人教版新目标英语七年级下册《Unit 7 What does he look like》汇报课课件.ppt_第1页
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unit 7 what does he look like?,汇报课,a find the hit-run (肇事)driver she is of medium build and has two big eyes, she is also tall and has curly hair,she never wears glasses.,a,b,c,lets be detectives (侦探),b find the thief he is of medium height and heavy. he has little hair and always wears glasses.,a,b,c,lets be detectives (侦探),he doesnt _ _hair any more. he _ _ hair.,funny short,long straight,have,has,i (dont) think hes so great.,whos the person with long straight hair?,before,now,what does she look like?,she has/she is,lets be best teller!,the best one!,good-looking,popular,loves to act,long straight black hair,a little short,tall and thin short brown basketball a little bit quiet never stops singing popular.,描述人的长相用动词be还是 have/has,he is she,he has she,he wears she,hes short and bald. he has medium build and a big beard.,old henry,self check,bald,shes short and thin, and has long black hair.,teeny,self check,hes tall, heavy, and has curly brown hair.,hugeman,self check,shes thin, of medium height, and has short, curly blonde hair. shes wearing earings.,dreamer,self check,hes medium height, bald and wears glasses.,wiseman,self check,survey :,what does your best friend look like? what does he like doing?,report:jims best friend is tom.he is tall.he has short hair.he often wears a black coat.he likes reading.,游戏(who is she/he?),全班同学分为两组,每组选出一名同学作为组代表到黑板前面来,这两位同学面向其他同学,背向黑板,不许回头。老师将几幅名人图片打在屏幕上,然后分别请这两组同学向本组的组代表描述本组图片上人的外貌、工作(第四单元知识点)或其他相关情况,让本组的组代表最快猜到本组图片上名人是谁的小组获得胜利。,imagine your new look in 10 years (想象你10年以后的样子。),report: i am a student now.i am(of mediun height). i have/wear.in 10 years,i want to be a/an.i want to be(tall)i want to have/wear. i.,dont judge the others by their appearance. 不要以貌取人,my new image,hello, everyone! i want to be a/an_ (actor/teacher). i want to h


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