



Unit 5 What are the shirts made of 教学 目标知识与技能:1. 复习被动语态的不同用法。 2. 能够用英语描述一些常用生活用品的制作材料;描述一些熟悉物品的制作过程。3. 能用本单元所学习的语法知识及语言材料,就自己所熟悉的话题写一篇小作文。介绍自己家乡的某个较为著名的艺术品、食物、工商产品等。过程与方法:通过各种形式复习巩固本单元内容,并能内化为自己的能力,用书面的形式表达出来。情感态度价值观: 了解一些日常用品的制成材料,增加生活常识,养成良好的生活习惯;了解一些地方知名产品或传统艺术品的制作过程以及制作材料,培养学生的民族自豪感及爱国主义精神。 教学方法总结复习,大量练习。学习方法将所学应用到练习中。教学准备Textbook, PPT教 学 过 程设计意图Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 RevisionReview the main phrases and sentences. Step 3 TalkingAsk some students to describe how to make a Chinese clay piece. First, the pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. Second, after drying, they are fired at a very high heat. At last, they are polished and painted. Step 4 Discussion Talk about some special things that your city is famous for. e.g. A: Whats your city famous for? B: Our city is famous for making lanterns. A: Really! What are they made of? B: Theyre made of bamboo, silk or paper. A: What can they do? B: They were first used for lighting in the old days. Today, they are used at festivals and other celebrations. A: Why are they special? B: Chinese people love lanterns very much because theyre symbols of good luck and family reunion (团圆). Step 5 Writing 1. Work on 3aWhat are some special things that your town/ city is famous for? These can be food, artwork or any other products. Discuss them with a partner and take notes.2. Work on 3b.Write a paragraph about the product. Use your notes in 3a.1. Use the following expressions to help you: My town/city is famous for is famous in my town/ city.is / are made of/ from/ with/ by/ inis / are used foris / are known foris / are special because2. 写作指导这是一篇科普性说明文,让同学们介绍灯笼的相关情况,语态应以被动语态为主。时态应以一般现在时为主,辅以少量一般过去时态或其他时态的句子。写作时,应理清自己的写作思路,逐条清晰地进行介绍。比如,可以先介绍灯笼的历史、用途及象征意义。然后介绍人们悬挂灯笼的时间。最后,介绍灯笼的制作材料、产地及其类型。注意要恰当运用被动语态,检查被动语态句的数、时态以及句子结构等是否正确。 3. Students try to write down their answers in the blanks. 4. Walk around the class give any help students may need. One possible version:Lanterns have been around for about 1800 years. They were first used for lighting in the old days. Today, they are used at festivals and other celebrations. Chinese people love lanterns very much because theyre symbols of good luck and family reunion. From Spring Festival to Lantern Festival, lanterns are hung up everywhere. Lanterns were usually made of bamboo and paper in the old days. Now they are made of many kinds of materials, such as steel, silk, cloth, plastic and so on. They are made all round China. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many other things.Step 6 Self Check 1. Work on Self Check 1.1) List some things you use every day. Write down what they are made of/from and where they were made? 2) Let students discuss with their partners. Try to fill in the blanks. If necessary, students can review the things in Section A and B. 2. Work on Self Check 2. 1) Tell students to make true sentences with the information in Self Check 1. 2) Give students one example: My pencil is made of wood and it was made in Shanghai. students try to make their own sentences. 3) Exchange their sentences and check if theres any mistake. 3. Work on Self Check 3. Make sure students know what they should do. T: Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.Step 7 ExerciseComplete the sentences.1. 皮革是动物的皮做的。Leather _ _ _ the skin of animals. 2. 这个小镇以其手工艺品而广为人知。The small town _ _ _ its handicraft products.3. 茶叶被手工采摘,然后送去加工。The leaves for tea plants are picked by hand and then _ _ for _. 4. 无论你做什么,都要尽力去做。_ _ _ you do, you must do it with great efforts. 5. 国际风筝节每年在潍坊举行一次。 The _ kite festival _ _ in Weifang every year. 6. 据新闻报道,纽约州昨晚下了大雪。_ _ the news report, it snowed heavily in New York last night. 7. 饭桌上铺着一层塑料台布。 The table _ _ _ a plastic table clothes. 8. 大意驾驶酿成很多交通事故。Careless _ causes many _ _ . Keys: 1. is made of 2. is famous for 3. are sent, processing 4. No matter what 5. international, is held 6. According to 7. is covered with 8. driving, traffic accidentsStep 8 Homework 上网搜索你所喜欢的中国传统工艺品相关情况,用所学的句子写一个报告。课堂作业Finish the sentences with the correct forms of the words given in brackets.1. In spring, we can see green _ (leaf) and grass everywhere.2. The Internet is _ (wide) used in most families in our country today. 3. English _ (speak) by many people in the world.4. The company hopes _ (it) product will be successful on the European market. 5. My teacher did what he could to make his class _ (live).6. If the traffic _ (be not) heavy, itll take us an hour to get there.7. They spent one part of their holiday in _ (French) and the other in England. 8. Bell is _ (know) for inventing the telephone. 9. The Chinese use _ (chopstick) instead of knives and forks. Keys: 1. leaves, 2. widely, 3. is spoken, 4. its, 5. lively, 6. isnt, 7. France, 8. known, 9. chopstickMake students be interested in and get involved in the this class and revise what have learned in the last class.By practicing writing, students speaking and writing abili


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