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- 中国首家承诺学习效果的在线教育公司高中英语必修5(北师大版)Unit 14 Careers知识点总结一、重点词汇 income 基本用法 income n. 收入;收益;所得 His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。 Its difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。 She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。 My monthly income was just over 200 pounds. 我每月的收入是200多磅。 His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。知识拓展-词义辨析:income/salary/wage/pay/fee 这些名词都可表示“工资,收入”之意。 income指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入,强调总收入。 salary指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。 wage多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。 pay是个通用词,可取代salary与wage. fee指提供某种服务收取的固定费用。 reward 基本用法 reward n. 奖赏;回报,酬谢; vt. 奖励;奖赏;回报 You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。 He got a reward for helping them. 他因帮助他们而拿到一笔酬金。 She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力,应得到奖赏。 She got nothing in reward for her kindness. 她的善心没有得到任何回报。知识拓展-相关短语in reward for. 作为对.的酬谢;回报 be rewarded with. 得到.奖赏;回报 I sent him a book in reward for his help. 我送给他一本书来答谢他的帮助。 Their efforts were rewarded with success. 他们的努力获得了成功。 A good person will be rewarded with good luck. 吉人天相。(就是好人自有好报) charge 原文再现 Lawyers charge higher fees than doctors. 律师比医生收费要高一些.基本用法 charge n.费用;掌管;控告; vt. 收费,要价;充电;控告,承担 He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。 The shop stuck an additional charge on the bill. 商店在帐单上增收了一笔费用。 Does your car battery charged easily? 你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗?知识拓展相关短语 free of charge 免费 in charge of 负责,管理 in/under the charge of 由.管理 take charge of 掌管 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告/指控某人(做)某事 charge sb. some money for sth. 为某物向某人要价 Im in charge of the Marketing Department. 我是负责掌管市场部的。 He was charged with pocketing public monies. 他被指控侵吞公款。 词义辨析:be in the charge of/be in charge of/take charge of 1. in the charge of 由负责,由管理 He is in charge of the matter. 他负责这件事。 2. in charge of 管理,负责照料 The matter is in the charge of her. 这件事由他负责。 3. take charge of意思和in charge of相同,但是take charge of强调动作,in charge of强调状态。 He will take charge of the company instead of Mr Wang. 他将接替王先生负责公司的运营。 He has been in charge of the factory for 3 years. 他负责工厂的运营3年了。 aid 原文再现 You are working for an institute that gives aid to the poor in a small village. 你在一个小村庄里的旨在帮助穷人的机构里工作。基本用法 aid n. 援助;帮助 v. 帮助;援助 It means to give the most-needed and timely aid. 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。 Im collecting money in aid of starving children. 为帮助饥饿的孩子们,我正在搞募捐。知识拓展 相关短语in aid of sb/sth 支援或帮助某事物/某人 give aid to 援助,救助 first aid 急救 aid sb to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 with the aid of= with the help of 在. 的帮助下 The collection is in aid of the blind. 这笔募集的捐款是用来救济盲人的。 词义辨析:aid/assist/help这些动词均有“帮助”之意。 aid正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。 assist强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。 help最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他 方面的帮助。 error 基本用法 error n. 错误;误差;过失 The accident was caused by human error. 这宗事故是人为过失造成的。 I sent the letter to my brother in error. 我错把信寄给我弟弟了。 The editor overlooked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。知识拓展-词义辨析:error/fault/mistake/shortcoming error 指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。 