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Unit 2Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points.单句语法填空1Having studied Chinese for two years, now she can speak Chinese fluently(fluent)2He has dreamed about travelling to Australia or New Zealand, and the latter(late) one is his favorite place.3Actually(actual), he is an honest and reliable person, whom you can depend on.4Gradually(gradual), they are tried of life in the noisy city.5Since he came to power, he has paid several official(office) visits to some foreign countries.6People in different English speaking countries may use different words, different spellings(spell) and different pronunciations.7Even though he lives alone, he owns two apartments(apartment)8If you want to master English, to have large vocabularies(vocabulary) is necessary.9His English accent is so good that you would think he was a native(nation) speaker.10We hold such an activity to enrich(rich) our school life.阅读理解Jay began to teach me in my first year in high school. I dont really remember the very first class he gave us, but after no more than two or three weeks, many of my classmates began to think his American English was really comfortable and clear to understand. As a language learning lover, Id been imitating(模仿) the American accent back then. So to me, listening to Jays class was not only just “having an English class given by a foreigner”, but also a very natural and happy way to keep imitating the American accent.Jays class was really special to us Chinese students. Compared to most Chinese teachers who would just read the textbooks to us, we felt we were really the owners during the class. Jay was like a really interesting friend to us, so the interaction(互动) was very natural, positive and useful. At least I myself always felt I really learnt something.Jay had lived in China for many years by the time he taught us. We, as native Chinese students, often laughed about Jays humor and body language. I often realized that in our free time we would often talk about his class,“Oh, thats why Jay mentioned something like that;wow, this is really interesting!”Jay was also a very caring teacher outside the class. Even though we couldnt communicate with him easily, he would really listen to what we asked and tried his best to help. Sometimes just a few words from him would make you feel better, and you would see theres still hope in your life. Jay would really listen to our questions and try his best to answer them. If he couldnt answer them in time, he often got back to us the next time.I havent seen him for years, but Ill always miss him.【文章大意】Jay是作者高中时的一位外教老师,作者很喜欢上他的课。1After attending Jays classes for about two or three weeks, the author _.Acouldnt follow Jay well Bdidnt consider Jay to be specialCloved the way Jay spoke EnglishDdecided to stop learning British English解析:C推理判断题。根据第一段的many of my classmates began to think his American English was really comfortable and clear to understand.以及a very natural and happy way to keep imitating the American accent.可知,作者很喜欢Jay说英语的方式。2How did the author most probably feel in Jays class?ADisappointed.BInterested.CTired. DNervous.解析:B推理判断题。根据第二段的Jay was like a really interesting friend to us. So the interaction was very natural, positive and useful. At least I myself always felt I really learnt something.可知,作者对Jay的课很感兴趣。3We know from Paragraph 3 that Jay _.Adidnt live in China for longBdidnt use body language wellCwas funny in his students eyesDoften talked about his class after class解析:C细节理解题。根据第三段的We, as native Chinese students, often laughed about Jays humor and body language.可知,Jay在他学生的眼里是个很有趣的人。4What did Jay do when his students asked him questions?AHe often replied in Chinese.BHe tried his best to answer them.CHe answered them in a few words.DHe often didnt answer them at once.