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Past and present单元基础知识过关一根据汉语提示,写出下列单词1过去_ 2.现在,目前_3刚才_ 4.自以来_5曾经_ 6.北方的,北部的_7已婚的,结婚的_8妻子_9街区_10在期间_11污染;污染物_12工厂_13废料;废品_14意识到;实现_15形势,情况_16不可能的_17以前,过去_18孤独的,寂寞的_19尽管,即使这样_20丈夫_21采访;会见_22还,仍_23近来,最近_24过去的_25环境_26环境,条件,状况_27返回_28最近,上一次;最后_29到(在)国外_30小学教育的;初级的_31交流,交际 vi.&vt._32交流,交际 n_33(答语)正是,没错_写出下列单词变形1过去n. _过去的 adj. _2现在,目前n. _礼物 n. _3北方的,北部的adj. _北方,北部 n. _4已婚的,结婚的adj. _ 嫁,娶 v. _5wife n. _(复数) _6since conj. _since prep. _7pollution n. 污染;污染物 污染 v. _8factory n. _(复数) _9不可能的 adj. _可能的 adj. _10还,仍 adv. _已经 adv. _11近来,最近 adv. _近来的,最近的 adj. _12交流,交际 vi. & vt. _交流,交际 n. _13正是,没错 adv. _准确的,精确的 adj. _根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1与某人分享某物_2对某人友好_3过去经常;曾经_4等候_5结婚_6从那时起 _7把变成_8采取措施做某事_9在某种程度上 _10彼此_11和以前一样经常_12下中国象棋_13感到寂寞_14不时;有时;偶尔_15发生_16在过去_17保持联系_18习惯于, 适应于_19独自_20开阔的空地_根据汉语意思完成句子1你过去对我如此地好。You _ so kind _me.2自从那时起我们再没有见过面。We _3阳光镇发生了令人惊叹的变化。Amazing changes _ in Sunshine Town.4快速适应生活中的变化不容易。It is not easy _ the changes of life quickly.5我得比以前花更多的时间做家庭作业。I have to _ more time _ my homework than before.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Its our duty to protect our _ (环境)2Our study _ (条件) is much better than before.3Lucy is studying in a _ (小学教育的)school in the village.4I always throw away the _ (废品) after I finish doing the handcrafts. 5Many Chinese people who worked _ (在国外) have come back to China to find jobs.62017绥化They havent accepted the invitation _ (还,仍然)72017来宾 Its _ (不可能的) for them to finish the work in such a short time. 82017广安Sometimes we feel _ (孤独的) even though there are lots of people around.用所给单词的适当形式填空1It will be colder in the _ (south) part of China next week.2Please write down these soldiers _ (wife) names in the form.3Have you been to Hong Kong _ (recent)? No, I havent.4Good _ (communicate) is very important between parents and children.52017鄂州Sandys grandparents _ (marry) for 50 years.6We are sad about the _ (pollute) of our environment.72017黔南I am used to _ (drink) a glass of water after getting up every morning. 82017常州The ORBIS doctor advised the girl to have the operation to prevent her eye problem getting much _(bad)根据所给汉语提示完成句子 1Parents should _ _ _ _ (保持联系) their childrens teachers. 2We havent seen each other _ _(从那时起) 3I want to go swimming _ _ _ _(有时) 42017云南Sally is my best friend. We often help _ _ (相互) with schoolwork. 52017云南Life isnt about _ _ (等候) the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in rain. 6Although the old man lives alone all the time, he never_ _(感到孤独).句型转换1They have seen the film before. (改为否定句) They _ seen the film _2I have learned English since two years ago. (改为同义句)I have learned English _ _ _.3Has the man come back yet? (作否定回答) _, he _4We can take the bus to go around the city. (改为同义句) We can go around the city_ _5They have been friends since_two_years_ago. (对画线部分提问) _ _ have they been friends?.根据汉语意思完成句子1我过去很害羞。I _ be shy.2这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。Great changes _ in Suzhou over the years.32017宜昌烧煤的工厂排出的大量黑烟还在污染空气。Factories that burn coal still _ with a lot of black smoke.42017恩施昨天这位记者为采访校长等了好长时间。The reporter waited so long_the headmaster yesterday.5一星期前,我向同学借了一本书。I _ a book _ my classmate a week ago.教师详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词 1.past2.present3.just 4.since5ever6.northern7.married8.wife9block10.over11.pollution12.factory 13waste14.realize15.situation16impossible17.before18.lonely 19erview22yet23.recently24.past 25environment26.condition27return28.last29.abroad 30municate32communication33.exactly 1.past; past2.present; present3northern; north4.married; marry5妻子; wives6.自以来;自以来 7pollute8.工厂; factories9impossible; possible10.yet; already 11recently; recent12communicate; communication 13exactly; exact重点短语1share sth with sb 2be kind to sb 3used to4.wait for5.get married6since then7.turninto8take action to do sth9.in some ways10each other11.as often as before12play Chinese chess13.feel lonely14from time to time15.take place16in the past17.keep in touch18be/get used to19.on ones own20open space(s)重点句型1used to be; to2havent seen each other since then3have taken place4to get used to5spend; on【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.environment2.condition3.primary 4waste5.abroad6.yet7impossible8.lonely.1.southern2.wives3.recently 4communication5.have been married6pollution7.drinking8.worse短语运用1keep


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