fault一般指小并且可宽容的缺点,错误。 mistake是最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。 shortcoming指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足,缺点或短处。多用复数形式。 consult 原文再现 He should consult Mr Jensen about the new account on the 24th. 他应该向杰森先生咨询有关24日的新账户的问题。基本用法 consult v. 咨询;查阅;商量;向请教 You had better consult a doctor soon. 你最好快点去看医生。 I have to consult with any partner. 我得跟我的搭档商量。 Ill have to consult the plane timetable first.我得先查阅飞机时刻表。 We will consult together about her education. 我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。知识拓展-相关短语 consult sb. about sth. 就某事向某人咨询 consult with sb. about/on sth. 与某人商议/商量某事 quarrel 原文再现 Dont quarrel with anyone. 不要和任何人吵架基本用法 quarrel vi. 吵架;争论;挑剔 n. 吵架;反目;怨言;争吵的原因 I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。 He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us. 他似乎存心要找我们吵架。 The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel. 整件事酿成了激烈的争吵。 He quarreled about politics with George. 他同乔治争论有关政治活动的事。知识拓展相关短语 quarrel with sb. about/over sth. 因为某事和某人争吵 词义辨析:argue/quarrel make up 原文再现 Make up information about yourself. 编造有关自己的信息。基本用法 make up 编造,虚构,弥补,化妆 I dont like to see women making up in public.、 我不喜欢看见女人在公开场合化妆打扮。 The girls are making up for the dance. 女孩子们为了参加舞会正在化装。 Six women and nineteen men make up the committee. 6位妇女和19位男的组成了这个委员会。知识拓展-词义辨析:make词组 make it 获得;实现;成功 make fun of 取消 make use of 利用 make up for 偿还;弥补 make up ones mind 下决心 make out 假称 make out 原文再现 Make out you understand something when you dont ! 不懂的时候装懂!基本用法 make out 假称;听出,看出;理解 We cant make out what he is saying. 我们不懂他在说什么。知识拓展-词义辨析:make词组 go into detail(s) 原文再现 Go into a lot of detail about your personal life. 详细介绍一下你的个人生活。基本用法 go into detail(s) 讨论;详谈 He refused to go into details about his plans. 他不肯详述他计划的细节。 Its unnecessary to go into details. 无须细说。 I cant go into details with you. 我无法与你细谈。知识拓展-相关短语 have a good eye for detail 明察秋毫 speak up 原文再现 Speak up and express yourself clearly. 高声并清晰地表达出你自己的想法。基本用法 speak up 自由而大胆地说出;大声地说;坦率说出 Speak up so that everybody can hear you. 讲得响些,让大家都能听见。 Its time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice. 现在该为蒙受不公正对待的人们大声疾呼了。 You should have spoken up in the meeting. 会谈时你实在应该发言(然而你却没有)。知识拓展-词义辨析:speak词组 speak for. 代表.讲话 speak to 提及 speak ill of 说坏话 speak out 畅所欲言 speak for oneself 发表个人意见;为自己辩护 speak highly of 高度评价 sit up 原文再现 Sit up straight and look people in the eye. 坐直身子,直视对方的眼睛。基本用法 sit up 坐直,端坐;熬夜 This news made us all sit up and take notice. 这消息立即引起我们大家的注意。 Sit up, children! Dont lean over the table! 坐直,孩子们,不要趴在桌子上! It is a bad habit to sit up late at night. 熬夜是个坏习惯。 I shall get back very late, so dont sit up for me. 今晚我要回来得很迟,所以你不必等我回来再睡觉了。 Fold your arms and sit up straight! 两臂交叉,坐直! appointment 原文再现 I turned up for the appointment five minutes late, so I walked straight in and sat down. 我比约定的时间晚了5分钟,因此,我径直走进去坐了下来。基本用法 appointment n. 约会,约定;任命;委派Please make an appointment with my secretary. 请跟我秘书定个见面时间。 I have an appointment on Wednesday. 我星期三有个约会。知识拓展 相关短语 make an appointment with sb. 和某人约会 keep an appointment 准时赴约 appoint sb. to be/as 任命某人担任某职务 be appointed as 被任命为相关单词 appoint v. 指认,任命 We must appoint a time to meet again. 我们必须定出一个再次集会的时间。 He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。 instant 原文再现 The instant she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room. 