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SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 1 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 1 THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE 钢结构防火涂料施工方案钢结构防火涂料施工方案 Project No.: 12099D 项目编号项目编号 :12099D Project Name : SKNINGBO EPDM PROJECT 项目名称项目名称 :宁波宁波 SK 5 万吨万吨/年合成橡胶项目年合成橡胶项目 Owner: NINGBOSK PERFORMANCE RUBBER,CO., LTD 业主业主 :宁波宁波爱思开合成橡胶有限公司爱思开合成橡胶有限公司 Site : ZHENHAI, NINGBO, CHINA 位置位置 :中国宁波市镇海区中国宁波市镇海区 002.Jan.2014Z.GJ.J.WANGE.J.CHEN APPDDATEREV. 版次版次 DATE 日期日期 PREPD 编制编制 CHKD 审核审核 APPD 批准批准 CLIENT 业主业主 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 2 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 2 目目 录录 CATALOGUE 1. 编制说明编制说明 COMPILATION INTRODUCTION .3 2. 编制依据编制依据 COMPILATION BASIS3 3. 工程概况工程概况 PROJECT PROFILE3 4. 施工准备施工准备 PRELIMINARY WORK FOR CONSTRUCTION .5 5. 主要程序和方法主要程序和方法 MAIN PROCEDURE AND METHOD8 6. 施工技术组织措施计划施工技术组织措施计划 CONSTRUCTION TECHNICAL ORGANIZATION PLAN .11 7. 资源需求计划资源需求计划 RESOURCE DEMANDING PLAN19 8. 工程进度管理及保证措施工程进度管理及保证措施 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS MANAGEMENT AND GUARANTEED MEASURES .19 9. 质量管理体系质量管理体系 QMS QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (QMS) 23 10. 安全安全/环境技术保证措施环境技术保证措施 TECHNICAL PRECAUTIONS FOR HSE.25 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 3 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 3 1. 编制说明编制说明 Compilation introduction 本安装方案适用于全场钢结构防火涂料的施工。包括施工的流程、施工方法及措施、精度要求等。 This construction scheme is used for fireproof coatings for steel structure. It includes the construction procedure、method、measures and accuracy requirements. 2. 编制依据编制依据 Compilation basis 相关设计图纸; 本企业技术专长、设备及资源配置能力; 相关现行国标和行业标准 施工现场的具体情况 1) 钢结构设计规范(GB50017-2003) 2) 钢结构防火涂料国家标准 (GB14907-2002) 3)钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范 (CECS24:90) 4)建筑施工安全检查标准 (JGJ59-99) 5) 石油石化钢结构防火保护技术规范 (SH3137-2003) Related design drawings; The technical expertise, equipment, and the allocation of resources ability for this enterprise; Related current national standard and industry standard The specific condition of the construction site 1) “ Code for design of steel structure“ (GB50017-2003) 2) “Fireproof coatings for steel structure of national standards“ (GB14907-2002) 3) “Technical code for application of fireproof coatings for steel structures“ (CECS24:90) 4) “Standard for construction safety inspection“ (JGJ59-99) 5) “Petroleum and petrochemical steel structure fire protection technical specifications“ (SH3137-2003) 3. 工程概况工程概况 Project profile 1.1 工程工程概况概况 General profile SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 4 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 4 工程名称:Ningbo SK 三元乙丙橡胶项目 Project name:SK Ningbo EPDM Project 建设单位:宁波爱思开合成橡胶有限公司 Construction unit:Ningbo SK Performance Rubber. Co., Ltd. 总承包单位:中国机械工业建设集团有限公司 General contractor:China Machinery Industry Construction Group INC. 项目地址:宁波化学工业区湾塘片内,宁波通往舟山跨海金塘大桥的西北侧,地块呈长方形。 Project location:Bay Tang zone,Ningbo chemical industry zone, northwest of Ningbo to Zhou Shan across the sea of Jin tang Bridge, rectangle plot. 1.2 项目项目概况概况 project overview 对宁波爱思开 5 万吨/年乙丙橡胶项目钢结构防火涂料涂装工程进行采购及施工: The procurement and construction of fireproof coatings for steel structure 1.3 钢结构钢结构防火要求防火要求 The requirements of fireproof coatings for steel structure. 全场工程耐火等级为二级,须严格执行相关的规范条文及选用达标的防火涂料或相应的防火 处理措施。 The all engineering of fireproof coatings rating for secondary, it must be strictly implement the relevant specification clauses and choose standard fireproof coatings or corresponding fireproof measures. 