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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Section Integrating Skills03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. It is a_ worldwide that the World Expo not only benefited China, but also the world.答案:acknowledged2. This passage is not c_ with writing requirements.答案:consistent3. I need to c_ my teacher about changing my course.答案:consult4. My mother often a_ me of making things untidy.答案:accuses5. I have no i_ of coming to this terrible place again.答案:intention6. She _(报仇) her fathers murder.答案:avenged7. Dont worry. Such things cant be _(不可避免的)答案:inescapable8. Chinese athletes _(宣誓) together under the Chinese national flag and signed an antidoping declaration.答案:swore9. Did Orson Wells _(故意地) set out to terrify the nation?答案:deliberately10. He was not listening and made a _(任意的,随便的) answer to the teachers question.答案:random. 选词填空set in motion, other than, be similar to, rather than, feel sympathy for, come to ones aid, set out, in favor of1. My teaching style _ most other teachers in our school.答案:is similar to2. The changed wheels have been _.答案:set in motion3. He _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.答案:set out4. When the Wenchuan earthquake happened, many people _.答案:came to their aid5. There were 247 votes _ the motion and 87 against.答案:in favor of6. You cant get there _ by swimming.答案:other than7. I _ the beggar, so I gave him some money.答案:felt sympathy for8. We will have the meeting in the classroom _ in the great hall.答案:rather than. 完成句子1. 琳达在学校除了我没有其他密友。Linda has no close friend at school _ _ _.答案:other than me2. 他是公认的全国最优秀的诗人。He _ _ _ _ the finest poet in the country.答案:is acknowledged as/to be3. 令他悲痛万分的是,他的父亲四十多岁就去世了。_ _ _, his father died only in his early forties.答案:To his sorrow4. 发现父母平安真是令人安慰的事。_ _ _ _ _ to find my parents safe and sound.答案:It is a great relief5. 警察指控他作弊。The police _ _ _ cheating.答案:accused him of6. 我们对你们产品的质量总是很信任。We always _ _ _ the quality of your products.答案:have faith in7. 电脑对现代生活产生了重大影响。The computer _ _ _ _ on modern life.答案:has a great impact/effect8. 你言行不一。What you say is not _ _ what you do.答案:consistent with. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. I stayed awake most of the night, _(pray) for you.答案:praying2. They set out _(work) as soon as they arrived.答案:to work3. No one really knows exactly when the first group of people arrived in _ we now know as California.答案:what4. Many people in the city accused the mayor _ having swallowed his word.答案:of5. Strong _ you are, you cant lift the heavy box up.答案:as6. Not until he left his home, _ he begin to know how important the family was for him.答案:did7. _(devote) to looking after her sick mother for 2 years, she badly needs a holiday.答案:Devoted8. The _(accuse) man declared that he was not guilty.答案:accused9. No matter how busy he is, he makes _ a rule to read at least 10 minutes a day.答案:it10. In hospital shell be under _(observe) all the time.答案:observation提升实战能力. 阅读理解Chinas second female astronaut to enter space delivered a lecture to more than 60 million students across the country on Thursday, while aboard the Tiangong1 space module 340 kilometers above the Earths surface, in the first attempt at this kind of lecture by a Chinese astronaut.Wang Yaping, one of the three crew members in the ShenzhouX class spacecraft, delivered the lecture through a 40minute live video broadcast, nine days after the successful spacecraft launch.Assisted by the other two astronauts Nie Haisheng and Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang showed students how movement occurs in a zerogravity environment through a series of physics experiments to help students understand basic physics concepts.Observers say the creative lecture is not only good for science and patriotic education of the younger generation but also shows national confidence in Chinas maturing space technologies.Via the video feed system, the three astronauts interacted with some 300 curious students in Beijing on Thursday after the lecture, who raised questions about their daily life in the space module.