



翻译 综合训练Unit51. 他直到死后才被认为是一位天才作家。Not until after his death was he recognized as a writer of genius.2. 他工作很努力,结果提前一年获得了博士学位。He worked so hard that he obtained his Ph.D. degree one year ahead of time.3. 它也能使你将文件扩展名与任何你想要的程序联系起来。It will also allow you to associate any file extension with whatever program you wish.4. 列车时刻表作了更改,火车每隔半个小时驶出站台。The schedule has been changed and trains leave the station at intervals of half an hour.5. 两周后,在城里等公交车的时候我又听到有人喊我的名字。 Two weeks later, while waiting for a bus in the town, I again heard someone call my name.6. 社会成员往往通力合作,追求共同的目标。Members of society tend to cooperate in pursuit of the goals they share.7. 和我同住一个房间的游客都非常好。The travelers with whom I shared the room were very pleasant people.8. 腿骨折后她需要一个六个月的理疗疗程。She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.9. 缺乏教育使他们处于极度贫困的状态。Lack of education condemns them to extreme poverty.10. 人类必须建立一套积极的价值观,以确保自己的生存。Mankind must establish a set of positive values with which to secure its own survival.Unit61. 明智的做法是把它忘掉,永远不要再提起。The sensible thing to do is to put it out of mind and never refer to it again.2. 据报道,北欧的暴风雪夺去了数百人的生命。The storm is reported to have claimed hundreds of lives in the northern Europe.3. 我建议你买它或许某天能派上用场。I advise you to buy it it may come in handy one day.4. 除了教书之外,她还在假期里做护士的工作。In addition to teaching, she also works in the holidays as a nurse.5. 有些酒吧贴有告示,警告女性怀孕期间饮酒的危害。In some bars, there are warning signs telling women of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.6. 由于缺乏信息,很难判断这种印刷文本的准确性。 The lack of information makes it difficult to judge the accuracy of the printed text.7. 就美国的历史而言,200年的旧建筑算是很古老的了。In terms of American history, an old building of 200 years is antique.8. 我一直忙着尽量把成绩单在学生们离开前都发出去。Id been running around trying to get all the reports circulated before the students left,9. 昨天,我和汤姆趁天气不错打了网球。Yesterday, Tom and I took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis.10. 她挥动着与一家著名公司刚签订的合同。She flourished the contract newly signed with a well-known corporation.Unit71. 为了盈利,一些航空公司已经取消了不太受欢迎的航线。Some airlines have cancelled less popular routes in an effort to profit,2. 科学家预计要在多年之后才能攻克这种可怕的疾病。Scientist expect that it will be many years before this dreadful disease is conquered.3. 在她的心理医生看来,她所有的问题都源于她痛苦的童年。According to her psychological doctor, all her problems stem from her difficult childhood.4. 在过去的一年中,一系列的丑闻事件无助于建立公众对政府的信心。A series of scandals over the past year has not helped public confidence in the government.5. 她在遗嘱中要求变卖房产和汽车,将所获得的款项分发给附近的贫民。Her will contains instructions to sell her house and car and distribute the proceeds among the poor in her neighborhood.6. 他到家时正好看到他的兄弟被警察带走。He arrived home just in time to witness his brother being taken away by the police.7. 费了许多口舌才使委员会相信新规划的优势。It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme.8. 现在你有工作而我没有,咱俩的处境颠倒过来了。Now that you have a job and I dont, our situations are reversed.9. 未经允许,任何人不得入内,这一条是明确规定了的。It is clearly laid down that no one is allowed in without a permit.10. 确实,在我们的社会里教师没有受到医生和律师所受到的尊重。Certainly in our society teachers dont enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers.Unit81. 董事长要辞职的消息使公司陷入一片混乱。The news that the chairman of the board was to resign threw the company into confusion.2. 手术前,患者必须在一份表格上签字,表示同意手术。Before the operation can be carried out, the patient has to sign a form saying that he has given his consent.3. 儿童不得吸烟,向儿童出售烟草是违法行为。Children are prohibited from smoking and the sale of tobacco to them becomes an offense.4. 这部分法令仅适用于雇员在50人以上的公司。This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing more than fifty people.5. 在不久的将来电子书很可能开始取代纸质书。It is probable that electronic books will starts to replace paper ones in the near future.6. 年终奖金的数量可以认为是与长一级工资相当。The yearly bonus can be considered comparable to getting a raise in pay.7. 出于经济原因,公司已决定裁撤这个部门。The company has decided, for the sake of economy, to close down this department.8. 我们有权不受外国势力干涉,治理自己的国家。We have a right to govern our own country without interference from foreign powers.9. 对于这些变化给比赛带来的影响,足协官员们进行了


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