



Unit 4 Dont eat in class第五课时Section B (3a-Self Check)基础知识回顾.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空keep,hair,luck,learn,practice1.How long do youpracticeping-pong every day?2.You mustkeepyour classroom clean.3.She says she mustlearnto play the piano.4.Who is the girl with longhair?Shes my sister.5.I think this is a goodluckfor me.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.他从没有快乐过。He neverhasfun.2.你必须六点起床吗?Do youhavetogetupat six?3.放学后我经常和我的朋友们一起玩。After school,I oftenplaywithmy friends.4.我们的老师对我们很严格。Our teacherisstrictwithus.5.我认为最好准时到达那儿。I think itsbesttogetthere on time.综合能力提升.完形填空My name is Emily Brown.I am a middle school student.We have some1at school and at home.We cant get to2late.We have to finish our homework.We cant stay out3school nights.Some students think these rules are4,and they dont like them.5I dont agree with(同意) them.I think these rules can help6a lot.If we dont obey(遵守) them,7can we do well in our study?For example,our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day.If we8,the classroom will be very dirty.It is bad for our health,too.If your parents ask you9in bed early and you dont listen to them,you cant10on time next morning.Everyone needs some rules.Do you think so?(C) 1.A.booksB.clothesC.rulesD.classmates(A) 2.A.schoolB.homeC.officeD.dining hall(D) 3.A.at B.inC.forD.on(B) 4.A.goodB.badC.funnyD.easy(A) 5.A.But B.SoC.OrD.And(C) 6.A.me B.youC.usD.them(B) 7.A.whatB.howC.whenD.where(D) 8.A.cantB.arentC.doesntD.dont(A) 9.A.to beB.to goC.to comeD.to take(C) 10.A.get outB.get inC.get upD.get on.阅读理解Many students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day.Parents think taking the school bus is very safe(安全的).But sometimes it is also dangerous.Some students died(死亡) because they broke the school bus rules.Here are some school bus rules:Arrive at the bus stop early.Wait for the bus at the bus stop.Dont play around the bus.Dont run anywhere at the bus stop.Dont walk or fight in the bus when it is going.Dont try to leave the bus until it stops.These rules are very important for students.Remember them and dont break them.So you can keep yourself safe.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(F)1.Taking the school bus to school is always safe.(F)2.Students can run everywhere at the bus stop.(T)3.Students have to sit on their seats when the bus


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