna说话之前,Adam先说了。故连词before正确。17Dplan计划;idea观点,想法;goal目标;word话。看到他的情况,Anna要批评他几句,但是他不让Anna说话。名词word可以表示所说的话。故D正确。18B根据后句“I have to wrestle again tomorrow night!”可知,明天还要去摔跤,说明他今天晚上获胜了,才有资格继续比赛。故B正确。19A本段与第一段相呼应,只有当你自己认为你能够做到某些事情的时候,你的生活才能发生改变。所以使用动词changes。故A正确。20Ctalent才干;doubt怀疑;opinion观点;suggestion建议。如果你轻视自己,没有人能够提高它。have a low opinion of sb.轻视某人。故C正确。.短文改错A tourist bus wound its way into a area.On the way,two passengersa couple of young loverswere attracted by the beautiful scenery that they called a stop to get off the bus.They were left behind and the bus went on.Suddenly,they heard a loud boom ahead of the road. was a huge rock down a hill that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley.The lovers were greatly shocked by the news that no passengers on board were survived.When they calmed down they sighed and expressed their feeling


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