1.4 防火材料生产厂家的选择防火材料生产厂家的选择 The option of Fireproof coatings manufacturer. 根据本工程的结构特点和设计要求,防火材料厂家必须能提供符合钢结构防火涂料国家 标准(GB14907-2002)的相关规定,且具有国家防火建筑材料质量监督检测中心出具的检测报 告和产品型式认可证书,检测结果为合格。 According to the structural characteristics and design requirements of this project, fireproof coatings manufacturers must be able to provide in accordance with “Fireproof coatings for steel structure of national standards“ (GB14907-2002), and have issued by the inspection center test report of national fireproof construction material quality supervision and the approval certificate of product type. The test results for qualified. SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 5 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 5 1.5 工程目标工程目标 Project goals 工期目标:满足业主要求。 质量目标:实现工程质量合格率 100% ,达到一次验收合格标准。 安全目标:实现零伤害。 文明施工目标:符合文明施工要求。 Period goal: Satisfy requirements of the owner. Quality target: Realize 100% qualified rate of engineering quality, reach qualified standard once acceptance. Safety goal: Realize zero injury. Civilized construction goals: Conform to the requirements of the civilization construction. 4. 施工准备施工准备 Preliminary work for construction 4.1 技术准备技术准备 Technical preparation 1、编制施工组织设计并经批准。 Compile construction organization design and then submit for approval. 2、作好技术交底工作,并建立交底档案。 Technical disclosure should be conducted well and establish the disclosure documents. SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 6 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 6 4.2 现场人员准备现场人员准备 Preparation of field force 人员 Personnel数量 Quantity备注 Remark 施工员 Construction worker 1 质量员 Qulity staff 1 安全员 Safety staff 1 普工 General worker 10 起重工 Lifting worker 1 电工 Electrician 1 合计 Total 15 施工过程中根据进度要 求及现场实际施工情况 进行人员数量调整 During construction,the quantity of workers shall be adjusted according to schedule target and the actual construction situation. 所有人员进场前,相关管理人员应提前一天将人员姓名及工种详单提交安全部和质量部备案, 特殊作业人员还应提交特殊作业证件的原件。现场作业人员需按要求经过安全等各项培训方可进 场作业。所有人员进入施工现场时,需穿着规定的工作服,正确佩带安全防护用具。未按规定着 装严禁进入施工现场,未采取安全防护措施或现场安全防护不到位时,严禁进行相关作业。 Before all the personnel enter the area, management personnel should submit the list of personnel name and profession to safety department and quality department. Operating personnel on site should receive related training such as safety training before they begin working. Workers without license or with expired license must not conduct special job. Once the personnel enter the area, they should wear regulated labor suit and safety device. Unless, they are forbidden to enter the construction site and conduct related job. 4.3 工机具准备工机具准备 Preparation of machines and tools 名称 name规格型号 size数量 quantity备注 Remarks 空压机 Air compressor2 翻斗车 Tilting cart2 配电箱 Distribution box2 喷枪斗 Spray gun5 相关管理人员应在工机具进场前一天将工机具清单提交物资部备案,并在工机具进场后提交 安全部检验工机具是否合格可用,精密仪器报质量部检测。 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 7 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 7 Management personnel should submit list of machines and tools to material department for record one day in advance. Meantime, submit to safety department in order to inspect whether the machines and tools are qualified. For precise instrument, submit to quality department for inspection. 4.4 材料材料进场进场及及验验收收 Fireproof coatings into the construction site and acceptance inspection. 1、材料进场应严格按照材料进场计划进场,以保证钢结构防火涂料施工的顺利进行。 