解析:B细节理解题。根据第四段的Even though we couldnt communicate with him easily, he would really listen to what we asked and tried his best to help.可知,Jay 尽自己最大的努力来回答那些问题。.完形填空We never talked about school as the ticket to the future. I was in the classroom, but I wasnt there to learn how to write, read or even _1_. When it was my turn to read, I wanted to _2_. I was 13 years old, _3_I already hated being who I was.I had a(n) _4_ teacher, Mr. Creech, who knew I couldnt read. And he found it _5_to make my secret known to others. He _6_me and said, “Anthony, why dont you read the next paragraph?” I didnt even know what the paragraph was. I _7_to read what was in front of me, but the only sound of my voice _8_ resulted in laughter. From then on, I never gave up practicing reading.Now I am 41 years old. One day, I planned to _9_back to Texas to visit my family and friends. On my way from the airport, I saw Mr. Creech _10_himself a drink. I rushed over and reached into my _11_to pay for him. “Do I know you?” he asked.“Yes, sir, you do know me,” I answered _12_. “My name is Anthony Hamilton. You taught me English.” The look on his face told me that he remembered the _13_hed once shamed. “Im so _14_ that I had a chance to see you again, ” I said.“And Mr. Creech, I have great _15_to share.”I had learned to _16_.But that wasnt all. I had become a published _17_and an active speaker. “The next time you get another Anthony Hamilton in your _18_, please encourage him to read as well,” I said.The experts say what once _19_me has a name:dyslexia(诵读困难症)But I can tell you it was a lack of _20_ for education.话题:校园【文章大意】虽然作者小时候患有诵读困难症,但是作者在一位老师的鼓励下,最终成为了一名作家和演讲家。1A.listen BpaintCspeak Dact解析:C根据后文的But the only sound of my voice. resulted in laughter和I had become. an active speaker.可知,作者上学时没学会读、写和说(speak)。2A.jump BhideCsleep Dsucceed解析:B当轮到作者读书时,他想躲避(hide)。3A.but BandCalthough Dso解析:A作者13岁了,但是(but)他已经厌恶自己了。4A.Chinese BhistoryCgeography DEnglish解析:D根据后文You taught me English可知,这是英语(English)老师。5A.important BstrangeCnecessary Dunwise解析:C老师知道作者不会读书,他觉得有必要(necessary)把作者的秘密公布于众。6A.turned to Blooked afterClooked down upon Dpaid attention to解析:A根据后文hed once shamed可知,老师转向(turned to)作者,当面羞辱。7A.managed BfailedCliked Dtried解析:D根据前文作者没学会读、写和说,并且当轮到作者读书时,他想躲避,以及后文作者开口读可知,他尽力(tried)去读放在自己面前的内容。8A.gradually BfrequentlyCimmediately Ddirectly解析:C但是作者一开口发声就立刻(immediately)引起全班大笑。9A.drive BflyCwalk Dride解析:B根据下文On my way from the airport可知,作者坐飞机(fly)到德克萨斯州。10A.buying BmakingCfetching Dsending解析:A根据下文pay for him可知,老师是在给他自己买(buying)饮料。11A.pocket BmachineCclothes Darms解析:A作者冲过去,把手伸进口袋(pocket),拿钱为老师买单。12A.shyly BproudlyCexcitedly Dangrily解析:C针对老师的询问,作者激动地(excitedly)作出了回答。13A.girl BmanCwoman Dboy解析:D根据作者自报名字Anthony Hamilton和后文The next time you get another Anthony Hamilton in your. please encourage him to read as well 可知,当年老师“羞辱”作者时,作者还是一个男孩(boy)。14A.upset BgladCregretful Dgrateful解析:B根据下文的I have great . to share.可知,作者高兴(glad)有机会遇见老师。15A.news BjobsCchances Dideas解析:A由下文作者的成就可知,作者有好消息(news)要与老师分享。16A.work BwriteCread Dteach解析:C根据前文Mr.Greech, who knew I couldnt read可知,作者告诉老师此时他已经学会了读书(read)。17A.author BassistantCteacher Ddoctor解析:A根据前文but I wasnt there to learn how to write, read or even.可知,作者此时不仅学会了读书,还成为了出版了书籍的作家(author)和活跃的演讲家。18A.company BfactoryChouse Dclassroom解析:D这里指教室(classroom)。19A.hurt BworriedChit Dconfused解析:B专家说曾经让我担忧(worried)的病叫诵读困难症。20A.excuse BabilityCdesire Dhelp解析:C根据第一段首句We never talked about school as the ticket to the future.可知,作者认为缺乏对教育的渴望(desire)也是造成作者诵读困难的原因。.短文改错假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It was Grandmas birthday yesterday. Father, Mother and I go to visit her. She lives with my uncle in the villages not too far awa


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