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Unit 2 School lifePeriod 2 Reading (I)Learning Aims 1. Learn to use how to read, understand the middle school life in western countries.2 To learn the personal feelings and ideas by reading comprehension.Learning ActivitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词的词性、词义和划线部分的音标。1. mixed 2. subject 3. sew 4. tasty 5. even 6. practice 7. hero 8. close 9. taste 10.article 二、将下列词组译成汉语。1.in Year 8 2.a mixed school 3.do things for oneself 4.a Reading Week 5.near the end of 6.in 9th grade 7.have driving lessons 8.drive somebody to 9.twice a week 10.talk to somebody about something 11.help somebody with/do something 12.have a great time doing something 三、理解下列句子。1.Boys and girls have lessons together. 句意: _ 2.I like learning how to cook and sew. 句意: _ 3.I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 句意: _ 4.This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus. 句意:_ 5.We always have a great time talking to each other. 句意:_ 6.What does the word “hero” mean ? It means someone you admire very much. 句意:_ Activity two Pre-reading Step 1 Look for some information about schools around the world on the Internet, especially the school lives in a British school and in an American school._ Step 2 Describe your school life. Try to answer the following questions1. How many lessons do you have everyday?_2. What subjects do you learn? _3. How often do you have a class meeting?_4. What after-school activities do you have? _5. Do you join any kinds of clubs in school? _6. A hero is someone that you respect or admire. Do you have a hero?_Activity three While-reading Step 1 Listen to the first article and then skim(略读) it. Answer the questions:1. Who wrote the first passage?_2. What activity does the school have every year? _Step 2 Scan(寻读) the first article. Decide if each of the following sentences is true.1. John is in Year 9 at Woodland School, a mixed school. 2. John likes Home Economics best of all. 3. He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before coming to this school. 4. There is a Reading Week in his school every year. 5. The students can read any books from the school library, but they cant bring in books from home. 6.They think a Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books.Step 3 Listen to the second article and then skim(略读) it. Answer the questions:1. Who wrote the second passage?_2. Who else are metioned in the passage?_Step 4 Scan the second article for details. Answer the following questions.1. What did Jim do in school last year?_2. How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she think of it?_3. Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero? _ 4. What do American students do during lunchtime?_5. What do the students do in the Buddy Club? _ 6. What do the students sometimes do after school? _Step 5 Read the whole text and do the exercise C1 on Page26.Step 6 Read the whole passage after the tape.Activity four Post-reading Step 1 Fill in the table.NameJohnNancySchoolFavourite subjectsSchool activitiesIdeas about school lifeStep 2 Do some exercises.Decide which of the following are about Johns school life and which are about Nancys.1. a mixed school 2. go to school in a car 3. cook healthy and tasty meals4. talk to each other 5. Home Economics 6. play softball7. go to a bubby club 8. a reading week 9. go to shopping malls10. talk to friends about booksJohn_ _Nancy_ _Exercises【检测反馈】 阅读理解。Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden.While he was sawing, another man passed in the street.He stopped and said, “Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that branch like that, you will fall down with it.”He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk of the tree. Nasreddin said nothing.He thought, “This is some foolish person who has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do.”The man continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes.The branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it.“My God!”he cried. “That man knows the future !” and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live.But the man had gone.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(W):( ) 1.One day Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in the forest.( ) 2.While Nasreddin was sawing, another man told him he would fall down. ( ) 3. Nasreddin thought that the man knew how long he could live.根据短文内容,选择正确答案:( ) 4. After the man went away,Nasreddin thought that_.A. that was a silly fellow B. that was a wise personC. that was a proud person D. that fellow cheated him ( ) 5. What happened to Nasreddin after a few minutes? A.The branch fell . B.Nasreddin fell down to the ground. C.Nasreddin was hurt himself. D.Both A and B.( ) 6. Nasreddin fell with it. Here “it” means _. A. the tree B. the branch C. the foolish person D. God根据短文内容,回答问题:7. What is the story about? _Exercises【巩固提升】 一、经过本节课的学习,你能介绍一下 John 和 Nancy 所在的学校吗? (A) Johns school: John lives in _. He is a _ _ student in a school called _School. It is a _ school. Boys and girls have lessons _. John and his friends have many _ at school. Johns favorite one is Home Economics because he can learn how to _ and _. He knew _ about this _ he came to this school. He even didnt know how to _ _ himself. But now you see he can cook _ and _ meals. Johns school has a _ _ every year. They _it very much. They read books from the school _ or from their _. They must tell their _ what they are reading. Near the _ of each class, they _ about the books of their friends with their friends. They all think the reading class is too _ because they want to read _ the books of their friends _ _. (B) Nancys school: Nancy is an _ girl. She is in _ _ at Rocky Mountain _ _ in the city of _. She has a _ _ Jim. Jim is 17 _ old. He had _ lessons in school last year. Now, he can drive on his _. He _ Nancy _ school every day. Nancy thinks it is _ because it is _ than _ the bus. Nancy likes _ very much. She _ it after school _a week. She _ lots of time _. When _ comes, she always goes to a “Buddy _”. _ students tell new students about school _ there. Nancy _ it a lot. Her _ is Julie. Julie is also Nancys _ because she helps her with her _ and often listens to her _. _ lunchtime, Nancy _ her friends and they always have a great time _ to each other. Sometimes, they go to _ _ after school.二、阅读理解。A judge(法官)was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in andsaid, “If one mans cow kills anothers, is the owner of the first cow responsible?”“It depends,” answered the judge. “Well,”said the man, “your cow has killed mine.”“Oh,” answered the judge. “Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man,so a cow is not responsible,and that means that its owner is not responsible, either.”“I am sorry,Judge,” said the man. “I made a mistake.I meant that my cow killed yours.”The judge thought for a few seconds and then said, “When I think about it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first.” And then he turned to his clerk and said, “Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.” ( ) 1.The neighbour asked the judge_. A. whether the first cow was r


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