Fireproof coatings into the construction site should be strictly in accordance with the plan to ensure the construction of fireproof coatings for steel structure go smoothly. 2、根据材料计划进场时间,提前组织材料进场。材料进场后,项目部先对构件进行验收,然 后邀请业主、监理共同验收。 According to the time schedule of fireproof coatings into the construction site, organize material approaching in time. After material approached, project office should accepts and retests it at first and then invites the owner and supervisor to accept and retest again. 3、装、卸货时应注意安全,防止事故发生。运输司机不得随意在施工现场走动以保证安全。 Pay attention to safety when loading and unloading, and prevent accidents. To ensure safety truck drivers should not allowed to walk in the construction site arbitrarily. 4.5 施工许可施工许可 Construction permits 本工程中各项工序作业前,需提前一天将专项施工方案提交项目部相关部门审批,施工 前在现场对安全员、质量员和作业人员进行技术交底并签字。不履行上述手续不可动工作业。 Before beginning to proceed each working procedure of this project, managers shall submit special construction plan to relevant departments for approval one day in advance and do technical disclosure to safety staff、quality staff and operating personnel. Unless, shall not proceed the job. SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 8 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 8 5. 主要施工程序和方法主要施工程序和方法 Main construction procedure and method 5.1 作业流程作业流程 operation procedure 钢结构基层预处理, 达到防火涂装要求 搭设施工脚手架及操 作平台 调制防火涂料 喷涂第一层防火涂料 第一层防火涂料干燥后 喷涂第二层防火涂料, 达到设计要求厚度 修正边角、接口部位 检验 返 修 成品保护 工序交接 Not ok 合格 Ok 施 工 准 备 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 9 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 9 Ok The erection of scaffolding Meet the requirements of fireproof coatings construction for steel structure Mix fireproof coatings Spray the first layer of fireproof coatings. After the first layer of fireproof coatings dries, spray the second layer of fireproof coatings, and meet the design thickness. Trim edges and the interface positions. Acceptance Qualified Repair Process the handover Protect finished product Not ok SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 10 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 10 5.2 作业步骤作业步骤 construction procedure 钢材基层达到 防火喷涂施工 条件 第一步,基层处 理,达到喷涂第 一遍条件。 第二步,调制防 火涂料,分层喷 涂,达到设计要 求厚度。 第三步,处理边 角及结合部位, 检验合格后进行 成品保护及工序 交接。 Meet the requirements of fireproof coatings construction for steel structure Spray the first layer of fireproof coatings. After the first layer of fireproof coatings dries, spray the second layer of fireproof coatings, and meet the design thickness. Trim edges and the interface positions. After the acceptance to finished product protection and process the handover SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 11 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 11 5.3 脚手架搭建方案脚手架搭建方案 construction scheme of the erection of scaffolding. 5.3.1 工作面较高的区域登高设施采用活动门式脚手架进行施工。门式钢管脚手架符合 JGJ128- 2010建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范要求(详见脚手架搭建示意图)。 We uses the trapdoor scaffold for construction when faced high places work. The trapdoor scaffold must meet the requirements of “construction steel scaffolding safety technical specifications“ JGJ128-2010. 5.3.2 现场用使用门式钢管脚手架管理措施现场用使用门式钢管脚手架管理措施 The management measure of using the trapdoor scaffold in the construction site. (1)操作前做好相应的防护措施,不得酒后蹬架进行施工作业。 Before operation prepare the corresponding protective measures, and cant work after drinking. (2)门式钢管脚手架移动时架上不得有人。 The scaffold mobile rack may not be someone (3)门式钢管脚手架上的施工人员必须佩戴安全带,安全带应系于安全绳上。 Scaffold construction personnel must wear seat belt, seat belt should wear in the life line. (4)在施工作业区钢梁处设置 50m 的安全绳,用于悬挂安全带。 