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必修3Unit 5 Canada“The True North”李仕才一、阅读理解A new “smart bin” could mean the end of environment-conscious families spending hours sorting tins, cartons, bottles, and cardboard for recycling.The invention, which can help sort rubbish into recycling categories without needing people to operate. It is being trialed in Poland and is set to go on sale in UK within a few years.The bin, designed by start-up company Bin.E, recognizes different type of waste via a system positioned inside the bin which uses sensors, image recognition and artificial intelligence. Once waste is placed inside, the camera and sensor identify its type and place it in one of the smaller bins. Then it compresses the waste so it occupies less space.It is thought that the bin could be stocked by department stores such as John Lewis, which said it is introducing more new hi-tech recycling bins. Matt Thomas, a buyer at John Lewis, gave us the reason, “Weve recently seen a jump in specialist bins sales, with a 25 percent increase in the last few months alone. We have noticed our customers are becoming more and more focused on sustainability. In response to this demand, we are really excited to introduce a smart bin this autumn/winter season-designed to make recycling more efficient and functional for the everyday home.Bin. Es official release on the market will take place in 2018. However, at first only a larger version designed for offices will be available. The office bin will sell at 430 while customers will need to pay a 107 subscription fee for an accompanying smartphone app, which hooks them up with collection services. A spokesman at Bin. E said that home version of the bin will be cheaper and will not include a monthly payment.They added: “After the office version, we plan to create an outdoor version and later the home version. We decided to go for the outdoor version for public areas first because it is more difficult to organize an efficient waste segregating system than in our homes.”1.What do we know about about a new “smart bin” from the first paragraph?A. It works automatically.B. It has been used widely.C. It is easy to operate.D. It is very expensive.2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The waste.B. The camera.C. The bin.D. The sensor.3.Why is John Lewis introducing more new hi-tech recycling bins?A. To change peoples behaviour,B. To satisfy increasing demands.C. To popularize new technology.D. To make them more famous.4.Where will the first version of new “smart bin” be used according to Bin. Es official?A. At home.B. In the supermarket.C. In the open air.D. In the office.【文章大意】本文介绍了一款可以智能分类垃圾的“智能垃圾箱”。并对它的设计,市场应用进行了介绍。2.C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据上段The invention, which can help sort rubbish into recycling categories without needing people to operate这项发明可以帮助垃圾分类,可知it指代the smart bin,故选C。 4.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章However, at first only a larger version designed for offices will be available.最初只有一个为办公室设计的更大胆版本才可以使用。可知最初是在办公室使用,故选D。二、完形填空I worried about my personal image and how I could be remembered during my boyhood. In the fifth grade, there seemed to be only one _1_ to be cool. In the sixth grade, suddenly, there were two choices: be cool, or be invisible. _2_, one day, when a teacher had us fill out a questionnaire with _3_ questions, I found the _4_ option.Assuming (假定) the teacher would read our answers privately, I felt it was _5_ to share my privacy. To my _6_, she collected and redistributed (重新分发) them to us. We were asked to _7_ the name and our three favorite answers to the whole class. My answers went to the meanest boy in class.The first question was “Whats your favorite movie?” My answer was Beauty and the Beast. A laugh erupted and my cheeks _8_. The next was “Where would you like to travel?” My answer was _9_ special “Wherever a book takes me.”The _10_ this time had an explosive quality. I could _11_ remember what happened next; all that I had in mind was the laughter. But something amazing happened. A(n) _12_ came, “Guys, cut it out.” The room went _13_. Its Michelle Siever, a popular and cool girl. Then she _14_, “Why are you laughing? What is the point of _15_ if we just laugh at others?” I cant remember the teacher or other kids names, but I remember Michelles. When she _16_ for me that day, she _17_ me we actually have three choices if we want to be remembered. Be cool, and you might be remembered _18_. Stay invisible, and you wont be remembered at all. But if you stand up _19_ someone when he or she _20_ you most, then you will be remembered as their hero for the rest of their life.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。在老师组织的全班问卷调查活动中,“我”的回答引起全班同学哄堂大笑,这时一个女生站起来帮助“我”走出困境。同时,“我”明白了一个道理:在别人需要你的时候站出来会被别人永远记住。