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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选Module 11:Unit 2 Whens the best time to visit your town or country?教案设计山东省诸城市皇华镇皇华初中 王丽一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:英语2,课时:13,学生课前准备:(1)、要求学生了解诸城的相关名胜古迹,可通过网络搜索完成。(2)、熟悉本模块单词,能够正确发音和使用。二、 教学目标1、语言知识方面:正确使用本课出现的生词和短语cloudy, camera, swimsuit, northwest, umbrella, pleasant, southeast, from time to time, fall, compared2、语言技能方面:学会使用情态动词 may might;进一步掌握动词不定式做主语的用法。3、情感目标方面:能够关心他人,为他人排忧解难;能说出来自己家乡旅游的最佳时间,并陈述理由。三、 教材分析本模块以天气为话题,要求学生能够根据天气情况为他人提出合理建议。该教案为外研社英语初中二年级上册Module 11:Unit 2 Whens the best time to visit your town or country?教材分析: 1. 重点: 1)choose carefully, from time to time, take photos (of) , all year all day, in summer and fall, arrive in somewhere, a lot of rain snow2) Whens the best time to visit your town or country? Its a good idea to bring your camera. Its pleasant to visit Alaska in July.Itll be dark all day and freezing cold. There are storms from time to time in summer and fall.2. 难点:动词不定式在句中做主语的用法。四、 教学方法三步阅读法:将课文部分的阅读进行分层设计,完成before reading during reading after reading。讲授法:进一步掌握动词不定式做主语的用法,进行必要的知识补充和讲解小组合作:利用百度视频搜索旅游景点的相关知识。五、 教学过程教学要点:了解以旅游的最佳时间为主题的内容,组织学生进行相关单词、短语学习,进一步掌握动词不定式做主语的用法。分配课前准备任务,设计相关表格,要求学生利用网络搜索完成相关内容,了解本课的相关背景资料。百度图片:美国/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&lm=-1&cl=2&fr=ala1&word=%C3%C0%B9%FA%BE%B0%B5%E3%CD%BC%C6%AC 百度旅游: /v?word=%C3%C0%B9%FA%C2%C3%D3%CE%BE%B0%B5%E3&ct=301989888&rn=20&pn=0&db=0&s=0&fbl=800设计America为中心词,让学生说出与之相关的词汇、短语,同步使用课件进行相关内容呈现。板书课题、交待学习任务。新课导入: 展示美国地图,了解美国的领土分布为旅游时间的选择做好铺垫。/?newmap=1&ie=utf-8&s=s%26wd%3D%E7%BE%8E%E5%9B%BD%E5%9C%B0%E5%9B%BE 1. Before reading activity(Warming-up): 1)让学生根据标题Whens the best time to visit the USA? 分组讨论,猜测这篇文章所讲述的大概内容和去美国游玩的最佳时机。教师鼓励学生大胆猜测,无论猜测正确与否,都有助于课文的理解。(目的也是激活背景知识,使学生产生对所学文章的兴趣)。2)小组代表谈谈他们认为什么时候去美国游玩,并说出原因。3)教师最后引导学生:America is a very big country, so best time to go depends which part of America you are going to visit. You know , There are fifty states in the USA. New York is in the east and Los Angeles is in the west. Whens the best time to visit the USA? Lets read the passage and find it out.2. During reading activity(阅读时让学生带着问题,这样可使学生注意力集中,思维活跃,提高阅读效率): When you go to America in May or October, youd better visit _and_. _ is the best month to visit New England. In _ and _, its pleasant to visit Alaska. If you like swimming in the sea, you can go to _for a visit. A. New YorkB. Washington D.CC. Los Angeles Dont come to _in winter, because itll be dark all day and freezing cold. 3. After reading activities(本活动是在学生对整篇文章理解的基础上,教师设计一些细节性的问题,让学生带着问题去加深对课文的理解):(1) 快速阅读课文选择正确答案: ( )What had you better bring to travel around the USA? A. A camera B. A good map C. An umbrella ( ) When is the best time to go to New England?A. In May B. In August C. In September( )Why is it pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August? A. Because it is hot in the evening B. Because it might be cool in the evening. C. Because you can enjoy the sun.( )What is there in Texas and the southeast in summer and fall? A. snow B. rain C. storms.(2)再阅读文章,完成下列句子(即activity2,本活动为细节信息理解题,有助于培养学生的查读能力): September is _to England. Its _your camera. A good reason to visit California in December is _the Sun. Alaska is _ in July and August. In the evening its _some warm clothes._the USA is any time you like. (三)理解意思 小组内合作解决activity 1中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。