In a setting steel beams in the construction areas 50 m safety rope, used to hang your seat belt. (5)移动门式钢管脚手架时禁止进行涂刷施工,注意安全。 Mobile door type steel pipe scaffold coating operation is prohibited, pay attention to safety. (6)门式钢管脚手架上部做好护栏,注意安全。 The mobile door type steel pipe scaffold completes the guardrail, pay attention to safety (7)门式钢管脚手架做好斜撑等加固工作。 It should do a good job of brace and reinforcement to Mobile door type steel pipe scaffold. (8)脚手架的爬梯做成交互式爬梯,每隔 1 层做好休息平台。 The ladder made by staggered type, Every 1 layer completes a rest platform. (9)底部每个脚手架都需安装轮子,方便移动,在施工时注意对轮子的维护和保养。 Each scaffold should be installed a wheels at the bottom, for easy mobility, and when construction it should be pay attention to maintenance and maintenance of the wheel. 5.3.3 脚手架构配件的检验依据和规范脚手架构配件的检验依据和规范 Scaffolding components of the test basis and specification (1)门式钢管脚手架各部配件应符合现行国家标准 JGJ128-2010建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安 全技术规范要求。 (见图 1) SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 12 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 12 The various parts of the door type steel pipe scaffold fittings must meet the requirements of “construction steel scaffolding safety technical specifications“ JGJ128-2010. (2) 、安全护栏 safety fence 在高于脚手板 914mm 处搭设安全防护栏,确保施工作业的安全。 Above 914 mm scaffolding erection of safety barrier, to ensure the safety of the construction works. (3) 、门式钢管脚手架单层示意图 2 和多层示意图 3 The single diagram 2 and multi-layer diagram 3 of door type steel pipe scaffold. 图 1 图 1 图 2 图 2 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 13 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 13 图 3 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 14 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 14 (4)、现场保护 protect of work site 防火涂料现场下部,需要保护的设备,部位等,用彩条布铺设,脚手架架设在彩条布上,来 回移动,保护设备不受污染。 It needs to protect that lower part of the fireproof coatings, the equipment, parts and so on. With striped cloth laid, scaffold erection on the striped cloth, moving back and forth, and protect the equipment from dirty. (5)表面未干的防火涂料需要悬挂警示标志,不妨碍施工的情况下,可设置禁行区域,拉警示绳。 It needs to hang a warning mark when fireproof coatings surface was wet, with the situation that not interferes construction, can set up a no-go area or a warning line. (6)正确佩戴使用安全防护用品。 Wear safety protective equipment in right way. (7)发现问题及时报告。 When problems found take a report in time. 5. 4 产品介绍及施工方法:产品介绍及施工方法:Product introduction and construction method 5.4.1薄型钢结构防火涂料施工方案Construction scheme of thin fireproof coatings for steel structure. 薄型钢结构防火涂料该产品由多种高效阻燃剂和轻质隔热材料配制而成的水性防火涂料。物 化性能和防火性能好,遇火那迅速膨胀发泡,生成致密均匀的隔热膨胀炭化保护层,阻止热传递, 从而很大程度延长了钢结构好的耐火时间。本项目选用厚度为 1.8mm。 The thin type fireproof coatings is water-based fireproof coatings that is a mixture by a variety of efficient flame retardants and lightweight thermal insulation material. Physical and chemical properties and good fireproof performance, the rapidly expanding foam when meet fire, generate heat expansion carbonized layer density uniform, prevent heat transfer, thus for greatly extend the steel structure good refractory time. The project selection thin fireproof coatings for 15 mm. 性能特点:Performance feature 涂层薄,遮盖率高,Thin coating, cover rate is high 环保型 附着力强 Environment friendly, strong stickiness 易施工,坚固耐久 Ease of application, Solid durability 防火性能显著,并具有耐火时间长的阻燃性能 SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 15 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 15 Fireproof performance significantly, and refractory time long and fireproof performance 施工方法及注意事项:The construction method and attentions (1)施工前需将进行过除锈、防锈处理的等待喷涂钢结构表面的油污、尘土等清除干净。 