



Module4 1.be composed of 由构成 consist of由组成be made up of由组成2.be true for/of 与情况相同 come true (梦想的)实现be true to life逼真3.share feelings and ideas with与分享感受与想法share in joys and sorrows分享快乐与痛苦4. make contact with与进行来往,和取得联系 lose contact with和失去联系5.so/as long as只要long time no see好久不见 so long口再见long for sth.渴望某物6.all of a sudden突然间7. take.seriously重视/认真对待Im serious! 口我是当真的!You cant be serious!你不是当真的吧!8.give life to.赋与生命 way of life生活方式a matter of life and death生死攸关的问题9.draw on/upon 利用;动用draw up 起草;草拟10.dance to music伴着音乐跳舞重点单词1.combine v.(使)结合;(使)联合The pipa sounds and the pauses combine to make a poetry of sound.琵琶的声音和乐曲中的停顿结合在一起,给声音赋予了诗的意境。 (回归课本P45) egThe hotel combines comfort with convenience.这家旅馆既舒适又方便。combine.with/and.将与结合在一起 combine against为反对而联合combine to do sth.联合起来做某事;合起来促成某事 combined adj.共同的;联合的combination n.联合;结合 in combination with联合起来;在联合中 join/combine/connect/unite (1)join结合,接合,泛指任何事物的直接连接,连接的程度可紧可松,含有“还能够分离”之意。 (2)combine合并,结合,指把两个或两个以上的人或事物合在一起,含有“为了一个共同的目的,或 结合后仍不改变或失去其本性”之意。 (3)connect结合,连接,指通过某种媒介物把各种事物连接起来,语意较combine和unite弱。 (4)unite联合;混合,指紧密的结合,使之成为一个整体,含有“极难分开”之意。2 ambition n.野心;雄心;企图;志气;抱负ambition指“抱负,雄心,野心”时为不可数名词;指“愿望,志向”时为可数名词。be ambitious to do sth.一心想干某事 eg. What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?对于中国音乐她的理想是什么?(回归课本P45) ambitious adj.志向远大的/渴望的 be full of ambition野心勃勃 achieve ones ambition实现某人的夙愿 be ambitious for (power,social position,etc.)极欲获得(权力,地位等) be ambitious of success渴望成功 3.honour vt.尊敬;给以荣誉;n.荣誉;尊敬;敬意The group honours its musical heritage and shows a genuine love for all styles of music. be honoured for因而受到尊敬或获得荣誉 be honoured as被尊为 be honoured with被授予 feel honoured to do/of doing.为做而感到荣幸 have the honour to do/of doing.有幸做 do sb.an honour给某人带来荣誉 in honour of为了纪念4.give life to.赋予生命(生命力,活力)They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture,like a dialogue.它们给整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,就像与图画进行对话。(回归课本P45) give ones life to (do).为(做)而献出生命 lead a happy/full life过着幸福/充实的生活 save ones life救某人的命 risk ones life冒着生命危险 start a new life开始新的生活 lose ones life丧失生命 bring sth. to life赋予某物以生命;使某物更生动有趣 come to life变得活跃;开始动起来5.make contact with.与进行交往;和联系 eg.Since I moved to Canada,I have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians.自从移居加拿大,我有机会接触到了其他音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。 be out of contact with.和失去联系 have contact with.与有交往 be/get/stay contact with.与有/保持联系 make/lose contact with.与取得/失去联系 put sb. in contact with.使某人得以与取得联系 bring sb. into contact with sth.使某人接触到6.draw upon/on利用;凭借;依赖 eg.Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical, folk and contemporary sounds.吸取中国1 500多年的音乐文化,“女子十二乐坊”将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族与现代声音巧妙融合 draw on可用作不及物动词,表示时间的临近。 draw a conclusion from.从中得出结论 draw sb.s attention to sth.有意使某人注意某物 draw sb.s eye吸引某人的目光 draw back移开;退后 draw in/out (指白天的时间)渐短/长 draw sb. into sth./doing sth.使某人参加/做(尤指勉强他人) draw sth. up草拟7 Its the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。句中的Its the same with.=So it is with.该句型既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句。eg. Its the same with your travels on the road to success.你们在迈向成功的路上,也有着相同的经历。 He is very clever but he doesnt work hard, so it is with his sister.8 relative n. C 亲戚,亲属 adj. 相对的,比较的 adj. 与.有关系的,相关的 (+to) My aunt is my only immediate relative. 我姑母是我唯一的至亲。 Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. 与它的面积相比,这座城市人口极为稀少。 He asked me some questions relative to the subject. 他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。9 interpret v. 解释,诠释 v. 口译, 翻译interpretation n.口译; interpreter 口译者 eg We have to interpret his words in a modern light. 我们必须以现代的观点来解释他的话。 They spoke good Spanish, and promised to interpret for me.10(be) ture of/for 与情况相同 ture (to sth) 忠实的,忠诚的 表示“也(不)一样”的句式有: So+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语(肯定句)Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语(否定句 ) eg. Learning music is dull, and the same is true of learning acting. remain true to ones principles 坚持自己的原则 be true to ones word/promise 信守诺言11 characteristic名词n. C特性,特征,特色It is their distinguishing characteristic.这是他们与众不同的特征。 形容词 a. 特有的,独特的;典型的;表示特性的(+of)Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.市民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。 