(四)突破难点1.对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。 Whens the best time to visit the USA? the best time to do sth.意为“_” 【练习运用】The best time _ (go) to Qingdao for a visit is in summer.自主造句:_ The best plan is to arrive in New England in September. 句中“arrive in”意思是:_, 相关单词和短语还有:get to和 reach, “reach” 是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。【练习运用】 When did you arrive _ our school? Could you tell me how I can get _ the post office? The foreigners will arrive _ Beijing next week. He _ the station ten minutes ago. 注意:句中动词不定式to arrive 做系动词is 的_. eg. His job is to clean the street every day. My aim is to catch up with Wang Hua in English. Its a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.“It”在句中做_,真正的主语是动词不定式_.知识巩固动词不定式在句中做主语的句型还有:Its important to learn English well. (It + is + adj. + to do sth)Its important for us to learn English well. (It + is + adj. + for sb. to do sth)Its kind of you to help me with my physics. (It + is + adj. + of sb. to do sth)Its our duty to keep the classroom clean. (It + is + n. + to do sth)It took my mother about 20 minutes to wash the clothes yesterday evening. (It takes sb. some time. to do sth.) 思考:of sb.与for sb.的区别:_There are storms from time to time in summer and fall. “from time to time” 意为“_” 【练习运用】他已经搬到另一座城市了,有时我们互相写信。He has moved to another city, and we write to each other _.自主造句:_ _.New York and Washington DC are good places to visit. 句中动词不定式to visit做places 的_ (句子成分),且后置。文中动词不定式做后置定语的句子还有:_ 辨析 possible, probably , may possible 是_词,意为_.句中位置_probably 是_词,意为_.句中位置_may是_词,意为_.后跟_.【练习运用】(1).有可能要下雪。It is _ that itll be snowy.(2).有可能在12月份访问阿拉斯加。It is _ to visit Alaska in December.(3).玛丽可能秋天去伦敦。Mary _ goes to London in autumn.(4).二月份天气可能会暖和。It _ be warm in February.6) 小组自我补充2.自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。3. 疯狂朗读以上重点内容。(五)补充短语通过对对话的学习,让学生归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作,然后通过实物投影呈现出一个小组的成果,然后其他小组补充完善。应当包括以下短语:1. the best time to visit the USA 2. get cooler 3. take photos of the autumn leaves 4. swim in the sea 5. wear some warm clothes 6. freezing cold 7. from time to time 8. compared to (六)诵读积累1. 跟录音机朗读文章,模仿语音语调。2. 读熟文章3. 读烂短语4. 读烂下列重点句子 (1) Whens the best time to visit your town or country? (2)Bring a good map because you may want to travel around. (3) Its a good idea to bring your camera. (4) Its pleasant to visit Alaska in July. (5) In winter theres a lot of snow. (6) Itll be dark all day and freezing cold. (7)There are storms from time to time in summer and fall. (8) Remember to wear some warm clothes.5. 听写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数.评出优胜小组。(七)复述文章(八)习题巩固1. To play football in the street is very dangerous. (改为同义句) _2. I spent half an hour writing my composition just now. (改为同义句) _3. It was raining hard when he _ the bus stop. A. reachesB. get to C. arrived atD. got4. Its a good idea _ an umbrella. A. bringB. to bringC. broughtD. brings5. The best time _(visit) Kunming is in Spring.6. Its nice _ (swim) in the sea. 7. Its great fun _ (go) on holiday.8. There _ (be) a lot of snow in the south of China.9. When its sunny, he _ (wear) sunglasses.10. Wed better go and _ (visit) Alaska while we are in the USA. 用possible,probably,may填空1. It will _ rain tomo


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