



嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用2010高考最新英语热门书面表达和谐社会(5篇)1假如你是李华,最近你校同学就如何对待公共场所吸烟、吐痰等不文明行为展开了讨论。大家的不同意见主要在于是该提醒还是该罚款。下表是讨论的结果和双方理由,请根据表中提供的信息给某英文报社写一封信,客观介绍讨论的情况。大多数同学认为其他同学认为1 应该提醒;2 违章者可能并没有看到警示牌。3 警示可以帮助他们意识到所犯的错误,并自觉改正。1 应适当罚款。2 一般来说,人们会从教训中学会遵守规则;3 违章者通常是“贯犯”,提醒他们通常已不再起作用。词汇: 吐痰spit/ 罚款 fine 文章开头已经写好Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about how to deal with bad behaviors in public, like smoking and spitting. This is, to remind or to fine. _ _Dear Editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about how to deal with bad behaviors in public, like smoking and spitting. This is, to remind or to fine.The majority of us are for reminders. They think that those who have done something wrong may not have noticed 高考资源网()the warning signs. And reminders will surely help them to realize their mistakes and correct them willingly.However, the others think these people should be fined because, generally speaking, people will not learn to obey rules unless they are taught a lesson. Whats more, those who go against the rules are usually frequent wrong-doers. Reminders wont work on them any longer. Meanwhile they suggest these people should be fined properly.2假如某报社记者Smith正在调查我们学校学生与家庭成员和班级同学老师之间的关系处理情况,请你把以上的情况向Smith反映并提出一些如何改进关系的意见。要点如下:1目前的实际情况:学生与家庭成员以及班级同学的关系处理总体上是好的,但也存在着一些问题,与同学吵架,不听从家长和老师的教育等。 2你个人的改进意见(至少两条)。注意:1适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2词数:100字左右Generally speaking, the relationship between us students and our family members and classmates as well as teachers is goodWe are getting on well with each otherHowever, there exist some problemsSome students in our school are easy to lose their temper because of anxiety and study burdenWhats worse, they sometimes quarrel with others, and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers, which is very disappointingIn my opinion, we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situationFirst, we should respect our parents and teachers as well as our classmatesSecond, when we are not feeling good/happy, we can chat with our friends or teachers or even parentsIt is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice3在学习生活和工作中,与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为 “Cooperate with others”的英文演讲稿。为何与人合作1. 在忙碌的、现代化的社会中,要想有效地完成一项工作,我们必须学会与人合作。2. 可以节省时间和精力。3. 从合作者身上学到很多。与谁合作与喜欢的人合作心情愉快,一起分享工作中的快乐和痛苦与不喜欢的人合作比较困难,但只要更多地关注我们的工作,而不是合作者本人,时间长了,也会发现他是一个很好相处的人。怎样做一个好的合作者请你发表自己的观点(至少2点看法)注意:1对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总数。3演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。参考词汇:合作者 partnerGood afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Cooperate with others”. _Thank you for your listening! Good afternoon, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “Cooperate with others”.In this busy, modern world, if we want to complete our work effectively and efficiently, we must all learn to cooperate with others. If we lose our partner, then we will fail. Cooperation can save us a lot of time and energy. Additionally, we can learn much from our partners by cooperating them.When we cooperate with someone we like, we will feel very happy. And we can share our pleasure and sadness with him. But it can be difficult to be cooperative with someone we dislike. In such a situation, we may focus on our work, instead of our partner. Perhaps in working together with him for a long time, well learn that he is a man to get along well with. Even if this doesnt happen, its still worth a try.How can we become a good partner? In my opinion, (we should try to listen to others opinions. If he makes mistakes, we also try to point them out. Thirdly, we mustnt beat others to make them in unfavorable position)Thank you for your listening!4每年的6月26日为国际禁毒日。假如你是李明。请你围绕“珍爱生命,远离毒品”这一主题,根据下面所给的要点提示,用英语给全省的中学生们写一封倡议书。要点提示:1. 吸毒有害健康:有可能导致心脏病、高血压等;2. 吸毒极易成瘾,且戒毒很难;3. 吸毒耗资巨大,吸毒者为了获取毒资,有可能犯罪;4. 如果发现周围有人吸毒,你应该报警;远离吸毒者,不与之交往。注意:1. 词数:120词左右。倡议书的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 生词提示:International Day Against Drug Abuse 国际禁毒日commit a crime 犯罪A Letter to High School StudentsDear friends, A letter to High School StudentsDear friends,Jun 26th is the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking every year and it aims to keep people from drugs. As we all know, drugs are harmful to our health. Taking drugs increases peoples heart rate and blood pressure. Drug takers may suffer from heart attacks. It is easy for drug takers to become addicted to drugs, but it is hard for them to break this addiction. Drugs cost people much money. If they dont have enough money to buy drugs, they will suffer great pain. In that case they may commit a crime. When you see drug takers, you should call the police. Keep away from people who take drugs and dont keep in touch with them.Dear friends, lets start fighting against drugs now and say yes to life and no to drugs.521Century学生英文报记者采访了你校“争做好学生好公民” 活动, 并邀请你就活动前后同学们的言行变化写一篇英语报道,同时发表你个人看法。活动前活动后1上课迟到,作业拖拉。1. 准时到校,作业认真。2不问候老师,课后喧哗。2. 尊敬师长,帮助他人。3乘车插队,上车抢座。3. 乘车排队,上车让座。注意:1 请根据以上提供的信息写篇报道,个人看法可自由发挥。2 词数:120左右;开头已写好,不计入总词数。3 参考词汇:活动 campaign; 抢座位 scramble for seatsAt the beginning of the term, a campaign “to be a good student and a good citizen” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken place since then.At the beginning of the term, a campaign “to be a good student and a good citizen” was launched in our school, and great changes have taken place since then.Before the campaign, we used to be late for school and failed to hand in our homework in time. Often, we forgot to gr


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