Quick decision is characteristic of him. 快速决定是他的特征。12 depress vt.使沮丧,使消沉,使心灰意冷 Rainy weather always depresses me. 雨天总会使我心情抑郁。 vt.使萧条 When business is depressed, there is usually an increase in unemployment. depression沮丧,意气消沉CUThe trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression. 到海边旅行使她不再抑郁。 不景气,萧条(期)C He lost his job during the great depression depressed 沮丧的,消沉的,忧郁的 depressing 令人抑郁的;令人沮丧的;令人消沉的 13 regarding 介词 prep. 关于;就.而论 He knew nothing regarding the case. 关于这个案子他一无所知 关于,至于: in/with regard to; as regards; regarding; with reference to,viewing,as for; as to; respecting; so far as . be concerned; in the case of, when it comes to regard 把.看作,把.认为(+as) He is regarded as the best doctor in town. 14 relief 名词 n. (痛苦,负担等的)减轻;解除The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。 (对单调或紧张的)调剂;消遣 to ones relief 使人宽慰的是relieve及物动词 vt. 缓和,减轻;解除The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. 这笔款项是用于解救洪水灾民的困苦的。 This lotion relieves itching. 这药剂可减轻瘙痒。 15 Present 形容词 a. 出席的,在场的 How many people were present at the meeting? 现在的,当前的 Im not at all satisfied with the present 我对目前的情况一点都不满意。 名词 n. 现在,目前 There is no time like the present机不可失 时不再来礼物,赠品C He often gave his neighbors kids little presents. 他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。赠送,颁发(+to/with) They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 他们献给他一束鲜花。 引起(问题),造成(困难)(+to/with) All this presented new safety problems.16 shrink v. (shrank, shrunk或shrunk, shrunk) (使)缩小,(使)收缩;退缩,畏缩 shrink from 畏避,回避(困难等) The number of the sheep has shrunk from 1,000 to 800. 绵羊的数量由1,000缩小到了800。 Television in a sense has shrunk the world. 从某种意义上来说,电视使世界缩小了。At the sight of the snake, the frightened girl shrank into a corner. 一看到蛇,这个胆小的女孩就退缩到了角落里。17 more than: 多于不止 不止一次 more than once There are more than 100 people at the party. 有100多个人参加聚会。 在形容词比较级前面可以加上not或no但两者表示的意义不同。 (1) “not +比较级+than” 表示 “不比好(或坏)”, 即两者在某方面不相上下。 John is not better than Tom.约翰并不比汤姆好。He is not healthier than his friend.他并不比他的朋友更健康 (2) “no+比较级+than” 结构表示该形容词或副词的相反含义,意思是“与一样不” no better than意义上相当于as bad as, no wiser than意义上相当于as stupid as, no richer than相当于 as poor as, no bigger than相当于as small as. The machine is no better than that one. 这台机器和那台一样糟。 Jim is no more careful than you are. 吉姆和你一样不仔细。1 How do you like the new software package? Very good. It power with maximum flexibility. A.combinesB.connects C.linksD.associates2 Madame Elants son was of being a soldier though he was so weak and thin. A.worriedB.anxious C.eagerD.ambitious3 I feel highly what you said about me. A.honoured forB.honour for C.honoured byD.honour by4 The artist Xu Beihong to horses in his arts. A.spent lifeB.led a life C.started lifeD.gave life5 We can learn much by being brought into with opposing opinions. A.contact B.contrast C.contractionD.contract6 He his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories. A.turns onB.works on C.draws onD.tries on1 A解析 combine A with B把A和B结合起来。2解析 be ambitious of.指“渴望”,为固定搭配,符合句意,故选D项。3 A解析 句意为:你说的关于我的那些话使我感到很受尊敬。4 D解析 句意为:画家徐悲鸿在他的艺术中赋予马以生命。5 A解析 句意为:我们可以通过接触相反的观点了解更多。contact联系;contrast对比,对照;contraction缩小;contract合同。6 C解析 句意为:他把童年的记忆作为他很多故事的材料。Present perfect progressive tense 现在完成进行时1. 现在完成进行时表示从过去某一时刻开始的动作, 一直延续到说话时还在进行或可能还要继续下去。句中常出现for, since, how long等引导的时间状语。例如: (1) Her telephone has been ringing for a long time. (2) It has been raining since last Sunday. (3) I am tired. I have been painting the living room all day. (4) Do not disturb me. I have been writing letters all morning and have written ten so far. (5) How long have you been wearing glasses.2. 现在完成进行时表示一个重复性的动作, 常用于表示“关切”、“惊异”、“愤怒”等感情色彩。例如: (1) You have been coughing a lot lately. (2) He has been scoring plenty of goals this season. (3) You have been saying that for five years. (4) I suppose you have been gossiping again.3. 现在完成进行时与现在进行时的比较: (1) 现在完成进行时强调动作的持续性, 现在完成时强调时间的经过。 I have been waiting for two hours. I have waited for two hours. (2) 现在完成进行时表示“未完成”, 现在完成时表示“已完成”。例如: I have been writing a letter. (还在写) I have written a letter. (已写完)1. Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair _ all day. Could you speak to her now? (辽宁2009) A. phones B. has phoned C. has be


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