Before the construction, oil pollution, dust on the surface of the steel structure should be cleared away,which steel structure should cleaned, antirust treatment and is waiting for coating. (2)确定钢结构表面无漏刷防锈漆后,将涂料充分搅拌均匀,便可开始采用机械喷涂的方 法进行施工。机械喷涂采用自重式喷枪,喷涂时空气压缩机压力为 0.4Mpa。 After the surface of steel structure brush anti-rust paint, with fireproof coatings mix adequately, then can begin to adopt the method of mechanical spraying construction (3)喷涂底层涂料时,第一次喷涂厚度为 12mm,待底层表干后(不粘手为准) ,再进行 喷涂,每次喷涂 24mm 左右,直至厚度达到要求为准。 When spray the first layer of fireproof coatings, for 1-2 mm thickness. After the first layer of fireproof coatings dries, spray the second layer of fireproof coatings, and meet the design thickness of 2-4mm. (4)涂层厚度为均匀,表面要平整。 Coating thickness should be uniform and surface should be smooth. (5)施工过程中及涂层干燥固化之前,环境温度宜保持在期 540。C,相对湿度不宜大于 90%,阴雨天和构件表面有结露时不宜作业。 Before curing coating is dry and in the construction process, environment temperature should be kept in the period of 5 to 40. C, relative humidity should not be more than 90%. If in the rainy day or steel structure surface wet,then stop working. (6)薄型钢结构防火涂料,每桶净重 50kg,贮存温度 535,贮存期 12 个月,贮存运输 防止曝晒、雨淋、重压和倒置。 Thin steel structure fire retardant coating, net weight 50 kg, 5 35 to storage temperature, storage period of 12 months, storage transportation prevent insolate, rain, the weight and the horse. 5.4.2 厚型钢结构防火涂料施工方案厚型钢结构防火涂料施工方案Construction scheme of thick fireproof coatings for steel structure. 本项目选用厚型防火涂料为 15mm。 The project selection thick fireproof coatings for 15 mm. SK Ningbo EPDM Project THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEME OF FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Rev. : 0 Page : 16 of 32 Date : 2 Jan 2014 Doc No :12099D-00000-MS-SS-0013 16 (1)施工前应对钢结构表面作清污、清尘、清锈处理,保持钢结构表面洁净。 Before the construction, oil pollution, dust on the surface of the steel structure should be cleared away,which steel structure should cleaned, antirust treatment and is waiting for coating. (2)涂布厚型钢结构防火涂料底层采用抹涂或喷涂,中、面层采用抹涂工艺。 The first layer of Coating thickness for steel structure fireproof coatings uses the wipe or spray,and the middle layer and the surface uses brush method. (3)室内或室外易受潮部分涂布厚型钢结构防火涂料时,应先在钢构件表面涂刷防锈漆, 待其干燥后再施涂厚型钢结构防火涂料;在室内不易受潮部分不必涂刷防锈漆,可直接涂刷厚型 钢结构防火涂料。 When the place where easy be affected with damp indoor or outdoor spraying the thickness fireproof coatings, coating antirust paint should have been on the surface of steel members, awaiting the thicker steel structure fireproof coatings was drying out; But the place where not easy be affected with damp indoor neednt to spraying the thickness fireproof coatings, can brush thick steel structure fire retardant coating directly. (4)底层涂料配比为(粉料)1 份(增强剂)0.25 份(水)适量,按重量配比,搅拌 均匀即可施涂,湿料必须在 2 小时内用完。 Underlying coating ratio of 1 (powder) + (enhancement) 0.25 + (water) in right amount, according to weight ratio, uniform mixing and then can be brushed, wet material must be used up within 2 hours. (5)中、面层钢结构防火涂料配比为(粉料)1 份增强剂 0.03 份(水)适量,按重量 配比,搅拌均匀即可施涂,湿料必须在 2 小时内用完,随用随配。 The middle and the surface layers coating ratio of 1 (powder) + (enhancement) 0.03 + (water) in right amount, according to weight ratio, uniform mixing and then can be b


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