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时间:810分钟/篇分值:2分/小题 Passage 1(2018宜昌)There are many different kinds of disasters around the world. As an adult you know what to do during a disaster, but what about the children? Some adults think it would probably never happen to them, so they dont teach their children what to do. Before its too late, here are ways to help you prepare your child for a disaster:Educate: It is always good to let your child know about possible disasters. This doesnt mean children have to live in fear. When teaching them about disasters, keep the conversation positive(积极的) by telling them there is a solution(解决办法) to the disaster. Keep the conversations short, allow for questions and answer honestly.Prepare: Always be prepared, that is the best advice for children. For example, when preparing for bad weather, get the tools you need, like candles, radios, food, water and medicine. Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them, if ever needed.Plan: You should always have a plan for you and your child for any dangerous situation. Write out a simple list that they can read. The plan could start with “listen to an adults advice and/or call 119”Practice: Once you have got the correct safety tools and worked out the right plan, practice every few months. Practicing what to do during a disaster with your child will help them if the time comes.Disasters cant be avoided but they can be lessened(减轻) once you are prepared and ready for one.()1. What does the word disaster mean?A. 命运B. 灾难C. 演习D. 倾销()2. What should adults teach children?A. When disasters will happen. B. Why disasters are dangerous.C. What to do for a disaster. D. How to avoid a disaster.()3. What is the correct thing to do for adults?A. Have positive conversations with children.B. Try not to talk about disasters with children.C. Make the children scared of disasters.D. Ask children lots of questions.()4. Whats the most important thing for children?A. Always ask adults for help.B. Always be prepared for a disaster.C. Always listen to an adults advice.D. Always remember where the tools are.()5. What is NOT suggested doing?A. Remembering what is needed in certain disasters.B. Getting the children to know the plan well.C. Helping people in disaster areas.D. Getting radios for bad weather. Passage 2(2018娄底)Robert and his brother were playing football in their front yard. Suddenly a woman ran out of her house shouting to them to call an ambulance(救护车). Her 12weekold baby seemed to stop breathing. She was so scared that she couldnt find her cell phone, so she had decided to rush outside to ask for help.As the woman was trying to do CPR(心肺复苏术) on her baby, young Robert came in and told her she was doing it all wrong. He asked her to use two fingers, push on the chest 510 times, tilt(倾斜) the babys head, plug(堵住) the nose and then do a mouthtomouth resuscitation by breathing into the babys mouth.Luckily for the baby, the woman accepted Roberts advice. Just for a second, came a loud cry from the baby. Soon the doctors came and the baby was sent to hospital.The most amazing part of this story is that Robert has not attended a CPR class. Instead, he learned it all by carefully reading the posters(宣传画)on the walls of his school hall. And, while he is now being called as a hero and even interviewed on TV, he is just glad to have saved the babys life!“Thanks to the posters on the walls, he could save the kid!” his teacher said to the reporter proudly.()1. Why did the woman ask Robert and his brother to call an ambulance?A. Because Robert and his brother hit her baby.B. Because she had to look after her 12weekold baby.C. Because her baby seemed to stop breathing and she couldnt find her cell phone.()2. Who taught the woman to do CPR correctly?A. Roberts parents. B. Robert himself.C. Roberts brother.()3. How did Robert learn CPR?A. He used to go to the hospital to learn it from the doctors.B. He learnt it by listening to the radio and kept it in his mind.C. He learnt it by reading the posters on the walls of his school hall.()4. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “resuscitation”?A. 复苏 B. 保存 C. 逃跑()5. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Robert was interviewed on TV.B. The school culture is good for students.C. Robert is a hero because he saved the baby. Passage 3(2018南充)What should you do if theres an earthquake at school? How can you protect yourself when you are caught in a stampede(踩踏)? March 25 this year provides you with a good chance to learn about safety.This day is called the National Day of Education on the Safety of Elementary and Middle School Students(NDESEMSS)(全国中小学生安全教育日). The theme of the day this year is to give students more knowledge about safety and make sure their lives safe.A survey done by the China Youth and Children Research Center showed that school accidents kill more elementary and middle school students than anything else. The main accidents come from stampedes, earthquakes, fires and sports injuries(伤害)What can we do to keep ourselves safe? Staying calm(镇静) is the first and most important rule when facing accidents. But different accidents have different selfprotection advice.A stampede is possible anywhere. The larger a human crowd gets, the more likely stampedes become. When students around you begin to push, stand still and try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves. If you fall down in a moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Lean to one side, curl up your body and bend your legs.Earthquakes are common natural disasters(灾难). When you feel the ground shake, drop down, take cover under a desk and hold on. You should stay indoors until the shaking stops. If you are outdoors, dont stay near buildings, trees or power lines.When theres a fire, follow the teachers instructions, leave the classroom quickly and use a piece of cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you dont breathe in smoke.()1. Whats the theme of NDESEMSS this year?A. To give students more knowledge about safety and make sure their lives safe.B. To give students more knowledge about health and make sure they eat healthily.C. To give students more knowledge about science and make their study better.D. To give students more knowledge about accidents and make them run away.()2. What should you do first when accidents happen according to this passage?A. Run away. B. Stand there. C. Keep calm. D. Cry loudly.()3. According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Car accidents kill the most elementary and middle school students of all accidents.B. When theres a fire, you should use cloth to cover your mouth and nose.C. If you fall down in a moving crowd, you can do nothing but wait there.D. When an earthquake happens, you should stay near buildings or trees.()4. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Be afraid of accidents B. The earthquake is comingC. Run away from accidents D. How to protect yourself()5. If the writer continues to write this passage, what will he write about?A. The changes of fires. B. The reasons of accidents.C. Sports injuries. D. Smoking disadvantages. 专项训练九 安全与急救 Passage 1【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了让孩子准备和应对灾难的几种做法。1. B【解析】词义猜测题。题干意为:disaster这个单词的意思是什么?通读文章可知,本文主要讲的是应对灾难的方法,所以disaster是“灾难”的意思。故选B。2. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:大人应该教孩子们什么?根据文章第一段第二句“As an adult you know what to do during a disaster,but what about the children?”和最后一句“Before its too late, here are ways to help you prepare your child for a disaster:”可知,大人应该告诉孩子在灾难中如何应对,故选C。3. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:对于大人来说,做什么事情是正确的?根据文章第二段第三句“.keep the conversation positive(积极的)by telling them there is a solution(解决办法)to the disaster.”可知答案为A。4. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:对孩子来说,最重要的事情是什么?根据文章最后一段“Disasters cant be avoided but they can be lessened(减轻)once you are prepared and ready for one.”可知做好准备是最重要的。故选B。5. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:什么是不被建议做的?根据第三段最后一句“Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters.”可知A正确;根据倒数第三段第一句话“You should always have a plan for you and your child for any dangerous situation.”可知B正确;根据第三段第二句“.when preparing for bad weather.”可知D正确;而C在文中没有提到,故选C。Passage 2【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了一名叫罗伯特的学生无意间认真学习了学校墙上的宣传画,却因此救活了邻居家12个星期大的孩子的故事。文章告诉我们:平时要像罗伯特一样多留心学习一些急救措施。1. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这位女士为什么请求罗伯特和他的兄弟叫救护车?根据第一段第三、四句“Her 12weekold baby seemed to stop breathing. She was so scared that she couldnt find her cell phone, so.”可知选项C符合题意。故选C。2. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:谁教这位女士做正确的心肺复苏术?根据第二段内容可知是罗伯特本人教的。故选B。3. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:罗伯特怎样学会心肺复苏术?根据第四段第二句“Instead, he learned it all by carefully reading the posters(宣传画) on the walls of his school hall.”可知选项C符合题意。故选C。4. A【解析】词义猜测题。题干意为:划线单词“resuscitation”的汉语意思是什么?根据上文“Her 12weekyear old baby seemed to stop breathing.”以及本句中的“by breathing into the babys mouth”可知“复苏”符合语境。故选A。5. B【解析】段落大意题。题干意为:最后一段的主要意思是什么?本段叙述了一名学生用从学校墙壁的宣传画上学到的急救知识挽救了一个婴儿。由此可以看出学校文化对学生是有益的。故选B。Passage 3【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了在突发事件中如何保护自己。遇到突发事件时,首先要保持镇静,这尤为重要。同时,介绍了在遇到踩踏、地震、火灾时应如何保护自己。1. A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:今年全国中小学生安全教育日的主题是什么?根据第二段中“The theme of the day this year is to give students more knowledge about safety and make sure their lives safe.”可知今年全国中小学生安全教育日的主题是:给学生更多的安全知识,确


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