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,维生素与矿物质概论,维生素的定义,符合以下各项特性才能称为维生素 食物中的有机成分。 不用来产生能量或建造组织,因此不同于醣类、脂肪和蛋白质。 为必需营养素,人体无法合成或合成不足,必须由食物供应。 人体的需要量很少,但是不可缺少,通常以g(微克)、 mg(毫克)计量。 摄取不足时有缺乏症状,若给予补充则可治愈。,维生素可促进生长,维护正常的生育机能,促进整体的健康、活力、长寿。 充足的维生素可促进营养素和能量的利用,维持正常的消化吸收功能与食欲,并且维持心智健康和抵抗疾病。,维生素的一般生理功能,维生素的分类,Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (niacin, including nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine) Vitamin B7 (biotin), also known as vitamin H Vitamin B9 (folic acid), also, vitamin M Vitamin B12 (various cobalamins; commonly cyanocobalamin in vitamin supplements),Related nutrients (1),Vitamin B4: Adenine, a nucleobase, is synthesized by the human body.1 Vitamin B7: “Vitamin I“ of Centanni E. (1935) also called Enteral factor is a water and alcohol soluble rice-bran factor which prevents digestive disturbance in pigeons. It governs the anatomical and functional integrity of the intestinal tract. Later found in yeast. Possible candidates for this substance are inositol, niacin (nicotinic acid), and biotin. Carnitine was also claimed to be a candidate but is not soluble in alcohol.citation needed Vitamin B8: adenosine monophosphate, or alternately myo-inositol, is synthesized by the human body.citation needed Vitamin B10: para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA URL: /wiki/B_vitamins,Related nutrients (2),Vitamin B11: Pteryl-hepta-glutamic acid Chick growth factor, which is a form of Folic acid. Later found to be one of five folates necessary for humans; also known as Vitamin S or Factor S. (L-carnitine) is called Vitamin B11 in Francecitation needed. Vitamin B13: Orotic acid, now known to not be a vitamin. Vitamin B14: cell proliferant, anti-anemia, rat growth, and antitumor pterin phosphate named by Earl R. Norris (biochemist of folic acid fame). Isolated from human urine at 0.33ppm (later in blood), but later abandoned by him as further evidence did not confirm this. He also claimed this was not Xanthopterin. Vitamin B15 6-O-(dimethylaminoacetyl)-D-gluconic acid (Pangamic acid),Related nutrients (3),Vitamin B16 (dimethylglycine) also known as DMG. (However Lipoic acid was discovered and named a B-Vitamin after B15 and before B17) Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin, Nitrilosides, or laetrile) A substance found in a number of seeds, sprouts, beans, tubers and grains. While toxic in large quantities, proponents claim that it is effective in cancer treatment and prevention. 2 Vitamin B18 Vitamin B19 Vitamin B20 (Carnitine) ,Related nutrients (4),Vitamin B21 Vitamin B22 often claimed as an ingredient of Aloe vera extracts but also in many other foods. Claimed by one source to be Vitamin B12b-. Vitamin Bh another name for Biotin Vitamin Bm (“mouse factor“) also used to designate Inositol Vitamin Bp (Choline) dubious discuss Choline is only required for survival of some mutants. Most commonly it is synthesized in vivo de novo 3 May be added as supplement especially when methionine supply is limited. Vitamin Bt (L-carnitine) Vitamin Bv a type of B6 but not Pyridoxine Vitamin Bw a type of Biotin but not d-Biotin Vitamin Bx another name for PABA (para-Aminobenzoic acid) Lipoic acid Note: B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21 & B22 do not appear to be animal factors but are claimed by some naturopaths as human therapeutic factors.,维生素的食物来源,营养标示,水溶性与油溶性维生素之特性比对,饮食中供应量不足。 饮食中缺少帮助吸收的成份,如油脂对油溶性维生素。 先天性吸收机制的缺陷,例如恶性贫血患者缺乏内在因子。 饮食中含有干扰吸收或利用的成份,例如蛋白之avidin干扰生物素。 后天性消化道疾病或消化吸收功能低落,例如老年人胃酸不足而降低食物中B12成分之消化。 药物的干扰,例如抗血栓药对维生素K。 抗生素的使用,杀灭肠道细菌而影响某些维生素的供应。 其它营养素的缺乏,例如:蛋白质营养不良时,血液中运送维生素A之蛋白质 retinol-binding protein 不足,导致维生素A无法自肝脏送到各组织。 抽烟使维生素C需要量增加。 酒精妨碍吸收,损伤肝脏代谢机能。,引发维生素缺乏的原因,维生素之安定性,.tw/X1Chinese/D32Health/H211VitB12.htm,维生素B12是一高度吸湿性的红色结晶粉末,易溶于水及酒精中,在强酸或碱中,不大稳定,遇光时亦会不稳定。其化学组成中间有一”corrin”环,此环可携带比咯紫质,且比咯紫质中有一钴原子。此外结构上的氰部份(cyano group)是一造血素(hemopoietic) 活性部之组成,可被其它的酸化物或氢氧化物所取代,而放出氰钴胺(cobalamins)、硝基氰钴胺(nitrinocobalamins)及氢氧氰钴胺(hydroxycobalamins)。在自然界中,维生素B12连结生胜呔或蛋白质,其它自然界中的维?,矿物质营养素,人体所含元素在元素周期表上之位置,基本特性,1 生物均无法制造矿物质,一定要从环境中获得,在食物链中传递。 2 动植物组织中之含量受土壤与水质的影响:例如碘、硒。 3 溶解性:所谓电解质函盖范围太广,应改用溶解度积 (Solubility product (Ksp) )来解释。 4 化学结构:可与醣类、脂质、或蛋白质等结合。 5 生體可用率(bioavailability):礦物質種類、在食物中的型態、其他(協同或拮抗)礦物質的存在等等均有影響。參考:影響腸道礦物質吸收的因素: .tw/fnm/199102/07.htm ) 、牛乳中的鈣吸收佳: .tw/cow/dhi78/dhi78P46.htm ) 。 6 矿物质之间的相互影响: 7 影响吸收的因素 (1) 溶解性:水溶性或油溶性高者吸收多。 (2) 化学结构或型式:影响溶解性或吸收途径不同。 (3) 食物成份: ? 促进因子:乳糖对钙、肉与维生素C对铁。 ? 抑制因子:茶、咖啡中之单宁、膳食纤维、植酸、goitrogens。 (4) 消化道之酸碱性:胃酸有助于溶解,抗酸剂易造成沈淀。 (5) 摄取量:摄取越多,吸收率降低。 (6) 个人营养状况:缺乏时吸收率增高。 8 体内恒定状况之调节: 9 毒性与安全范围:,缺乏因素与建议量,营养强化或补充原则,营养强化或补充原则,适用营养补充剂的场合,选用补充剂之原则,减少微量营养素破坏的食品保存与烹调法,维生素与矿物质


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