她一停止问问题,我就站起来走出了房间。基本用法 instant n. 片刻;瞬息 adj.立即的;紧急的;紧迫的 Wait a moment, Ill be with you in an instant. 等一下,我立刻就来。 She finished her work in an instant. 她没有多久就完成了她的工作。知识拓展相关单词 instant adj. 立刻的;马上的 instantly adv. 立刻;马上 相关短语 the instant 一.就.(引导时间状语从句) 如: I recognized her the instant I saw her. 我一眼就认出了她。 The instant I saw him I knew he was angry. 我一见到他就知道他生气了。 surrounding 原文再现 After the explosion the army sealed off the surrounding area. 爆炸发生后,军队封锁了周围地区。基本用法 surrounding adj.周围的;附近的 The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand. 周围是茫茫一片砂石地。知识拓展相关单词 1. surround v. 包围,环绕 By surrounding the city our troops achieved a bloodless victory. 我军把城市包围起来,获得兵不血刃的胜利 2. surroundings n. 环境,周围的事物 We are living in pleasant surroundings. 我们生活在舒适的环境中。 Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境中。 词义辨析:surroundings/environment 这两个名词均含“环境”之意。 surroundings指人所在的周围地区或事物。 environment侧重指对人的感情、品德思想等产生影响的环境。 believe in 原文再现 I asked her how she had achieved success and she told me that being curious, working hard, and believing inwhat was true make her the success she is today. 我问她是怎样获得成功的,她告诉我,是好奇心、努力工作和忠于事实的原则使她成为今天的成功者。基本用法 believe in 信任;信仰 Some people believe in God and others dont. 有人相信上帝;有人则不相信。 He is looking for a philosophy he can believe in. 他在寻求一种他可以相信的哲学。知识拓展 词义辨析:believe/believe in相关单词 belief n. 信念;信仰 相关短语 1. have belief in 相信,信任 I have no great belief in his promises. 我不大相信他许下的诺言。 2. in the belief that. 相信. He comes to me in the belief that I can help him. 他到我这里来,相信我能帮助他。 turn over原文再现 We would look in old nests to find birds feathers and we would even turn over stones to look at the little creaturesthere. 我们会在旧鸟巢里寻找鸟的羽毛,甚至把石头翻起来观察那里的小动物。基本用法 turn over 反转;翻身;翻阅;颠覆;移交给 I had turn over my essay to the professor. 我已经把论文交给教授了。 If you turn over,you might find it easier to get to sleep. 你翻翻身,就容易睡着了。 They helped to turn over the huge stone. 他们帮助把这块大石头翻过来。知识拓展-词义辨析:turn词组 turn out 证明是,结果是 turn to 求助于 turn into 把.变成 turn away 把(某人)赶走 overcome 原文再现 Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems defeat her. 虽然生活中有许多困难要克服,但她从不让困难打败自己。基本用法 overcome vt. 战胜;克服 Can you overcome your shortcomings? 你可以克服你的缺点吗? There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome. 世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。知识拓展-同义词get over Getting over the difficulty is possible. 克服这些困难是有可能的。 He has got over the language barrier. 他已克服了语言障碍。 grasp 原文再现 She said she chose to be a journalist because it is important that people grasp what is going on around them. 她说选择做记者是因为人们了解周围发生的事是很重要的。基本用法 grasp vt. 理解;领会;抓牢 n. 抓住;理解;控制 You must grasp this opportunity. 你必须抓住机会。 If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up. 如果你抓住这根绳子,我可把你拉起来。知识拓展 相关短语 grasp at 企图抓到 have/get a grasp of 理解 out of/beyond ones grasp 超出某人的理解能力 in/within ones grasp 在某人掌握中 Success is within our grasp now. 现在成功已经在望。 Hetried to grasp at the money, so he committed crime. 他企图攫取钱,因此犯罪了。 She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。 词义辨析:grasp/seize/catch inspect 原文再现 I asked her if there was any special moment that make her realize this and she replied that it was after she was askedtoinspect an illegal business. 我问她有没有什么特别的时刻使她认识到这一点,她回答说是在被派去调查一桩非法交易之后。基本用法 inspect v. 审查;检查;视察;检阅 The government sent somebody to inspect our school. 政府派人来视察我们学校。 