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书面表达,假设你是某中学的学生会主席,学校准备开展救 助西部贫困失学儿童的活动,根据以下提示,代 表学生会向全体同学发出一份倡议。 应关心西部贫困儿童 节约每一分钱,尽力帮助贫困儿童。 捐赠图书或者杂志,或其他学习用品 写信等方式互相鼓励及帮助。 注意: 1. 词数120左右。 2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯 3.发起一项活动 launch a campaign 捐赠 donate,书面表达的顺序,1. 确定要写什么样的主题。 2. 确定文章要分几段。 3. 用短语把要求当中的含义表达出来。 4. 连词成句,形成正确的句子。 5. 美化句子,运用能熟练掌握的句型结构。 6. 誊写,本文主旨,本文是学生发出的一个号召,与我们常写的 议论文有所差异。议论文侧重于强调某种行 为或品质的重要性、必要性;而本文则侧重 于强调“需要做什么”,并发出倡议,希望大家 采取行动。前者重说理,后者强调事实。,文章段落,本文可以有两种选择: 一,分四段,第一段讲发起活动的原因,二、三、 四段具体阐述文章中提到的帮助学生的方法。 2、3两条含义比较一致,可合在一起写。 二,分三段,即把前种方法里的二、三、四段合 并,另加最后一段再次发出倡议。 为了叙述更加充分,范文选取了第一种方法。,短语达意1,第一段: 1. 西部的儿童: students in western China students in Chinas west 2. 因困失学: lose the chance to study because they are poor too poor to continue their study drop out of the school because of poverty 3. 需要帮助: they need help they are in (badly) need of help 4. 帮助贫困学生: help the poor students offer help to the poor students,点石成金1,写法一: Dear students: Many students in western China are too poor to continue their study. To we students, It is a duty for us to help them. Now our school will launch a campaign to give them some help, what should we do? 写法二: Dear students: Many students in Chinas west drop out of school only because of poverty. They are in demand of more help. As young students, it is our duty to help those in need. Now our school will launch a campaign to offer help to the poor children. What will you do?,短语达意2,第二,三段 帮助某人的重要性: The importance of helping others 2. 多加关心 Pay more attention to 3. 节约每一分钱 Try to save every cent 4. 捐助: Devote sth. to,5. 尽力做某事 Try ones best to do sth Do sth. as +adv. +as one can 6. 在方面有帮助 Help sb. in sth. Be helpful in sth. Be of (great) help in (doing) sth. 7.送 物给人 Give sb. sth. Give away sth. to sb. 8. 比如说,比方说 For example, Such as,点石成金2,First, we should know more about the importance of helping those poor children and pay more attention to them. Second, we should try to save every cent we can and donate to them as much as possible. The money will be of great help in paying for their school fees. Meanwhile, we can also give away something else to them, such as clothes, books, magazines and some other things for their study.,短语达意3,与人 成为朋友 Make friends with To be a partner of 2. 鼓励帮助对方 Encourage and help each other 3. 同学们,行动起来! Dear fellow students, lets start to act right now!,点石成金3,Finally, there is also a good way to help the poor children , which is to be a partner of one of the poor children . By doing so, we can communicate more with each other. In our d


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