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Tony Su,EVENT,EVENT,A Wedding An Experience in Bad Weather A Positive Change in Your Own Life A Sports Event You Participated or Watched An Occasion You Hear Some Foreign Music A difficult thing you did well (new) A group activity (new) The best part of your time in a day (new) An occasion you have to be polite (new) A historical event (new) Describe an important festival in your country,“When” clauses; Preposition I want to talk about those days when I just failed my English in semester final examination last year. A few years ago; During/at/on/in/last “Where” clauses; Prepositions “Who” clauses; Relations,(It)s important to me because The impact it had on me was to make me more aware of,1 wedding,Key words and phrases: Bride and groom Newly-wed couple Ceremony/reception Wedding dress Escorted by 陪同 Wedding vows 誓言/wedding rings Touching/moving/heart-warming Memorable-unforgettable,1 wedding,Supplementary(补充) words: Tuxedo 晚礼服 Altar 圣台 Wedding march Flower girl Be pronounced husband and wife Propose a toast敬酒 Cake-cutting Toss the bouquet Wedding reception婚宴/wedding banquet honeymoon,1 wedding,Describe a wedding you attended. You should say: whose wedding it was who was there where it was and explain how you felt at this wedding,whose wedding it was,As to a wedding, I want to talk about my cousins wedding which I attended last year. (theme) She is just three years older than me. We used to hang out together a lot in childhood/ we get along quite well since we are kindred spirits(志趣相投) and I was honored to be their maid of honor/best man at a wedding. (Detail) I am really happy for her getting married. She and her boyfriend were in love for seven years. They love each other so much and the wedding was the result of their extended relationship, their love, sacrifice, the mutual (彼此的)understanding and respect.,who was there,Well, her wedding ceremony was quite simple, only family members and best friends of the newly-wed couple attended. But it was quite solemn and romantic.,where it was,It was held in a Catholic church, very sacred神圣的, but no lack of romantic flavor-red carpet浪漫主义色彩的红地毯, beautiful roses, lovely balloons, and cute bubbles. Everything was delicate & fancy. Ceremony was quite western-style.,and explain how you felt at this wedding,I felt the wedding was quite warm and touching. I was so moved when my cousin walked down the aisle通道, escorted by her father and then her father left her at the alter with the groom. Well, I have to say. The most heart-warming moment was the couple exchanging wedding vows. When the groom said he would love the bride forever until death parts them, I am afraid almost all attendants were moved to tears. Well that was a really memorable experience.,Bonus: The happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life. 最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control. 遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。,Describe an important festival in your country,Spring Festival 春节 Chinese new year set fire works/firecrackers 放烟花、鞭炮 hang the couplets outside the door在门外贴春联 gift money压岁钱 family reunion 家庭团聚 stick paper-cuts on windows在窗上贴剪纸,Important festivals,Lantern Festival 元宵节 The fifteenth day of the first lunar month农历一月十五 sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵 solve lantern riddles猜灯谜 watch lanterns in different shapes赏灯(不同形状) full moon 满月,Important festivals,Chinese Valentines Day. Double seventh Festival 七夕 seventh day of the seventh Chinese lunar month农历七月七日 Boyfriends and girl friends/young couples exchange gifts.男女朋友、青年夫妇互赠礼物 Young people are westernized. 青年人被西化,Important festivals,Mid Autumn Day 中秋 moon cakes 月饼 family get-together家庭聚会 admire the full moon赏满月 official holiday法定假日,Important festivals,Dragon Boat Festival 端午 sticky rice 粽子 play dragon boats in southern China 在中国南方划龙舟 wear colorful threads around the wrist手腕上缠五彩线 hang a scented plant called Aicao outside the door in order to keep bugs away. 门外挂艾草驱虫 (wormwood),Qing Ming Festival 清明 sweep the tomb扫墓 honor the deceased纪念已故者 commemorate the ancestors祭祖,Describe an outdoor activity What it is How you learnt it Why you like it How it affected your life,Describe an educational TV programme What it was How often you watched it What you learnt from this show Why tou like it,Id like to describe a popular quiz show in China, called Happy Dictionary. It is unlike many other educational TV programmes which are dull and boring, It is actually a great combination of education and entertainment. I started watching it when I was in junior high school.,perseverace,Participants in this show must answer questions from every aspect of life, such as geographical knowledge, literature or history. When Im watching it, I feel like I was participating too. Sometimes if I found questions are interesting I would write them in a small note book. For example, why people cannot open their eyes when they are sneezing? I used to use this question to quiz my classmate and they always responded like this” oh, I dont even know I do that!”,So, in the show, If the contestant can answer every question right, he will get the biggest prize, which could be a package holiday or something. Sometimes, the show will invite som


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