



课时训练(十一)Modules 45(八下)(限时:30分钟).2018陕西改编完形填空Since my mother moved to live with us in the city, she has been much heavier than before. As time went by, her health got 1. So I had to take her to see a 2. My mother was told to lose weight by doing exercise every day. She had no choice but to follow 3 the doctor said. I told her that I would exercise with her every morning.On the first morning, she got up very early 4 ran with me in our neighbourhood. I tried to run slowly so that she could follow me. After 5 for some minutes, I told her the proper ways of exercise and the importance of eating healthy food. She listened to me carefully. It made me 6 that she told me everything very patiently when I was a kid. On the second morning, I praised her for keeping running with me. But after two weeks, she wanted to 7 running because she thought two-week exercise didnt work at all. To encourage her, I taught her how to use the facilities(设施) for exercise in our 8. She began to exercise again.With my help, it 9 her one month to develop a good habit of daily exercise. “Thank you, my dear daughter. Exercise brings health and happiness to me. I will 10 worry about my health.” Her words touched my heart deeply. I felt happy to make a big difference to my mothers life.1.A.betterB.strongerC.worseD.thinner2.A.teacherB.waiterC.nurseD.doctor3.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.where4.A.andB.butC.soD.or5.A.runB.runningC.ranD.runs 6.A.actB.expectC.forgetD.remember7.A.give upB.eat upC.set upD.put up8.A.schoolB.hospitalC.neighbourhoodD.cinema9.A.costB.spentC.tookD.paid10.A.neverB.everC.sometimesD.always.2018滨州阅读理解Inventions make the world better, smarter and a little more fun. The folding bike helmet (头盔) People hate to wear a helmet because its thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的) enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.Shoes that tie themselvesAfter we see the movie BacktotheFuture, almost everyone wants a pair of self-tying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.The smart alarm clockHello SenseAn alarm clock, called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.Sweet potatoes that could save livesThe lack(缺乏) of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses. In sub-Saharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them fight against some illnesses.11.The folding bike helmet is .A.thick and heavyB.made from metal C.not as strong as a traditional oneD.flexible enough to fold almost flat12.Which company makes self-tying shoes?A.Adidas. B.Nike. C.Kappa.D.Li-Ning.13.The smart alarm clock can NOT .A.improve our sleepB.control our weight C.record our sleep cyclesD.control the temperature in the bedroom14.If a child has a poor eyesight, he may be in the lack of .A.vitamin AB.vitamin BC.vitamin CD.vitamin D15.You can find the passage in a .A.newspaperB.story bookC.guide bookD.cookery book.2018随州改编选词填空阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次)unlesscomeoneevenheanimaluseread traditionexciteIn November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV programme called Monkey. Most of them were hearing this story for the 16. time. However, this story is not new to Chinese children. The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the 17. Chinese book JourneytotheWest.The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey. In fact, he sometimes does not 18. look like a monkey! This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different 19. and objects. But 20. he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a man. To fight bad people, the Monkey King 21. a magic stick. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in 22. ear. At other times, he is able to make it big and long.The Monkey King 23. the children of China for many years. And as soon as the TV programme 24. out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in 25. this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.2018遵义改编任务型阅读The next time you sit down to a delicious dinner, ask yourself, “How much food will I be able to eat?” If you think about only taking as much food as you eat, it will help cut down waste. Every day, plenty of food goes uneaten and turns into rubbish. This is very sad when we consider that (A)there are many people who are too poor to afford one meal every day. The problem of waste happens all over the world. People often want (B) what they really need.(C)The most important thing for us to remember is to be friendly to the environment. Only take as much food as you can eat, buy things in environmentally friendly packaging such as paper or cardboard, and leave rubbish in its proper place. If every person could cut down waste, even just a little, the whole (D)effect would be great.Rubbish and waste can be a big problem in large cities. If rubbish or food is left in the streets in our city, it can make the city dirty and may also lead to a bad smell in the streets. (E)我们应该尽我们的最大努力解决这个问题并使我们的城市更美丽。In this way, we will feel more comfortable living in the city.26.将(A)处画线部分进行同义句转换。(每空一词)There are many people who are not to afford one meal every day.27.根据上下文在(B)处填入一个适当的短语。28.将(C)处画线句子翻译成汉语。29.(D)处画线单词“effect”means in the passage. A.结果B.影响C.效果30.将(E)处画线句子翻译成英语。.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词)31.2019原创电影芳华很感人。很多人在观看过程中情不自禁地哭了。The film Youth was moving. Many people while watching it.32.她已经量了自己的体温,发现自己发高烧了。 Shes temperature and found she has got a fever.33.不要独自去游泳。Dont go swimming .34.她爷爷久病后太虚弱了,不能锻炼。Her grandpa was weak take exercise after a long illness.35.你可以读到用许多其他语言出版的西游记。You can read JourneytotheWest.参考答案.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个“我”和妈妈之间的故事。随着妈妈体重增加, 健康变得越来越糟糕。医生建议通过锻炼减肥。第一天早上妈妈起床很早和我一起跑步。第二天妈妈也坚持了。但是两周后, 妈妈认为没有效果要放弃跑步。为了鼓励妈妈, “我”教妈妈如何使用小区里的设施来锻炼。妈妈又开始锻炼了。在“我”的帮助下, 妈妈养成了每天锻炼的好习惯。妈妈很感激。1.C根据下文“她被告知要通过锻炼来减肥和她不得不按照医生所说的话来做”可推知此处表达妈妈的健康变得更糟糕了。故选C。2.D根据下文“她不得不按照医生所说的话来做”可知此处表达“我不得不带她去看医生”。3.B4.A5.B6.Dact意为“表演”;expect意为“期待”;forget意为“忘记”;remember意为“记得, 记起”。根据上文“我告诉妈妈锻炼的正确方式和吃健康食物的重要性。她很认真地听”和下文“当我是个小孩子的时候她很有耐心地给我讲述一切”是很相似的, 很自然这一幕使“我”记起了“我”小时候的情况。故选D。7.Agive up意为“放弃”;eat up意为“吃完, 吃光”;set up意为“建立”;put up意为“举起, 张贴”。根据后半句“因为她认为两周的锻炼效果一点也不好”可推知前半句表达“她想要放弃跑步”。故选A。8.Cschool学校; hospital医院;neighbourhood居民区;cinema电影院。根据前半句“教妈妈如何使用设施来锻炼”和横线前面的修饰词“我们”的可知地点只能是在“我们”的居民区。故选C。9.C10.Anever意为“决不”;ever意为“曾经”;sometimes意为“总是,一直”;always意为“有时”。根据上句“锻炼给我带来了健康和幸福”可推知这句话表达“我决不再担心我的健康了”。故选A。.主旨大意 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了


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