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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,八年级下册英语(人教版),单元易错专题,【精析】在运动、比赛等中战胜或击败了对手用beat,其后常接表示人或团队的词,它的过去式为beat;在游戏、比赛、竞赛、选举等中获胜用win,其后常接game,match,race,competition,prize等表示“物”的词,其过去式为won,反义词为lose,表示“失败,输”。另外,beat还有“打,击打”之意。,易错点一:beat与win的辨析,【精练】 1(襄阳中考)Great!Our womens volleyball team _ the gold medal in Rio Olympic Games on Saturday. Yes.We see the great spirit of Chinese womens volleyball team once again. Awon Bbeat Clost Dmissed 2We played very well,and we _ them. Awon Bbeat Clost Dreported,A,B,3(福州中考)屠呦呦成为第一位获得诺贝尔奖的中国女性。 Tu Youyou became the first _ woman that _ the Nobel Prize.,Chinese,won,易错点二:sleep,asleep,sleepy与sleeping的辨析,【精析】sleep既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“睡觉”;asleep作形容词,意为“睡着的”,用作表语,常用短语fall asleep意为“入睡”;sleepy作形容词,意为“想睡的,困乏的”,可用作定语或表语;sleeping为sleep的动词ing形式,sleeping也可作形容词,意为“睡着的”,可用作定语。,【精练】 用sleep, asleep, sleeping或sleepy填空。 4Good _ helps the body and brain grow and develop. 5When I was a small child,my mother often read me some stories before I went to _ 6The lecture was so boring that some people fell _while listening. 7Dont make a noise.Grandpa is _ 8I didnt sleep well last night,so Im feeling _ 9Keep quiet.Dont wake up the _ baby.,sleep,sleep,asleep,sleeping,sleepy,sleeping,易错点三:rise与raise的辨析) 【精析】rise为不及物动词,着重指“升起;增加;提高”,主语通常是升高的物体本身;raise为及物动词,着重指“抬起;举起;提起”,强调把某物从较低处抬(举、提)到较高处,也可以指提高价值、声誉、地位、工资等。此外,raise还有“筹集;筹募”的意思。,【精练】 10(导学号:38274029)If you need to go to the restroom in class,please _ your hand. Araise Brise Cshake Dwash 11The teacher told us that the sun _ in the east. Ahad risen Bhas risen Crose Drises 12Our school is ready to _ (募集) money for the people in the poor mountains area.,A,D,raise,易错点四:when与while的辨析) 【精析】when既可以指某一时间点,也可以指某一时间段,其从句谓语动词表示的动作既可以是瞬间性的、非延续性的,又可以是延续性的,可与主句中的谓语动词同时发生,也可在其后发生;while指一段时间,从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性的,而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词同时发生或存在。即:指一段时间时,when可用while来代替;指某一瞬间时,when不能用while来代替。while从句多用进行时态。,【精练】 一、单项选择。 13The girls are dancing _ the boys are singing. Awhile Bif Cwhen Donce 14The students were cleaning the classroom _ the teacher came in. Aif Balthough Cwhile Dwhen 15What was Martin doing _ it was raining? He was drawing a picture in the room. Awhile Bafter Cbefore Dif,A,D,A,二、用when或while填空。 16I found


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