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大学英语四六级考试专题训练(三):CLOZE解题思路及高分技巧(编写:赵琪 艾天姿)根据四级考试大纲,完型填空满分占710分的10%。其主要形式是在一篇约300词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。做好完型填空虽然也需要好的英语功底,但是我们可以列出一些方法和要点,供大家参考,提高复习和做题的效率。完形填空的题目在设计时并非拿来一篇短文随便去掉几个词,出题者要遵循一定的要求和准则,以保证测试的效度和信度。四、六级考试中的完形填空不仅测试应试者在词汇和句子水平上运用语言的能力,还测试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。因此,要做好完形填空,必须要在通读全文、把握结构与大意的前提下,根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段最后确定答案。根据完形填空这一测试特点,在做完形填空时应采取以下五个步骤逐一进行:步骤一:了解大意通读整篇文章,弄清文章的大意和结构,确立正确的背景知识。考生在第一遍阅读中,要善于从文章开头的几句话中把握短文的背景、主题或结构,并结合常识判断构建一定的预期,并在随后的阅读中,不断修正,以求与原文一致。通常情况下,文章开头的一、两句话都是完整的信息,这些句子揭示文章的背景知识或主题思想,考生在阅读中一定要仔细研读,为后面的阅读扫清障碍。步骤二:初选答案读完文章了解大意后,考生便可以开始填空了。在填每个空格时,可以从出题者的出题思路着手,初步做出每个题的答案。总的来说,出题人有以下六种出题思路:(一)词义与词形的辨析。选项与选项之间构成同义词、反义词、形近词的关系。有时出题者也借助选项,考察考生对某些单词词义的精确理解。举例:Geographers compare and contrast 1 places on the earth.1A) similar B) various C) distant D) famous译文:地理学家比较和对照地球上的 1 地方。出题者精心设计只为考察compare和contrast的精确含义。compare意为to exam for similarities and differences, contrast意为to compare in order to show differences。综合两个词的含义,应为“找出其相似之处与不同之处”,因此B)various“各种各样”为正确答案。(二)逻辑关系。所填空格的句子,与上下文构成指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、 补充、递进等逻辑关系。根据逻辑关系词,判断前后语篇的含义以选出答案。举例:The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection; 2 ,what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system2A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) also根据上下文,空格前的意思为“外籍研究学者通常把自己隔离在实验室里作为一种保护的手段”。空格后为“他需要融入的是高度的组织化的大学系统”。前者是一种孤离的状态“isolate”,而后者是一种组织化的系统“be fitted to a highly organized university”,从逻辑的角度而言,前后已然成为对立、矛盾的关系。所以答案为表示对比(转折)关系的连词however.常见逻辑关系连接词:(1).并列关系and ,or, neither nor ,either or ,likewise ,similarly, equally, in the same way , that is to say.(2).递进关系then , besides, in addition ,additionally ,moreover , what is more , further more.(3).因果关系because, for, since, as, thus, hence, therefore, so, so that, consequently, accordingly, as a result.(4).让步关系although, though, even though, even if, despite , in spite of, nevertheless (尽管如此)(三) 结构识别。这里讲到的结构,是指英文中表示句子结构的固定词组,如not onlybut also, as well, somethe others等。(四) 固定搭配。这里的固定搭配,是指动词与名词之间的搭配。如:同样是“利用”, 却有不同的搭配take advantage of sth. /make use of sth.例如:When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be effective on TV. Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to _1_ themselves to the new medium were technical. When working on radio, for example, they had become _2_ to seeing on the behalf of the listener.1. A) turn B) adapt C) alter D) modify 2. A.) experienced B) determined C) established D) accustomed 在第1题中,adapt动词常与 “to” 搭配,表示“适应”,因此,技巧之一要注意动词或词组的搭配。第2题中,也是习惯搭配be /become accustomed to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于”,其中“to”为介词,注意上下文联系,“to seeing”正好符合要求。(五) 动词的用法。考生应从动词的时态、语态(被动语态和主动语态)以及非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)几个角度逐一考虑。同时要在在语法上、意义上、逻辑上看主谓搭配的合适性,要看主语是人还是事物,主语可不可能做出这个动作,以决定此动词是否可选。例如: beimpressedby“被留下深刻印象”,主语只能是人。而manifestvt.表明、证明,主语只能是物。可根据主语选择动词,反之亦可根据动词选择主语。(六) 介词的用法。介词的用法中多考察介词与名词、介词与形容词及及介词与动词的搭配和用法。比如 a key to the problem, be inferior to , comment on 等固定搭配。除了按照以上六种思路从正面逐一解题外,考生还可以灵活多变地从反面入手,利用排除法获得正确答案。在四、六级考试的完形填空部分,特别是在考察关联词的测试中,利用一种叫“同性元素排除法”的方法能够快速地缩小可选范围,找到正确答案。例如:“In the United States,professors have many other duties 3 teaching, such as administrative or research work . 