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知識管理與創新 實務報告 Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Manufacturing Execution System for Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry,天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,IEEE ISIE 2006, July 9-12, 2006 Volume: 4, pages: 2948-2953,Agenda,What Is MES What Is an Intelligent MES The Benefit to a FAB Case Study Summary Q&A,天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,What Is MES,AMR(Advanced Manufacturing Research): An integrated architecture for plant wide information management that groups applications and functions around a central common database used to share product and process data among the applications. MESA(MES association): MES delivers information that enables the optimization of production activities from order launch to finished goods. Process Management flow / service / tools / recipe / EDC plan Equipment Management State Mgnt. / AT / UT / PM Quality Management EDA / SPC / Sampling WIP(Work In Process) Management Track In / Out / Hold / Release / split / rework .,天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,Objective of MES,Reduce cost Cut cycle time Improve quality Increase equipment utilization Guarantee on time delivery,What Is an Intelligent MES,Discover the newfound knowledge Massive data in system could be more meaningful Support high-level decisions making Speed up the creation of new strategy Control and manage equipment Automate fab processing Flexibly alter material flow Enable real-time analysis,How To Design an Intelligent MES,Integration of MES and data warehouses Integration of data warehouses and decision-making analysis Integration of decision-making analysis and data mining systems Set up of a data mining engine,Integration of MES and data warehouses,Collection Transformation Loading an indexing Quality control check Announcement or publication Renovation Search Checks and preparations,Integration of data warehouses and decision-making analysis,Designing a schema for data warehouse Designing a fact table Designing the dimension table Designing a multidimensional data model Time Area Product Quality,Star Schema,Integration of decision-making analysis and data mining systems,Procedures of the intelligent MES,Training data from the quality database,The decision tree for training data,The Benefit to a FAB,Yield 5.87% CT 23.49% ,Case Study - Productivity Improvement,FAB產能增加, 目前的機台數與使用情形, 無法滿足未來的產能需求 , 需再購置新機台. 但 Cost = ?,現況 26K,目標 28K,Case Study - Productivity Improvement,Issue 因買新機台成本消耗太大, 所以在經由團隊討論後發現,若能提升機台的UT(utilization) 與POH(Pieces Of an Hour) 將能突破這瓶頸. Action 成立QIT (Quality Improvement Team),QIT Procedure,主題選定 現況分析(需求) 要因分析 真因(需求)驗證 真因(需求)再驗證 對策擬定與實施 效果確認 標準化與水平展開 標準化後效果確認 效益分析,QIT 主題選定,QIT Improve Chamber UT and POH,26K,28K,因買新機台成本消耗太大, 所以若能提升 chamber UT 與 POH 將能突破這瓶頸.,Case Study - Productivity Improvement,Chamber UT Loss,機台別,製程別,由現況分析針對 chamber UT loss做出魚骨圖,Case Study - Productivity Improvement,QIT 成員: 製程單位 掌握製程配方,了解製程限制 提供可行之製程改善建議 傳輸單位 掌握傳輸資源,有效分配 傳輸性能調校 製程整合單位 監控調校後的製程參數對產品的影響 生產資訊系統單位 調整自動派工規則 Right time to right tool,Case Study - Productivity Improvement,PDCA,效益評估,1.在產能上的改善 :,一.有形效益:,2. 在節省成本方面:,可滿足未來 T80 16.5K 的產能.不需再買新機台 省下購置新機台的成本,二.無形效益:,1.藉由QIT活動與各部門合作, 讓同仁彼此更熟悉與了解對方的工作內容 2.不需再新增機台,減少了製程與設備在裝機上的風險與maintain Loading,Summary,知識在網路上 ? No! 知識已在你我手上,已在組織內,關鍵在如何找出有價值的知識化為能獲利的策略和行動. 光是記錄與呈現生產資訊是不夠的,更積極的要發掘隱含在內的知識,所以提出i-MES 知識的定價? 在於對組織產生多少貢獻,例如本篇文章提出之良率的提昇,Cycle Time的縮短就是一例 利用知識分享與團隊合作,制定策略並化為具體行動,透過PDCA循環,不斷改善,知識的定價可能就是所省下之購置機台的成本,Summa


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