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9b 教材分析,unit 1 life on mars 本单元的话题是让学生学习思考在另一个行星上生活的前景和可能性,衡量和比较不同环境的优缺点。 语法教学目标有两个 一是用can, could,may 和might等情态动词来请求许可 二是学习由that, if /whether 来引导的宾语从句。,1.可以把welcome to the unit 和vocabulary部分合并在一起教 在教学中注意图片,情景和话题相结合,使学生在学中用,在用中学。,教学建议,2reading 1)在情境和意义中呈现和操练新单词,过好单词关。 2)层层铺垫,为学生读懂课文搭建脚手架。 3)指导学生初步识别定语从句。,3grammar 1)用can, could, may和might来讨论允许或许可,难点 a不同情态动词所适用的语境 b对不同情态动词如何作出正确地回答 提醒学生注意may的用法,a如何使用that和if/whether b. if 和whether的区别 c. 宾语从句的语序 d.从句时态变化,3grammar 2)引导学生归纳that, if, whether引导的宾语从句的语法规则,4study skills 运用略读和寻读两项阅读策略 通过要求学生完成特定的阅读任务,让他们体会略读和寻读这两种技巧,并学会用这些阅读策略来阅读文章, 解决问题。,5.main task 通过完成一份流程图来组织话题,从而写一篇在另一个星球上生活的指南。,unit 2 robots 【概述】 本单元的话题是让学生学习思考机器人为我们工作的可能性;学习衡量和比较机器人的优、缺点,并写一份投诉信。 语法教学目标是学习由特殊疑问词来引导的宾语从句及词组in order to, as a result 和need to的使用。,welcome to the unit&vocabulary 教学顺序可调整为 a. 介绍机器人的用途p23,p28/a b. 介绍机器人各部分的名称p28/b c. comic strip p22,教学建议,2.reading 重点为将拥有机器人的好处和坏处作一对比。 在阅读过程中,可以按照先整体、后分段,先大意、后细节的顺序来指导学生理解文章。重视训练学生运用略读和寻读等阅读策略。 对文中出现的in order to,as a rusult等句型的用法的进行讲解。,3grammar 1) 运用 wh- 疑问词引导的宾语从句 先复习由that, if/whether引导的宾语从句 b.练习由wh-疑问 词来引导的宾语从句,并引导 学生总结规则 c. 区分when 引导的宾语从句和时间状语从句 区分if 引导的宾语从句和条件状语从句,2)用 in order to 表目的 在教此句型时,可复习so that 句型和动词不定式to表示目的用法。帮助学生进行知识的梳理,举一反三。,3grammar,3) 用 as a result 引出结果 注意帮助学生与in order to 的区分 链接课件9 4) 用 need to 来讨论我们不得不做的事情。, need可作为实义动词和情态动态 它作为两种不同的动词时变成否定句,疑 问句及相应回答的方法 强调need doing =need to be done (require也有同样的用法),4. pronunciation 通过重读不同的单词来体会句子的不同含义,5.main task 一封投诉信必须有三部分组成 a你对什么东西不满意 b这个或这类东西应该是怎么样的 c你的要求或希望是什么 以mr jiang的身份来写一封投诉信给机器人商店,其它教学建议 一、重视词汇教学 1.适当领读 2.词不离篇 3.分层要求 4.严格把关,二、加强听力教学 1.用活教材,给学生创设更多的听力的机会。 2.平时教学中,可选取与中考题型相同的听力材料,作为一种应考的考前突破。 3.在进行强化操练的时候,应重视对学生的听力方法,听力技巧的指导。,三、培养和提高阅读能力 1.扩大学生知识视野 2.坚持每天阅读 3.培养学生在语境中猜词的能力 4.培养学生阅读的技巧和良好的阅读习惯,四、优化书面表达 1.灵活运用教材,提高书面表达能力 2.灵活运用多种句型结构 3.激发学生的英语写作兴趣,培养良好的写作心理习惯,thank you,its becoming more and more,whats life like on the earth ?,crowded (拥挤的),polluted(被污染的),(怀着希望地),we can build a better world on another planet.,hopefully,mars is the nearest to us in the solar system. maybe moving to mars is a good choice.,how can we go to mars?,spacecraft 宇宙飞船,space shuttles 航天飞机,how can we live there?,special plants that will produce 生产,food water oxygen(氧气),who can help us do many things?,robots,we will float because of gravity(重力).,settlers移居者,after we move to mars, we will be called,special boots,various designs,read the passage quickly to find out the answer: will life on mars be better than life on earth? in some ways(在某些方面), life on mars will not be better than life on earth today.,skimming,paragraph 1 1)where will we live by the year2100? on the planet mars 2)how is the earth becoming? more and more crowded and polluted 3)what can we do on mars? build a better world,read paragraph2-4,what will life be like?,transport,food,water,air,gravity,transport :,at present,how do we get there ?,how long does it take?,by 2100,how will we get there ?,how long will it take?,what will life be like ?,paragraph 2,in spacecraft.宇宙飞船,it takes months.,in space shuttles.