Police were called out to keep at the airport, and inspect the arriving planes. 警察们被紧急召集起来去守卫机场,并对到达的飞机进行检查。知识拓展-相关单词 1. inspection n. 巡查;视察 We arent nearly ready for the inspection. 对检查一事,我们还远未准备好。 2. inspector n. 视察员;巡视员 A ticket inspector got on the train. 查票员上了火车。 illegal 原文再现 I asked her if there was any special moment that make her realize this and she replied that it was after she wasasked toinspectan illegal business. 我问她有没有什么特别的时刻使她认识到这一点,她回答说是在被派去调查一桩非法交易之后。基本用法 illegal adj. 非法的;违法的;违反规则的 He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承认他是非法移民。 Its illegal to carry guns in our country. 在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。知识拓展相关单词 illegally adv. 非法地;违反规则地 Two women workers have been illegally discharged. 两个女工被非法解雇了。 反义词 :legal adj. 合法的 Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown. 查尔斯王子是王位的合法继承人。 pay off 原文再现 This paid off because she won an award for the report. 这些努力也得到了回报,她因为那篇报道获了奖。基本用法 pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;还清债务 It took them three years to pay off the debt. 他们三年才还清欠债。 Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. 我们的计划当然成功了,那是个很好的主意。知识拓展-词义辨析:pay词组 pay back 偿还 pay out 付出(钱);报复 pay for 支付;为.付出代价 pay up 偿还全部欠款 commit 原文再现 I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports. 那是我发现只要坚持不懈,永不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报道。基本用法 commitvt.犯罪,做错事;把.交托给;指派作战;使承担义务 It is impossible not to commit mistakes. 不犯错误是不可能的。 He wont commit himself on womens rights.他不会对女权问题发表意见的。 He would not commit himself in any way. 他不愿做出任何承诺。 The man committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. 那人跳下悬崖自杀。 The girl was committed to the care of an aunt. 这女孩被交给姨母照顾。知识拓展相关单词 committed adj.尽责的 commitment n. 约定,承诺 相关短语 commit an error 犯错 commit a crime 犯罪 commit a murder 谋杀 commit suicide 自杀 相关句型/结构 commit oneself to doing sth. 专心致志于. bend 基本用法bend v.弯曲;屈服;朝向,倾向;专心于 n.弯曲 Laura bent her head and hurried on. 劳拉低着头匆匆往前走。 The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。 Its dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在转弯处超车十分危险。 A Lan bent down and kissed the child. 阿兰俯下身,亲了亲孩子。知识拓展-词义辨析:bend/bow/twist这些动词都含“弯、弯曲”之意。 bend是普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。 bow是指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。 twist是指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。 stage 基本用法 stage n. 舞台;阶段;时期 There are many spotlights on the stage. 舞台上有很多聚光灯。 She did the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火车的。 Shes wanted to go on the stage from an early age. 她从小就想当演员。 The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。 hesitate 原文再现 She hesitated and then told me that the year before she had broken her wrist and that the previous month she hadtwisted her ankle. 她犹豫了一下,然后告诉我去年她摔断了手腕,上个月扭伤了脚踝。基本用法 hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑 Dont hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along! 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它! If you are in need of anything, dont hesitate to let me know. 如果你需要什么,尽管对我说。 He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。知识拓展相关单词 hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的 hesitantly adv. 犹豫不决地 hesitation n. 犹豫相关短语 hesitate to do sth. 