“Im extremely excited to see the magical effects of the experiments. I feel like Im close to space while watching the live broadcast,” a primary school student in Beijing told the Global Times after the lecture.The lecture became one of the most popular topics on Weibo Thursday, with some Web users saying this visually impressive method of education has made them interested in space science.The lecture also drew international attention. After the lecture, Wang replied to a letter of greeting from Barbara Morgan, a female US astronaut who participated in a space teaching program in 2007. “We would like to join the effort, as you have done, to bring scienceloving youth around the world closer to their dreams of exploring the universe,” Wang said in the reply, Xinhua reported.本文主要讲述王亚平空中授课的事迹,零重力状态下做的实验不仅帮助学生了解了物理概念,而且显示了中国对太空技术的自信。1. We can infer from the passage Wang Yaping did the experiments _.A. on her ownB. in an environment without gravityC. only to amuse the studentsD. only to show Chinas maturing space technologies答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段和第四段的内容可知,王亚平是在零重力状态下做这些实验,并且是在聂海胜和张晓光的帮助下完成的。这些实验可以帮助学生了解物理概念并且显示中国对太空技术的自信。由此可知选B。2. We can say this lecture is _.Aimpressive but ridiculous B. creative but impracticalC. interesting and educationalD. educational but boring答案:C推理判断题。从倒数第二段可知答案。3. According to the passage, we know Barbara Morgan _.A. is a woman astronaut from AmericaB. once taught Wang Yaping how to deliver a speech in spaceC. was the first woman in US to be sent in spaceD. once trained with Wang Yaping答案:A细节理解题。从最后一段第二句可知答案。4. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The ShenzhouX class spacecraft.B. Wang Yapings space class.C. The international influence of Chinas space exploration.D. Chinas outstanding astronauts.答案:B主旨大意题。本文主要讲了王亚平的空中授课以及它的影响。故选B。. 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There are many things you can do to save money.Follow your favourite brands online. Retailers are now working harder to get your attention. Most often reward their loyal customers. Take advantage of this and sign up for their email notice. _1_ But, in this case, youre likely to get advance notice on sales events._2_ Sign up to sites like Quidco where you can get cashback with hundreds of fashion retailers. To earn cashback every time you shop, you can simply view what offers are running before clicking through to the retailers website and shopping as you normally would.Join membership shopping sites. If searching for the latest discount codes feels like a tiring job, check out special student discount sites like myunidays. com. _3_ Signing up to membership sites is fast, easy and often free. Usually youll be given access student discount all year round and as often as you like.Shop unseasonably. This trick involves a bit of planning but it will pay off in the long run. Buy the clothes you need at the wrong time of year. Now is a good time to buy winter clothes, and store them for the right time next year. _4_Exchange your old clothes for new items that other people dont want. _5_ Send your old clothes to sites like Swishing. co.uk where you can buy items from highstreet retailers like H & M.A. Get cashback.B. The same goes for summer.C. Most students are not aware of this site.D. Dont throw away your unwanted clothes.ENobody likes to be flooded with junk mails.FBuy classic items that wont change next season.GYou can get student discounts of up to 50% that have already been negotiated.为了避免财务困境,做预算是必要的。本文介绍了一些如何在跟上时尚的同时又不让钱包变空的省钱方法。1. E上一句提到利用商家回报客户的奖励措施,并注册邮箱提示,下一句提到但是如果这样的话,你就有可能提前知道商家的促销活动,故E项(没有人喜欢邮箱里充斥着垃圾邮件)符合语境。2. A本段主要论述了注册领取商家所返回的现金销售活动以节约开支的建议。A项(获取返现)能概括本段主题。3. G上一句提到登录一些专门的学生购物特价网站以寻找最近的折扣衣服,故G项(你可以在已经协商好的价格基础上得到五折的优惠)与上文语境相呼应。4. B上一句提到反季节购买冬季服装以节约开支,B项(同样的情况也适合夏季服装)紧承上文进行论述。5. D本段主要论述用自己的旧衣服交换其他人不想要的物件,故D项(不要扔掉那些你不想要的衣服)符合本段主旨。. 书面表达假如你叫李华,你的加拿大笔友James想了解一下你要参加的2014年全国中学生英语夏令营的有关情况,请根据以下信息给他写一封回信,并邀请他参加你们的活动。营址大连活


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