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U1 Book1断断续续 off and on对感到腻味 be bored by 觉得枯燥难懂 find dull and difficult以而出名 have a reputation for 据说某人 sb. be said to be 拘谨刻板,落后于时代 formal, rigid and out-of-date随笔小品文 informal essay躺在沙发上 lie on a sofa不得不面对 face up to 围坐在晚餐桌旁 be seated around the supper table重现在我脑海中 reawake in my mind自得其乐 for my own joy违反规定 violate the rules不及格分 a failing grade别无选择,只好做 There is no choice but to do 更重要的是,而且 whats more专心地听 listen attentively乐呵呵地开怀大笑 laugh with open-hearted enjoyment心花怒放 pure delight最后的时刻 at the eleventh hourU2 Book1完全沉浸于 be completely lost in引起的注意 get sb.s attention坐进后座 settle into the back seat得了感冒什么的 have a cold or something不着急 in no hurry接着,继续 go ahead记住了,能背出来 know sth. by heart家书抵万金。 Letters from home always mean a lot.老是在外旅行 be on the road so much不大会 not much of a hand at 保持通信往来 keep up correspondence从小学一直到高中 all the way through both grade and high school老街坊 an old neighborhood沉默 in silence失去联系 lose touch老同学聚会 a class reunion时间不饶人。 Time goes by.在一起闲逛 hang out on the same corner点头称是 nod in agreement在远处 in the distanceU3 Book1在过去的一百年间in the last hundred years 回到go back to 享有特权的少数人 a privileged minority 当今政府the present government基础科学basic science全球政府 a global state民主社会a democratic society做出明智决定make informed decisions对态度矛盾 in two minds about电视连续剧 television series生活水准 the standard of living卡通人物 cartoon figures科幻小说science fictions酸雨acid rain温室效应greenhouse effect核武器nuclear weapons基因工程genetic engineering死记硬背learn by rote使销量减半halve the sales分子生物学molecular biology外星文明alien civilization对充满信心have sufficient faith inU4 Book1结结巴巴的英语 broken English大萧条时期 the Depression days上门求助 come to sb. for help重整业务 rebuild ones business ?夏去秋来 Summer passes into fall.人事部门 personnel department培训工人 train laborers徒工学校 an apprentice school精密加工工作 precision work减薪水 take a cut in pay人品贷款 loan money on character没门 no sale人品端正 a man of character首付 down payment从那以后 from then on零星杂物 odds and ends样子自信 have a look of confidence穿戴整齐 be neatly dressed儿时的伙伴 childhood friends最后 in the endU5 Book1劳累过度而死 work oneself to death死于die of / from摇头shake ones head休假on ones day off坐上头把交椅 move to the top spot业余爱好 extracurricular interests适合市场需求的技能 marketable skills放弃give up与竞争 compete with / against对某人关心太多 care too much for sb.一家制造公司 a manufacturing firm新近结婚 newly married打零工 do odd jobs抓住不放 grab at彻夜不眠 stay up all night对公司来说举足轻重 mean much to the company正视 look in the eye解决经济问题 straighten out finances优先认股权 stock option以及诸如此类 and all that辨别出 pick out四处打听 ask aroundU6 Book1整了整军装 straighten ones army uniform人群 the crowd of people 发现自己被吸引 find oneself absorbed 多思善虑的心灵 a thoughtful soul富于洞察力的头脑 insightful mind 前一位拥有人的姓名 the previous owners name 确定地址 locate ones address邀互通信件 invite sb. to correspond 被运往海外 be shipped overseas 碰运气 take a chance on安排了第一次见面 schedule ones first meeting 始终支持他 sustain him unfailingly犹如春天般生气盎然 be like springtime come alive 差不多就站在正后面 stand almost directly behind 体态臃肿 more than a little overweight 那本蓝色羊皮面旧书 the worn blue leather copy of the book 挺胸站立,敬了个礼 square ones shoulders and salute 失望的痛苦使我哽咽 feel choked by the bitterness of my disappointment 请出去吃饭 ask out to dinnerU1 Book21.被系在上be attached to2.探索行为exploratory behavior3.偶尔on occasion4.父母的责任parental duties5.揭示,阐明throw light on6.最终目的an ultimate purpose7.要做的动作desired action8.所希望的结果desirable outcome9.关键critical point10.育儿观 value of child rearing11.弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed12.回想起来in retrospect13.善意的well-intentioned14.前来帮助某人come to sb.s rescue15.极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness16.适用于apply to17.发展到evolve to18.发展创造力promote creativity19.值得追求的目标worthwhile goals20. 一点也不 not in the least21. 站在巨人的肩膀上 stand on the shoulders of giants22. 在之间获得较好的平衡 strike a better balance between.and.U2 Book21. 面临,遭遇be confronted with2. 仰头向上看look up at3. 填写fill out4. 属于fall into5. 仅仅,不多于,不强于 nothing more than6. 转瞬即逝的念头a passing whim7. 磨损,损耗wear and tear8. 虽然,尽管in spite of9. 期望,盼望look forward to10. 富裕的,有钱的 well off11. 不自在,格格不入out of place12. 陈旧的家具dated furniture13. 之后不久shortly after14. 走下坡路,失败 go south15. 转折点 a turning point16. 与形成对比 in contrast to17. 对予以注意,致力于 focus on18. 归属感 a sense of belonging19. 遭遇困难 go through a rough time20. 久不消逝的微笑 a lingering smile21. 为感恩 be thankful for22. 收入最低的档次 the lowest income bracket23. 创作才能 the gift of creativity24. 对物质财富的追求 the pursuit of possessionsU4 Book21. 一周中的最好时光highlight of the week2. 投稿 submit articles3. 有时 at times4. 对感到厌恶feel an aversion to5. 社交方式forms of socializing6. 缺乏自律a lack of discipline7. 网络交际cyber-interaction8. 面对 be confronted with9. 穿着得体be dressed appropriately10. 广告令心烦 be jarred by the commercials11. 工作成了次要的。 Work moves into the background.12. 坏脾气be bad-tempered13. 在此状态下in this state14. 日常事务daily routine15. 依赖 rely on16. 长期失业long-term unemployment17. 吸毒 drug abuse18. 恢复平衡restore balance19. 将与区分开 set apartfrom20. 面对面face to face21. 找借口make an excuseU5book21. 田径比赛 track and field competition2. 俯瞰 a birds eye view3. 深呼吸 take a deep breath4. 像雄鹰一样翱翔 soar like an eagle5. 如出一辙; 不谋而合 coincide with6. 每隔一天 every other day/on alternate days7. 农场杂活 farm chores8. 有一次 on one occasion9. 站着 on ones feet10. 没有意识到 unaware of11. 仰面躺着 lie on ones back12. 对惭愧 be ashamed of13. 感到 fill ones mind with14. 摆脱紧张情绪 shake the tension15. 在内心的最深处 from the deepest depths of ones soul16. 在这种时候 at a time like this17. 舒展;伸展 stretch out18. 缓缓移动 in slow motion19. 使回到现实中 bring sb. back to earth20. 想象 see in ones minds eyeU7book21. 排行榜 a hit parade2. 严格地说 strictly speaking3. 对我们真正至关重要的事 the things that r


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