不愿做某事;犹豫,迟疑做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 keep up with 原文再现 Between now and the 21st century, citizens of the worlds richest and most advanced nations will find it more andmore difficult to keep up with the demand for change. 从现在起到21世纪,这个世界最富有和最先进的国家的公民将会感到越来越难以跟上变化的需要。基本用法keep up with 赶上,跟上 She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 她喜欢穿戴入时。 Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up with her. 妈妈定了速度好让她的孩子们能够跟上她。 I think it important that we keep up with the times. 我认为跟上时代是很重要的。知识拓展-同义短语 keep pace with 跟上 catch up with 赶上 decrease 原文再现 Jobs in farming, coal mining and heavy industry are decreasing rapidly. 农业,煤矿业和重工业的工作职位会迅速减少。基本用法 decrease v. 减少,降低 The birthrate is on the decrease. 人口出生率正在下降。 The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent. 失业人数减少了百分之三十。 There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.这个城市的人口在持续下降。知识拓展反义词 increase 增加 相关短语 decrease to.下降到. decrease by.下降了. multiply 原文再现 Without debt, the number of jobs in information technology will multiply. 毫无疑问,信息技术领域的工作职位将会大幅度增加。基本用法 multiply v.乘;增加;繁殖;adv.多样地;复合地 adj.多样的 He learned to multiply at the age of five. 他五岁学会做乘法。 This will multiply our chances of success. 这将增加我们成功的机会。 Friendship multiplies joys and divide grieves. 友谊增加欢乐,减少痛苦。 branch 原文再现 ., instead of working just for one division or branch of a company. .而不会只服务于一家公司的一个部门或分支机构。基本用法 branch n.树枝;分部,分公司;支流 v.分支;出现分歧 The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。 The road to the village branches off on the right. 通往该村的道路向右转为一条小路。 The river has three main branches. 这条河有三条主要的支流。 operate 原文再现 Similarly, companies will operate in different ways. 类似地,公司也将以不同的方式运转。基本用法 operate v. 运转;动手术;操作;经营 John, is this the right way to operate the machine? 约翰,这是操作这台机器的正确方法吗? Her job is to operate an elevator. 她的工作是开电梯。知识拓展相关单词 operation n. 手术;操作;运转 When does the new law come into operation? 这项新法律何时生效? The actual operation lasted eight hours. 实际手术进行了8个钟头。 相关短语 operate on sb. 给某人动手术 respond 原文再现 Many more people will work for small, dynamic companies which can respond quickly to changes in the market. 许多人会供职于小且具有活力的公司。这样的公司能对市场变化作出快速的反应。基本用法 respond vi. 反应;回答,回复 He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。 I invited her to dinner but she did not respond. 我请她吃晚饭,但她未作回答。知识拓展-相关短语 respond to 响应,对.作出反应 respond with a smile 以微笑作为回答 envy 原文再现 According to Dr Laurence Lyons of Future Work, women will be envied because they have an advantage in this area. “未来工作论坛”的劳伦斯.莱昂斯博士指出,女性将受人羡慕,因为他们在这一领域占有优势。基本用法 envy vt.& n. 羡慕,妒忌 Hes the envy of the whole street. 整条街的人都很羡慕他。 He was filled with envy at my success. 他对我的成功满怀羡慕。 Her many talents were the envy of all her friends. 她多才多艺,所有的朋友都很羡慕她。知识拓展-相关短语 envy sb. sth. 羡慕某人某事 feel envy at. 对.感到妒忌/羡慕 out of envy 出于嫉妒 envy sb. for sth. 因.羡慕某人 bother 原文再现 English will probably remain the international business language, so dont bother learning Russian or Spanish. 英语可能还会是国际商务语言,所以不必费心去学习俄语或西班牙语。基本用法 bother v. 费心;麻烦;打扰 n. 麻烦;费心 Ive no time to bother with such things. 我没时间为这种事烦恼。 He didnt even bother to say thank you. 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。 You neednt bother to come to my office. 你不必特地来我办公室。知识拓展-相关短语 bother to do sth. 费心做某事 bother sb. with sth. 用.打扰某人 in case 原文再现 Work with more than on program in case you have to use them at work, and try to read about new technology. 学习几种软件以备工


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