



Unit 5 Art worldPeriod 3Reading . 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. Whose _ (物品) are those? Please put them in order. 2. (2016宿迁)Drinking tea is a _ (传统的) custom in China. 3. At the foot of the mountain, we can hear the sounds of water _ (流动). 4. Your illness is very _ (常见的). Nothing serious, just drink more water. 5. Congratulations, Wang Gang. You are really the _ (获胜者) of the match. 6. Im afraid they will not be able to _ (控制) the situation. 7. That was not an unusual _ (石头). 8. This is what I _ (提交) to you last week. 9. Many _ (音乐家) will be invited to the art festival next month. 10. The Elizabethan Period was the golden age of English _ (戏剧). . 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空1. Its _ (amaze) that a tortoise can live up to 150 years old. 2. A TV set can _ (control) from a distance. 3. (2016盐城)To be a good citizen, one should draw a clear _(divide) line between good and bad. 4. Without their help, we could not have done it so _ (success). 5. (2017无锡)The _ (win) of this years Young Star Award isDaniel! Well done!6. This is the _ (centre) city of the whole area. 7. Tan Dun is one of the _ (great) composers in the world. 8. His wish is _ (make) his son live happily all his life. . 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 因为谭盾喜欢天籁之音,所以他多次将其运用到他的音乐中。 _ he likes the sounds of nature, Tan Dun_ in his music. 2. 它们是天籁之音,在不同人的脑海里会产生不同的画面。Theyre _, and they create different pictures _. 3. 它既体现了着装者自己的风格,又体现了中国丰富的传统文化。It expresses both the wearers_ and Chinas rich _. 4. 八年后,他继续在美国学习。 Eight years later, he_ in the USA. 5. 三亚因美丽的海滩而著名。Sanya_ its beautiful beaches. 单项填空 ()1. Do you know _ young woman over there? Yes. She is _ university teacher who teaches French. A. a; aB. an; anC. the; aD. the; an()2. You can improve your English _ practising more. A. by B. with C. of D. in()3. My dream hometown is an amazing place _ any pollution. A. with B. without C. out D. in ()4. Song Xiaobao is _ Chinese people as a comedy actor. We can see his show on TV this evening. A. known as B. proud of C. wellknown to D. famous for()5. (2017阜康)Do you like the songs by Taylor?Yes. Country music _ nice and full of feelings. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. looks()6. Seeing their teacher _ the classroom, they stopped _ at once. A. walk; to talk B. walking; to speakC. enter; to talk D. entering; talking()7. (2017淮安)Music has become a bridge_ the East and the West. A. in B. at C. among D. between()8. The Dragon Boat Festival is an important day in our country. On that day we can have some _ food like zongzi. A. national B. western C. traditional D. important()9. (2017大连)Summer camping is a great experience for students. It is good to help them _. A. wake up B. get up C. hurry up D. grow up ()10. (2017眉山)Sam used to _ games for fun, but now he wants to do_. A. play; something else B. playing; something elseC. play; else something D. playing; else something. (2017南充)阅读理解“Without music, life would be a mistake,” famous German philosopher(哲学家) Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets(预算). For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired(解雇) over 1,000 teachers. Among them,_10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like Science, Maths and History. Thats partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isnt tested. Many students are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus on subjects that are tested more often. However, learning music is beneficial(有益的) in many ways. When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development programme. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode(解码) them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time. Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano. ()1. Some schools in the US cut music classes, because _. A. students in the US werent interested in musicB. they were too difficult to learnC. there werent enough music teachers in the USD. the schools wanted to control budgets()2. In Paragraph 2, what does the underlined word “them” refer to(指代)?A. Public schools. B. Fired teachers. C. Parents in Chicago. D. Students in Chicago. ()3. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?A. Different abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music. B. Playing the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds. C. Decoding music notes is needed while we are playing music. D. Playing the piano needs people to see music notes. ()4. How many scientists who are good at playing music are mentioned in this passage?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ()5. Whats the writers opinion according to this passage?A. Music is as simple as it looks. B. Music classes should be cut in some schools. C. Music is a big part of our lives. D. Music isnt a very important life skill for us.教师详解详析. 1. objects2. traditional3. flow 4. common5. winner6. control 7. stone8. presented9. musicians 10. dramas. 1. amazing2. be controlled3. dividing 4. successfully5. winner6. central 7. greatest8. to make. 1. As; uses them a lot2. the sounds of nature; in different minds3. own style; traditional culture4. went on to study5. is known/famous for. 1. C2. A3. B句意:我梦想的家乡是一个没有污染的令人惊叹的地方。4. C句意:宋小宝作为一名喜剧演员被中国人所熟知。be known as意为“作为而著名”;be proud of意为“为感到骄傲”;be wellknown to意为“被熟知”;be famous for意为“因而著名”。故选C。5. A考查动词的用法。句意:“你喜欢泰勒唱的歌吗?”“是的。乡村音乐听起来很优美,充满了感情。”sound意为“听起来”; listen意为“听”;hear意为“听说”;look意为“看起来”。句子中的主语为“Country music”,只能与sound搭配。故选A。6. D7. D考查介词。句意:音乐已经成为沟通东西方的桥梁。下文的and提示用“betweenand”表示“在和之间”。8. C句意:端午节在我们国家是一个重要的节日。在那一天我们吃一些像“粽子”这类的 _食物。national意为“国家的”;weste


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