



Lesson 4Whats in the Papers?一、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子1After the war,my grandfather was awarded a medal for b.答案bravery2A government (发言人) said the new laws would benefit those out of work.答案spokesman3We spent the days s and the evenings sitting in cosy bars drinking the local wine.答案sightseeing4The police were on the (现场) immediately.答案scene5Dense f is making the driving condition difficult on the main streets.答案fog6He traveled around the country with a heavy l on his bike.答案load7After raining,the hill path becomes very (泥泞的).You must be careful.答案muddy二、从方框内选择正确的短语,并用其适当形式完成下列各句according tokeep away fromtake placeget stuckcrash into 1Can you tell me how the accident ?答案took place2An airplane a mountain,killing all two hundred passengers.答案crashed into3He has been in prison twice our records.答案according to4They tried to drive through the muddy road,but the car .答案got stuck5If I were you,Id him.He doesnt have a good reputation.答案keep away from三、完成句子1面对指控,他坚称自己是完全无辜的。He insists that he the charge against him.答案is completely innocent of2新的职工退休金计划正在考虑中。A new retirement pension plan for employees is now .答案under consideration3人们的行为受电视节目的影响,这个结论是有道理的。Its reasonable to peoples behaviour is influenced by TV programmes.答案conclude that4你可以在工作时给我打电话,只要不把这当成习惯。You can phone me at work you dont make it a habit.答案as/so long as5迄今为止,还没有人对这些报道进行评论。So far,no one these reports.答案has commented on四、阅读理解My daughter turned to me the other dayafter watching 30 minutes of televisionand said,“Mommy,can you please get me some chocolate milk?” I realized my perfect little advertising parrot needed some advertising education.Yes,advertising dollars pay for programmes and websites,and support sports teams and even charitable causes(慈善事业),but that doesnt mean we should take every piece of advertising we see.As adults,this seems obvious,but our kids need to learn it.The first step in helping kids understand advertising is to ask them a very simple question when they see an ad for something they want:is that something you really need?Indeed,my daughter needs food,and milk is a food I would say that she needs,but does it have to be chocolate milk?Of course not.Would it be fun to have chocolate milk every once in a while?Sure.And the conversation continues from here.We talk about how advertising can let us know about products that are really great,and some that really arent.We need to be careful and really think about what each ad is selling us and how its doing that.Some products are what we dont “need” in the strictest sense,but they might make life easier or more enjoyable.In that case we have to weigh the benefits against the costs.I remember having similar conversations with my sons.As my sons have grown older,they have pretty well understood what advertising is for and can enjoy advertising as an art form in itself.Teaching kids about the whys and hows of advertising is an early step in raising a canny consumer(精明的消费者).Ill never be able to completely prevent the kids from seeing advertisements,but at least I can help them understand what they are seeing.1The underlined part “my perfect little advertising parrot” probably refers to .A.a kind of chocolate milkB.the authors daughterC.a TV programme for childrenD.the authors pet答案B解析上文说女儿看了广告后要妈妈给她买些“chocolate milk”,后面作者意识到“my perfect little advertising parrot”需要一些关于广告方面的教育,由此推断出画线部分表示的是作者的女儿。2In Paragraph 2,the author aims to show .A.the need to give kids advertising educationB.the harmful effects advertising brings to kidsC.how kids are influenced by advertisementsD.why most kids like to watch TV programmes答案A解析承接上文可知该段作者重点说明为女儿进行一些“advertising education”的必要性。3According to the author,parents should let their kids know .A.most advertisements are cheating customersB.not all the advertised products are worth buyingC.it is bad to watch too many advertisementsD.communication helps build good family relationships答案B解析根据第二段,特别是“.but that doesnt mean we should take every piece of advertising we see.As adults,this seems obvious,but our kids need to learn it.”可知答案。4The author develops the text by .A.telling stories she heard from the mediaB.using numbers as supporting evidenceC.making comparisons to show her opinionsD.using her own experiences as examples答案D解析该文作者主要以自己和女儿之间的切身事件来说明对小孩进行广告方面的教育的必要性及方法。五、语篇填空(导学号55970014)A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills 1. his young son rushed in and announced,“Dad,because today is your birthday and youre 40 years old,Im going to give you 40 kisses,one for 2. year!” When the boy started making good on his word(履行诺言),the father shouted,“Andrew,dont do it now.Im too busy!”The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes.3.(feel) sorry,the father said,“You can finish it later.”The boy said nothing but 4.(quiet) walked away.That evening the father said,“Come and finish the kisses now,Andrew!” But the boy didnt.Unfortunately,a few days later after the fathers birthday,the boy had an accident and died.His sad father wrote,“If only I 5.(tell) him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words,and how much my heart 6.(hurt).”Love is a two-way street.We must 7.(warm) accept any loving act,or others will take it as a


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