



Unit 3 Robots第三课时Reading (2)目标导航类别课时要点重点短语as well 也look as good as new 看起来像新的一样tidy up 收拾妥,整理好go wrong 出错in a complete mess 彻底的混乱what to do with sth 怎样处理某事stop doing sth 停止做某事too much 太多的重点句型1.He is always too busy to have any time to relax.他一直太忙了而没有时间放松。2.When Mr Jiang got home,he would find his flat in a complete mess.当江先生回到家,他发现他的公寓一片狼藉。3.Mr Jiang did not know what to do with it.江先生不知道如何处理它。教学重点1.复习重点词汇和句式。2.让学生学会快速浏览文章,通过查找细节迅速掌握文章大意的阅读技巧。教学难点1.让学生能够用所学单词、短语及句式讨论机器人的好处与坏处。2.让学生进一步了解机器人是如何改变我们的生活。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.总结拥有机器人的利与弊的词汇和句式。2.复习上节课内容并尝试复述Page 3839的文章。二、预习检测.英汉互泽1.as well也2.看起来像新的一样look as good as new3.收拾妥,整理好tidy up4.go wrong出错5.彻底的混乱in a complete mess6.what to do with sth怎样处理某事7.停止做某事stop doing sth8.太多的too much.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Seeds are often spread(使散开) by wind.2.This is a complete(彻底的) waste of time.3.The new car drove very fast on its wheels(轮子).4.I need to have a private(私下的) discussion with you.5.Would you please try not to make such a mess(乱七八糟).课堂教学Step 1 情景导入复习上节课所学的内容,引出话题并进一步探讨拥有机器人的利与弊。Step 2 复习1.认真复习一遍课文,回答下列问题。(1)How did the robot help Mr Jiang in the morning?When Mr Jiang got up in the morning,breakfast was made,his business suit was smoothly ironed and his lunch box was already prepared.(2)In the first few weeks,what did Mr Jiang think of the robot?In the first few weeks,Mr Jiang thought that in general the robot satisfied his needs.(3)After a few comfortable weeks,what happened to the robot?After a few comfortable weeks,the robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly.2.根据思维导图,复述课文。限时训练根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.The robot can iron my clothes smoothly(smooth) every day.2.The manager is always too busy to have any time relaxed(relax).3.The leader devotes much time to signing papers(paper) every day.How hard he works!4.After returning from the supermarket,the food was laid(lay) in the fridge by Mum.5.Aunt Huang,all your clothes need washing(wash).Yes,I have done it already.Step 3 完成教材B3的任务1.认真阅读Page 3839中的课文以及Page 41中的对话,完成B3的任务。2.老师请几名学生分享他们的答案,并全班核对答案。3.学生分组练习对话,老师请几组学生上台展示。Step 4 小组活动1.学生分组讨论拥有机器人的利与弊。2.老师请几名学生分享他们的讨论成果。限时训练.单项填空(D)1.Im sorry I cant help you now.I am so busymy business.A.withB.with doingC.doingD.A and C(A)2.When Mr Jianghomework,his flat would be as clean as new.A.returns;fromB.returns to;atC.returned;fromD.returned to;at(B)3.Jiang didnt knowto do with his robot and I dont know to deal with my pet.A.how;howB.what;howC.what;whatD.how;what(B)4.What a!You must tidy up your room at once.Sorry,Mum.Ill do it now.A.pityB.messC.lieD.day(A)5.Im really busy these days because I havehomework to do at the moment.A.too muchB.too manyC.much tooD.so many.翻译下列句子1.看来,这部手机大体上满足了她的需求。It seemed that in general the mobile phone satisfied her needs.2.然而,几天放松的生活之后,情况开始不对了。After a few comfortable days,however,things started to go wrong.3.电脑感染了病毒,不再正常工作了。The computer caught a virus and no longer worked properly.4.当我到家时,整个屋子乱作一团。When I got home,the whole house was in a complete mess.5.许多人不知道如何处理他们的旧衣服。A lot of people dont know how to deal with/what to do with their old clothes.板书设计1.be satisfied with 意为“对感到满意(满足)”。2.as.as意为“同一样”,中间部分可为形容词或副词原形。3.be ready for 意为“为准备好”; be ready to do sth意为“乐意做某事”,相当于be willing to do sth。4.go wrong意为“出现问题”。go wrong用于描述机器时,可表示机器“发生故障,出毛病”。5.mess作可数名词时,常用单数形式,意思是“杂乱,不整齐”。常见搭配“be in a


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