4 , the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.”3. A) but B) except C) with D) besides4. A) However B) Therefore C) Furthermore D) Nevertheless在完形填空中,所谓的同性元素是指具有相同的含义,同样的语法功能以及一致用法的两个或多个选项,只要具备以上几个条件,那它们相互之间就构成了同性元素。其实,同性元素的出现,是出题者为了凑足四个选项不得已而为之的。分析以上两题选项,很明显,3题中,A与B互为同性元素,意思与语法功用一模一样,均表示“除了”(不包含)。4题中A与D也如出一辙,均是表示转折的连词,译为“然而,但是”,选项中一旦出现同性元素,它们必定不是正确答案,考生应立即将其排除掉。这样一来,3题只剩下可选答案C)、D),4题只剩下B)、C),可选范围迅速缩小,再根据上下文逻辑关系的判定可得出正确答案3 D),4 B)。步骤三:寻找线索完形填空不同于句子与结构,必须要从整篇文章入手,通篇考虑,结合上下文答案,寻找线索就秉承了这一思想。有些题从单纯的句子来考虑,我们会发现四个选项均可以入选,但从上下文的线索入手,就能迅速排除其它三个,找到正确答案,从某种意义上来说,“寻找线索”不仅可以考察考生的语言知识,而且更强调对文章内容的整体把握。步骤四: 回头补缺在做题时,如果有的难题一时做不出来,应立刻跳过此题,继续往下做,不提倡考生在某一题上花费大量的时间。只要考生坚持往下做,随着空格变得越来越少,对文章的理解也越来越轻松,有时就能从下文的线索和暗示中找到答案,这样再回过头来填上答案,也未为晚也。步骤五:核实答案题目填完后(除个别难度较大的题目外),考生应利用一到两分钟将答案带入原文通读,通读的目的是通过“语感”来核实答案。这样读下来,不仅可以改正填错的词,而且还可以在这一过程中得到启发,把做不上来的题目填出来。以上这五个步骤在完形填空的做题过程中缺一不可。对文章大意的了解是前提条件,答案的初选是做题的核心,在这一过程中,除了逻辑关系以外,其余5种出题思路更主要的是针对考生平时的积累和记忆的程度,考察考生的语言功底。此外,完形填空的成功离不开对篇章的整体把握,孤立地、片面地看问题,得分不会理想。2007年6月23日英语四级完形填空解析An earthquake hit Kashmir on Oct. 8, 2005. It took some 75,000 lives, _67_ 130,000 and left 67. A) injured C)destroyednearly 3.5 million without food, jobs or homes. B) ruined D)damaged_68_ overnight, scores of tent villages bloomed 68. A) Altogether C) Scarcely B) Almost D) Surely_69_ the region, tended by international aid 69. A) among C) amid B) above D) across organizations, military _70_ and aid groups working 70. A) ranks C) personnelday and night to shelter the survivors before winter B) equipment D) installationsset _71_. 71. A) out C) onMercifully, the season was mild. But with the B) in D) forth_72_ of spring the refugees will be moved again. 72. A) falling C) arrival B) emergence D) appearingCamps that _73_ health care, food and shelter for 73. A) strengthened C) transferred150,000 survivors have begun to close as they were B) aided D) provided_74_ intended to be permanent. 74. A) never C) everFor most of the refugees, the thought of going B) once D) yetback brings _75_ emotions. The past six months 75. A) puzzled C) doubled B) contrasted D) mixedhave been difficult. Families of _76_ many as 10 76. A) like C) so B) as D) toopeople have had to shelter _77_ a single tent and 77. A) by C) under B) below D) withshare cook stoves and bathing _78_ with neighbors. 78. A) facilities C) implements“They are looking forward to the clean water of their B) instruments D) appliancesrivers,” officials say. “They are _79_ of free fresh 79. A) seeking C) longingfruit. They want to get back to their herds and B) dreaming D) searchingstart _80_ again.” But most will be returning to 80. A) producing C) farming B) cultivating D) nourishing_81_ but heaps of ruins. In many villages, electrical 81. A) anything C) everything B) something D) nothing_82_ have not been repaired, nor have roads. Aid 82. A) lines C) paths B) channels D) currentsworkers _83_ that it will take years to rebuild what 83. A) account C) estimate B) measure D) evaluatethe earthquake took _84_. And for the thousands 84. A) aside C) up B) away D) outof survivors, the _85_ will never be complete. 85. A) reservation C) replacementYet the survivors have to start somewhere. New B) retreat D) recoveryhomes can be built _86_ the stones, bricks and 86. A) from C) uponbeams of old ones. Spring is coming and it is a good B) through D) ontotime to start again.此篇文章讲的是关于克什米尔地震后救灾援助的问题,属于记述描写类文章。从题目考点的分布来看,词义辨析占了很大比重。