



Unit 7 单元提优测试题 (满分100分) 姓名 得分 题 号得分单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案1. Look at the _!Its _ hard now.Arain;rainBraining;rainingCraining;rainDrain;raining2. Hello,Jenny._ speaking. Oh,hello,Tony.AIm TonyBThis is TonyCThat is TonyDThere is Tony3. _? Not bad,thanks. AWhats he doingBHow is heCHows it goingDWhy do you like it4. Mr.Black usually _ TV at night.Now he _ a basketball game on TV.Awatches;watchingBsees;seeingCsees;is seeingDwatches;is watching5. It often _ here in summer. Look!Its _ again.Arains;rainingBrainy;rainingCrain;rainyDraining;rains6. Its windy and cloudy today. That _ terrible.AlistensBsoundsClooksDtastes7. Tim,how is it going with you? _.Im having fun.ATerribleBBoringCVery tiringDPretty good8. Oh,its very _ today. If you go out,put on(穿上) your coat.AhotBcoldCwarmDdry9. the weather Guangzhou? Its hot and dry.AWheres;ofBWhats;inCHows;inDHows;of10. Hows it going,Betty? _.AThank youBTerribleCVery muchDYoure right11. I want to go to Beijing tomorrow. _.AThats all rightBSounds like a good ideaCYoure rightDNo problem12. Jane is having fun _ games with her parents at the park.AplayingBto playCplaysDplay13. Please write _ me and tell me _ your new job.Ato;aboutB/;onCto;inDwith;about14. Its Fathers Day today,_? Yes,lets buy a gift for Dad.Aisnt heBis heCis itDisnt it15. More and more young people go skating _ winter.AatBinConDto完形填空(10分)Its Sunday today. The 1 is sunny. People are 2 today. There 3 a lot of people in the park. Some children are in the park, 4 ,and all of them are having a great time there.Look!Some people are playing chess under a big 5 Some people are taking photos.Some people are walking on the grass(草地)Others are 6 in the water. 7 are Lily and John?Lily is next to the bridge. What is she doing?Oh,she is 8 music. She wants to be a musician.John is 9 the river. What is he doing?Look!He is drawing a picture. He 10 it is very interesting to draw pictures.( )1.A.lifeBdayCweatherDfood( )2.A.freeBlazyCsmartDquiet( )3.A.areBisChaveDhas( )4.A.alsoBeitherCjustDtoo( )5.A.animalBtreeCroomDpool( )6.A.runningBsleepingCeatingDswimming( )7.A.WhereBWhenCHowDWhy( )8.A.talking toBhelping withClistening toDwriting to( )9.A.fromBofCtoDby( )10.A.speaksBthinksCtellsDtalks阅读理解(30分) AHere are the weather and the temperature on July 12, 2012.CityWeatherHigh temperature (温度)LowtemperatureBeijing3322Tokyo2821London3318Ottawa2612New York3222Melbourne3510( )1.Which cities are sunny on July 12?A. Beijing and London.B. New York and London.C. London and Melbourne.D. Melbourne and Ottawa.( )2. is windy in the day.A. TokyoB.OttawaC. New YorkD.Melbourne( )3. and have the same(相同的)low temperature.A. Beijing;New YorkB. Beijing;TokyoC. Beijing;LondonD. New York;Melbourne( )4. Ben wants to play soccer. But he cant. Because he lives in .A. MelbourneB. OttawaC. New YorkD. Tokyo( )5. is the hottest in the day and the coolest at night.A. New YorkB. BeijingC. MelbourneD. LondonBWe often talk about the weather. Here are some passages about the weather. Lets read them together.Passage 1:Is it hot or cold, cool or warm?It always goes up and down. When the sun comes up,it warms the air and the temperature will go up. When nights come,the air will get cooler and the temperature will fall.Passage 2:We cant see it,but we can feel it.It can move the air.When it comes, we can see the branches (树枝) move. Do you like flying kites?It can carry your kite high in the sky.It can also blow (吹) your hat off.Passage 3:The rain is falling all around. It falls on fields and trees. It rains on the umbrellas here and on the ships at sea.Passage 4:We often see it in winter.It looks white and many people like it a lot.When it comes,the ground will put on her white clothes. And children are especially happy then,because they can make snowmen.