航天飞机,it takes only a very short time.,how can we get to the mars? (2),in _and_,t_ should be much better.,ransport,at present, our spacecraft are too s_to c_large numbers of people. by 2100,the space shuttles can travel at h_ the speed of l_.,low,arry,alf,ight,spacecraft,space shuttles,1)what do humans need to survive? food ,water and air 2)what should scientists be able to do? develop(开发,研发) plants (that can grow on mars) 3)can these plants produce water? we are not sure,paragraph 3,paragraph 4,1) what will be a big problem for the settlers on mars? why? gravity / its about three-eighths of that on earth 2)to prevent this, what do humans there have to do? wear special boots 3)what will the boots be like? fashionable and various designs to choose from,what will the life be like ? (3,4),food, water and air,gravity,h_ need food, water and air to survive . s_ should d_ plants that can grow on mars. the plants will p_the food and oxygen.,1.the gravity on mars only about three e_(3/8 ) of the gravity on earth. 2.we could jump e_ and f_ into space. 3. humans have to wear s_ boots to make themselves heavier. 4. the boots will probably become f_. therell be many different d_ for s_to choose from.,umans,cientists,evelop,roduce,ighths,asily,loat,pecial,ashionable,esigns,ettlers,read paragraph5-7, then do t/f,1. people will have more space. 2.robots will do all of our work and we will have more time for our hobbies. 3.there will probably be no schools on mars. 4.every student will have an e-teacher. 5.food will be as tasty as it is today. 6. the space shuttles travel fast and the journey is very comfortable.,t,f,t,t,f,f,most of,will not be,may not be comfoatable,para 5,in what ways will life on mars be better than that on earth? 1. people will have more_ eg _ _ 2. people will have more_ because_,space,living in a dome with 10 bedrooms,is highly possible,time for hobbies,robots will do most work,para 6,1.on mars what kind of school will the students go to? 2.who will help them with their study? 3. does family have to own a computer?,online schools.,e-teachers.,yes.,para 7,in what ways will life on mars be worse than that on earth? 1._ 2._ _,food-not tasty, in the form of pills,space travel will make people feel ill,its very uncomfortable.,para 1 para 2 para 3 para 4 para 5 para 6 para 7,crowded, polluted,transport,food, water and air,gravity,home,school,food,main idea of each paragraph,task two discussion about life on mars, its not _ or _. the _ is more convenient. people will wear special _. people will have _ space. _ will do most of our work. well have more time for_. students will study in _ schools.,advantages,crowded polluted,transport,boots,more,robots,hobbies,online,disadvantages, low _ may be a problem for people. food does not taste _. space travel makes people feel _.,gravity,tasty,ill/sick,differences between life on earth and life on marsp11,clean and has lots of space,space shuttles travel at half the speed of light,it will be a big problem,we must wear special boots,we have more space. we live in domes with 10 bedrooms.,we take exams at online schools.,food will not be the same. meals are in the form of pills.,the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles (that travel at half the speed of light).,用以光速一半速度飞行的太空穿梭机进行的旅程可能只要花很短的时间。,此句是that连接的定语从句,that 修饰先行词space shuttles。,合并句子 1.the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles 2. space shuttles travel at half the speed of light.,more examples,a force( that keeps us from f


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