基础扎实、对语言把握程度高的同学容易取得好成绩。其中,67、78、79、80、82、83、85主要考察的就是词义辨析,如67题:It took some 75,000 lives,_67_130,000 and left nearly 3.5 million without food, jobs or homes. A) injured B) ruined C) destroyed D)damaged根据题意,75,000人丧生,空格处应该是受伤 130,000人,很容易选出A) injured。另外,也考察到了常用固定搭配,如71、84题,分别考察的就是set和take相关的固定搭配,2006年6月的67题也考到过set的搭配问题,可见考试委员会对核心考点的重视程度,这些基本都属于送分题,考生同学一般都可把握。又如79题考到的是seek, dream ,long ,search的搭配问题,需要大家引起注意。从完形填空出题情况,我们也可以看出完形的考察趋势。由于新四级取消了原有的词汇与结构的题型,那么考察同学词汇与结构的任务就部分转移到了完形填空上面,所以提请大家注意,词汇与结构这部分既是整个考试的基础,也是考题考察的重点部分。在以后的复习中,依然要重视词汇与结构部分的复习,重视自己基础的夯实与提高,只有这样,才能以不变应万变,在新四、六级考试中立于不败之地。答案分析:67 A)词义辨析题。根据题意,空格前为死亡人数,空格处应是受伤一词,所以injured。68 B)一夜之间,就搭起许多帐篷,应该选B)almost 几乎。69 C)介词题。前文bloom指大量出现,amid意为in the middle of sth.,among指在几个个体之间,above 在.之上,across指从一边到另一边。70 D)词义辨析题。military installation 指军事设施。rank指排名、军衔,personnel指职员,equipment指设备。这里指把军事设施作为难民的临时住所。71 B)固定搭配题。set out 开始,set on 攻击,set forth 提出,set in 开始,到来。这里表达在冬天来临之前,所以选in.72 C)词义辨析题。falling落下,emergence 出现,arrival 到来,根据文意,前文提到冬天到来,一些组织提供住所,但是(but)春天来了,就要搬出,所以选arrival.73 D)词义辨析题。strengthen加强,transfer转移,aid救助,provide提供,而camp(营地)空格后面是医疗,食物,住所,那么应是营地提供医疗,食物和住所。所以选D。74 A)逻辑题。前文提到begun to close, 准备关闭,后文又有permanent(永久的),所以句义应为营地没有打算永久提供食宿,所以选never.75 D)词义辨析题。对于难民来说,既想回到自己的家园,又怕回去挨饿,所以是一种两种感情混合mixed的感情,puzzled困惑的,doubled双倍的,contrasted相比的,反差的。76 B) as many as , as.as的搭配。77 C)介词题。句为在同一帐篷下与邻居共用灶台和洗澡设备。应选under。78 D)词义辨析题。facilities指设备,辅助物,instruments指设备,仪器, implements指工具器具,appliance指电器(多家用)。此处为洗澡设备,所以选appliance。79 B) 固定搭配题。题目中空格后为of, 四个选项中seek常与for, after搭配,long与for搭配,dream与of搭配,search与for搭配。80 C)词义辨析题。根据句义,空格前有get back to their herds, 明显是从事农牧业生产,所以应选farming。Producing生产,cultivating指耕种,nourishing义为滋养。81 D)逻辑题。根据句义:大多数人回来什么都没有,只有一堆废墟。nothing but只有。82 A) 词义辨析题。此处表达意思为电线,只能选line。path指路径,channel指频道,current指流。83 C) 词义辨析题。句义为救援人员估计地震所摧毁的建筑需要很多年进行重建,account估价、解释,measure测量,估量,estimate估计,evaluate评价(某人或某物)。84 B) 固定搭配题。句义同上句。此题考察take的固定搭配,take up开始从事,占用,take away 带走,take out 取出。85 D) 词义辨析题。reservation 保留,retreat 撤退,replacement 替代,recovery 恢复。根据句义,成千上万的生还者永远也不可能完全康复,指心灵创伤。86 C) 介词题。最后一段展望未来,在废墟上重建家园,选built upon,符合文意。From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first _1_ , they were like newborn children, unable to use this _2_ tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kinds future _3_ and cultural growth increased.Many linguists believe that evolution is 4 for our ability to produce and use language. They 5 that our highly evolved brain provides us 6 an innate language ability not found in lower 7 . Proponents of this innateness theory say that our 8 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, 9 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical _10_ times for language development.Current_11_of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. _12_, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in _13_grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being_14_to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the 15 of their first language have become firmly fixed. _16_some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been_17_from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that _18_with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language_19_than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior._20_, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their childs lang


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