( )6.The underlined word“warms”in Passage 1 means“”in Chinese.A. 使变冷B. 使变暖C. 使下降D. 使上升( )7.When , we know its windy.A. the ground is whiteB. a poet (诗人) writes a poemC. the branches are movingD. the air gets cooler( )8.Which one may be the best title for Passage 3?A. Taking your umbrella.B. Ships at sea.C. Falling on fields and trees.D. The rain.( )9.Passage 4 mainly (主要地) talks about .A. snowB. rainC. windD. temperature( )10.Why do children feel happy when it snows?A. Because they can stay at home.B. Because they can make snowmen.C. Because they dont need to go to bed.D. Because they feel very cold.CEverybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their talks with Isnt it a nice day? Do you think it will rain? What a fine day! etc. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow. Another man will say, No, its going to be fine tomorrow. People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain; he wont believe anything else. When friends have a travel, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly. Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comes closer to being correct than anyone else.( )11. Nobody does something about the weather means _.A. nobody can make weatherB. nobody can change weatherC. nobody can talk about weatherD. nobody likes weather( )12. _ is a common way to start a talk.A. Talking about weatherB. Keeping silentC. Asking each others namesD. Smile( )13. Many people hope the weather will be _.A. fineB. rainyC. cloudyD. like what they like to be( )14. A weatherman probably is a man who _.A. reports weatherB. can see weatherC. can change weather D. is made of weather( )15. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that _ tomorrow.A. it is going to rainB. it will be fineC. it will be still cloudyD. A or B or C根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分)1Today is sunny and w (温暖的)Lets go to the park.2China is a great c (国家) with a long history.3In Harbin,its very cold in w (冬天)4Im going to Canada for my summer v (假期) next week.5I want a bottle of orange j (果汁)Im too thirsty(渴的)用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 (5分)1The dog (lie) on the ground now.2Please tell your brother (call) me back.3Hows the weather? Its (sun).4I can see some (mountain) in the photos.5What do you think of the story? Its (relax)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)1你能叫丽莉给我回个电话吗?Could you tell Lily _ _ me _?2你能给我们的英语老师捎个口信吗?Could you please _ _ _ for our English teacher?3看!他们正在水上公园玩得多高兴啊!Look!They are _ _ _ _ at the Water Park.4我很高兴能拜访我的几位老朋友。Im very happy _ _ some of my old friends.5九月秋高气爽,阳光明媚,正是跑步的好时候。Its cool and bright in September,just _ _ _选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余(5分)A:Hello,this is Tom speaking.B:Hi,Tom. Its Bob. 1 A:Pretty good,thank you. Its sunny today. 2 B:Im playing balls with some friends in the park.A:Sounds like youre having a good time.B:Yes. 3 A:No,she is not at home.She is shopping in the store. There are some clothes on sale. 4 B:Yes,thanks. Could you tell her to call me back?A: 5 AHows it going?BHow is the weather there?CIs your sister at home?DNo,he isnt.EOf course,no problem.FCan I take a message for her?GWhat are you doing?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 书面表达(20分)嘿,朋友,此时此刻的你正在做什么呢?Mike和他的朋友们正在不同的地方度假。现在请你以Mike的身份陈述他们正在做什么事,内容包括表格内的所有信息,并加以想象进行适当拓展,词数70左右。WhoWhereFeelingsWeatherActivitiesMikeHarbingreatcold,snowyskating,makinga snowmanMikesfriendsHainangoodsunny,warmswimming,playingbeach volleyball_人教版新目标七年级英语下册 Unit 7 单元提优测试题参 考 答 案单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共1


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