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九年级上册 Unit 3 Task学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 完成调查问卷中的问题;2. 学会向他人提出建议;3. 就青少年的烦恼写一封信。教学重点、难点1. 就青少年的烦恼写一封信;2. 信的内容要求:段落分明,时态恰当,观点合理,使用恰当的连接词。二、词汇、短语1.stress (n.)精神压力,紧张; (adj.) stressed有压力的,紧张不安的2.worry(n.)担心;令人担忧的事(vi.)为担心 worry about(adj.)担心的;烦恼的 be worried about3.shout at 朝大叫4.pay no attention to him/her不要在意他/她5.forget about忘记,忘却6.keep it to yourself 把它压在心底7.be unhappy with your weight不满意你的体重8.care too much about your marks 太在乎你的分数三、句型(语法) 1. The problem of stress gets worse when you keep it to yourself.2. Many students of our age have this problem.be of sbs age 与同龄的 =be the same age as sb. 在岁时 3. I hope you think my advice is worth taking.九年级上册 Unit 3 Task 教学案学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】1.Make a surveyNow more and more teenagers have problems, in either body or in mind. Work in groups, list some of the problems and how to solve them.(at least 5 students)problemsways to solve them2.词组翻译。(1). 感到孤独/有压力_(2). 担心测试_ (3). 搬到另一个城市_(4). 对某人大喊大叫_(5). 把.埋在心里_ (6). 值得采纳_(7). 与我们同龄的学生_ (8). 对分数太在意_(9). 寻求朋友的帮助_ (10). 对.满意/不满意_【课堂学习】Step 1 Ask and answer Some questions about reading.Step2 listening1 present a short video about “teenage problem”2 Answer questions: Whats his/her problem? How to solve it? Could you give some suggestions?Step3 A quiz ( give some advice) Page 46 part AStep 4 Fill in the blanks (group work) Introduction:Thank you very much for t_ me about your problems. Main body:You are unhappy w_ your weight, but you do not know how to change it. Many students of our a_ have this problem. I think you can take more exercise and eat f_ snacks. You also worry about e_. Your parents c_ too much about your marks after each exam, so you always feel s_ . W_ not talk to your parents about it? Conclusion:I hope you think my advice is worth t_.Step5 writingThe article includes three parts : introduction, main body, conclusion.Present some sentences:Introduction:Thank you for telling me about your problems.Im a Grade 9 student. I always feel stressed.I dont know how I should deal with my problems.Main body: You are unhappy with Many students of our age have this problem. What/How about? You also worry about You always feel sad/angry/stressed/ about Why dont you /not I have no choice but to do it . I cant imagine my life without hobbies. I often doubt whether it is worth spending do much time on homework. I am crazy about I dont understand why they are so strict with me. I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.Conclusion: I hope you think my advice/suggestions is/are worth taking. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have? You should plan your time more carefully. Dont keep the stress to yourself. You can share your problem with somebody.Step 6 Post-writing书面表达。Andy 给你写了一封信向你倾诉他的烦恼。请你根据他的烦恼给他写一封回信,给他一些建议。(信的开头和结尾已经给出。)(词数:90左右)基本情况Andy, 九年级学生喜好踢足球和弹钢琴 烦恼1. 父母工作忙,回家太晚;2. 作业太多,经常熬夜,几乎无闲暇;3. 被称为书呆子,常受到嘲笑。 Dear Andy, Thank you very much for telling me about your problems. _Best wishes【课后拓展】一、词汇运用A)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。1. Its_(polite) of Tom to push in before others in public.2. We will be _(publish) if we take no action to protect the environment.3. The athlete Su Bingtian came third with a run of 9.99 in the mens 100metre race . He has become the_ (proud)of us Chinese.4. What Zhang Jie said made Yao Chengshuai even _ (mad ) than before。5. My son found this book quite _(value)after he read it again during the summer holiday.B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。1.To our surprise, there was no salt in the fish, Dad did the cooking a little_(粗心地).2. He has made great_ (进步) in English Reading Comprehension because of his hard work.3. Your _ (建议) about my study are very useful to me.4. No one can _ (想象)what life will be like on the Moon.5. How_(令人疲倦的)it is to reach the top of the mountain after three hours climbing!Dont care much for that. The view from here is so beautiful!二、动词填空。1. The Greens _ (travel) to the south of China soon, arent they?2. Do you have problems if you _ (offer) this job?Well, Im thinking about the working day.3. I still remember _ (visit) the zoo for the first time when I was four. 4. What do you think _ (happen) to John if he finds his car has been stolen (被偷)?5. The weather report said the temperature _ (not rise) until the next week.6. I cant find him because I _ (forget) where he lives.7. Jenny, the package youre looking forward to _ (arrive) just now. Great!8. If you finish your homework, why not go on _ (go) over what you have learnt for the test?9. We must speed up in order not to _ (catch) in the rain.10. Our monitor is very modest, but _ (worry) too much sometimes. 三、同义句转换1. We would rather walk around than sit in the sofa after supper.We _walking around_ sitting in the sofa after supper.2. I just forget when I should go home.I just forget _ _ go home.3. To hand in your homework in time is important. _ important_ hand in your homework.4. They could do nothing and waited in the underground cave.They_ _ _ _ to wait in the underground cave.5. He spends lots of time doing extra work for us.It takes _ _time _ _ extra work for us.四、句子翻译1. 她宁愿严格要求自己也不愿放弃梦想。She would rather_.2. 现在中国自信且习惯于从容处理国内外困难局面。China is now confident and gets used to _ _ all kinds of difficult situations at home or abroad calmly.3. 刘翔虽然告别了他心爱的跨栏,但我们依然以他为骄傲。Liu Xiang said goodbye to his loved hurdle, but we are _ _ him.4. 请不要再嘲笑你的同学了,你应该和他们和睦相处。Please dont _ _ your classmates _ _. You should get along well with them.5.喜剧片美人鱼并不完美,但还是值得一看的。The comedy The Mermaid is not perfect,


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