1A.tool Bchoice Cchance Dpurpose答案与解析:B根据空后一句中的“In the sixth grade, suddenly, there were two choices”可知,此处表示,在五年级,似乎只有唯一的选择(choice)来让别人记住自己装酷。2A.However BIn addition CTherefore DIn fact答案与解析:A根据下文内容可知,老师让同学们填调查问卷这件事使“我”改变了原先的看法,故前后为转折关系,所以选A。3A.personal Bfunny Cvarious Dstrange答案与解析:A根据下文中的“share my privacy”可推知,此处表示老师要求回答的是我们的私人(personal)问题。所以选A。4A.wrong Bformer Cthird Dlatter答案与解析:C根据上文内容可知,到六年级,“我”突然认为被别人记住有两个选择,但是通过老师让同学们填调查问卷这件事,“我”发现了第三种选择。所以选C。5A.terrible Bsafe Cnervous Dinteresting答案与解析:B根据上文内容可知,假如老师私下阅读我们的回答,“我”就感觉分享的隐私是安全的(safe)。所以选B。6A.surprise Banxiety Cdelight Dexpectation答案与解析:A根据上下文可知,老师没有私下阅读我们的回答而是重新分发,让同学之间互读,这种做法让“我”感到吃惊。所以选A。7A.repeat Bremember Ccompare Dread答案与解析:D参见上题解析。8A.ached Bpaled Cchanged Dburned答案与解析:D根据空前的“A laugh erupted”及常识可知,“我”对第一个问题的回答引起了同学们的大笑,由此可知,“我”当时面颊发烫(burned)。选项D符合语境。9A.even Bstill Cnever Dalways答案与解析:B根据下文中的“this time had an explosive quality”可知,“我”对第二个问题的回答仍然(still)是特别的,因此这一次笑声(laughter)更加强烈。still“仍然,还是”,符合语境。10A.laughter Bquestion Cair Dclass答案与解析:A参见上题解析。11A.nearly Bexactly Chardly Dsurely答案与解析:C根据空后的“all that I had in mind was the laughter”可知,此处指“我”几乎不能(hardly)记得后面发生了什么,所以选C。12A.request Bmessage Corder Dvoice答案与解析:D根据下文中的“Guys,cut it out”可知,Michelle Siever的声音(voice)传来,所以选D。13A.crazy Bsilent Cangry Dempty答案与解析:B根据上下文可知,这个声音使整个房间安静(silent)了下来。14A.announced Bsmiled Cadded Dstopped答案与解析:C根据空后的两个问句可知,Michelle Siever继续在说,即补充道(added)。15A.talking Bchatting Carguing Dsharing答案与解析:D根据全文的内容,尤其是老师要求我们填调查问卷然后交换并在全班朗读这一活动过程可知,这是同学们之间的一次交流分享(share)活动。所以选D。16A.talked about Bcalmed down Cleft behind Dspoke up答案与解析:D根据上文内容可知,“我”对两个问题的回答引起全班的大笑,这时Michelle Siever的话使全班安静下来,据此可推断她在替“我”辩护。所以选D。speak up(for sb./sth.)“(尤指为)说好话,辩护”。17A.reminded Bpromised Cshowed Dpersuaded答案与解析:C她替“我”辩护这件事向“我”展示(showed)了如果想要被人们记住,我们有三种选择。所以选C。18A.for a while BfinallyCagain and again Dhopefully答案与解析:A通过这件事,“我”知道装酷只能被别人记住一时(for a while)。所以选A。19A.before Bwith Cfor Dby答案与解析:C根据上文内容可知,“我”之所以能够摆脱困境是因为Michelle Siever为“我”辩护。所以“我”总结出想要被别人记住的第三种选择是:当人们需要(needs)你时,你站出来为(for)他们说话,这样你就会被他们当作英雄一样被铭记一生。所以选C。20A.misses Bneeds Cvalues Dloves答案与解析:B参见上题解析。三、七选五(2018山西省太原市高三年级模拟试题一) Commonsense Safety Tips for Travelling AbroadWhen a holiday is just around the corner, you may be planning a trip abroad. But to enjoy a worryfree adventure abroad, you also should pay attention to the following commonsense safety tips for travelling abroad. _1_ Another reason to take only carryon baggage besides avoiding baggage fees is that the less you have to carry around, the more quickly you can move, if necessary. You should always have a free hand. Besides, you wont be exhausted from dragging all those bags around. _2_ Lock it up. Leave your hotel with only what you need and lock up the rest. Take a lock for your luggage just in case your hotel doesnt offer a safe. _3_ If you dont need all your cash and cards, dont take them all with you when you go out for a day of sightseeing or shopping. Also, leave your passport in the hotel. Make photocopies of all your important documents and leave the hotel with a copy of your passport plus one photo ID.Why? _4_ If all of your identification is in it, imagine the trouble youll have to go through to replace it all. Think and Plan. Always keep in mind that, when you travel abroad, you are in a place you dont know well and you can always be a target. Trust your senses. _5_ After your arrival, ask the hotel staff and locals about the areas you are thinking of visiting, especially at night. And you should walk in welllit areas at night and know how to contact the local police with your cell phone or a payphone in a foreign country, if necessary.ATravel light.BPay by credit card.CImagine having your bag stolen off a restaurant table.DYou should also make it a habit to take your watch with you.EPlus, dragging lots of bags is a dead giveaway that you arent a local resident.FYou should call ahead to be sure, especially if your luggage is made of cloth material.GYou are smart and mature, so if something or some situation doesnt feel safe, it probably isnt.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了国外旅游的安全常识。【难句分析】Always keep in mind that, when you travel abroad, you are in a place you dont know well and you can always be a target.(最后一段第一句) 分析:本句是一个复合句。that引导宾语从句,在从句中不作句子成分;when引导时间状语从句,在从句中作时间状语;you dont know well是定语从句,关系代词that/which在从句中作宾语被省略,修饰先行词a place。 译文:在国外旅游时要牢记,你所在的地方是你所不熟悉的,你很有可能成为一个(被攻击的)目标。1答案与解析:A根据下文的“Another reason to take only carryon baggagebesides avoiding baggage feesis that the less you have to carry around, the more quickly you can move,if necessary.”可推知,出国旅游带的东西越少越好,要轻装上阵,所以选A项。2答案与解析:E根据上文的“Besides, you wont be exhausted from dragging all those bags around.”可推知,拖很多行李有很多弊端,故选E项作补充说明。3答案与解析:F根据上文的“Take a lock for your luggage just in case your hotel doesnt offer


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