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专利翻译校改举例1.文中不要使用过多的连词符。2.翻译中有词语漏翻,个别词语和句子翻译的不够准确,注意专利术语要使用正确。3.同一词语前后使用表达要保持一致。4.对于“摄氏度”的正确表达方法是DEGC5.本实用新型的技术方案是:The technical proposal of the utility model is that6.具有,“带有”最好has/include,不用be with7.注意名词单复数形式和介词的使用.8.新型的,可用novel9.成一定角度in a certain angle如:在 0 _ 3 0 之间 ranging from 0 DEGC to 30 DEGC10.由.组成_+_包括不要大量的使用iscomposed of结构,尽量使用compromise/consist of 相应形式11.“本实用新型请求保护一种汽车零部件盛具防跳结构”实际是说,“本实用新型涉及一种汽车零部件盛具防跳结构。The utility model relates to an auto part protecting holder adopted anti-jump structure.12.The utility model is a” 改为“The utility model relates to/provides/discloses a”;13.不要用it, them指代,以被动语态,从句结构,或者原来的名称,来替代it的使用;14.“所述,上述”均用the”,不要用“said或 above mentioned;15.句子结构,要根据前后逻辑,该断句处断句,不该断处不要随意断句,正确使用标点符号,不同的标点代表不同的逻辑关系。16.中文中阿拉伯数字,要在英文中准确体现。17. 如果一些专业术语不是很确定,可以根据申请号,到专利信息中心的网站,或google网站査询18.专利习惯用法,多个,若干:a plurality- of;不可以用certain或a number of/ some/multiple many/few19.避免出现should shall .will20.专利用语不准确,“特别是.,尤其涉及一种.更具体地说是一种.”正确的表述是more particularly, in particular to” 不可用“specifically speaking”表述21.与.相匹配用matches with22 .thus + doing23.是非法字符,应该分别用(3), 来表示。24. C H 2如果出现在化学符号中,就不用翻译,例如,C H 2,翻译成C H 2如果出现在数学符号中,例如1 i2就翻译成1, A i h翻译成A;如果是上箭头,则都需要翻译成,例如:2.5*10 6/cm 3翻译成2.5multiplied by10/cm25.一些表示形状的汉字,能査到的就在网上査怎么样翻译,如果实在差不到,也不要把汉字直接粘贴在英文中,这样会报错,可以翻译成.shaped like a Chinese character 汉字拼音26.翻译中的标号要中英文完全保持一致,避免漏标和错标27.注意标点符号后首字母的大小写,分号,逗号之后的首字母不要大写;28.表示标号的数字后面不能用逗号,如The utility model has the advantages of that: 123应改为 12329.长句中的多个短句的定语从句要准确对应原文,可以适当分成单独的句子翻译,不要都直接用逗号隔开使译文与原意不符:三、错误举例1.例如:本实用新型提供一种漏斗错误:The utility model is provided with a funnel正确:The utility model provides a funnel2.某些句子采用被动形式较好例如:采用上述结构的包装盒构造,简化了包装步骤及强化了该锁具相对该包装盒构造的卡掣可靠度,进而提升该包装盒构造的包装效率及质量。错误:The packing case structure simplifies the packing steps, enhances the blocking reliability of the packing case, and further promotes the packing efficiency and quality of the packing case.正确:By adopting the structure of the packing case, the packing steps are simplified, the blocking reliability of the packing case is enhanced, and the packing efficiency and quality of the packing case are further promoted.3. which引导的定语从句,句子成分要完整例如:包括箱体和箱盖,箱体和箱盖设有保温层错误:comprises a box body and a box cover which provided with an insulation layer正确:comprises a box body and a box cover which are respectively provided with an insulation layer4.本实用新型需要解决的技术问题是.错误:The technological issue of utility model that needs to solve is正确:The technological issue of utility model to be solved is5该装置结构简单,效果显著。错误:The structure of the device is simple and the effect is distinct.正确:The device has simple structure and remarkable effect.6.能够回收再利用,使用成本低廉。适用于各种矿山行业安装使用错误:The utility model can be reused and the cost is low, which can be used in all mines.正确:The device can be reused and is suitable for use in all mining industries, with low cost.备注:从句中Which与主语不一致7.储料盒后接供料软管及手持伸缩杆错误:the storing box is back connected with a feeding hose and the hand-hold extension arm正确:the back of the storing box is connected with a feeding hose and the hand-hold extension8.主谓一致问题例如:所述游人出入大厅通过游人通道与地宫的第一出入口连通错误:The visitor exit and entrance hall is communicated with a first entrance of the underground palace through a visitor passage,正确:The visitor exit and entrance hall are communicated with a first entrance of the underground palace through a visitor passage.9.句子成分不完整,缺少谓语例如:一种双排弹子空转锁头,由壳体、锁芯、离合芯等构成错误:A double-row billiards hollow turning locking head which is composed of a shell, a lock cylinder and a clutch core;正确:A double-row billiards hollow turning locking head is composed of a shell, a lock cylinder mid a clutch core;10.另一端与内壁之间有一定间距错误:the other end is kept with a certain space between the other end of the baffle plate and the inner wall正确:a certain space is kept between the other end of the baffle plate and the inner wall11.语法问题主要是介词词组不能做主语+1Spresided with,应该是The A is presided with B andC +介词词组例如:在用户端设有控气装置错误:at the user end is provided with a gas control device正确:the user end is provided with a gas control device例如:前壁与后壁之间设置电加热元件错误:Between the fi out wall and the back wall is provided with the electric heat component正确:the electric heat component is an arranged between the front wall and the back wall12.处理回收过程造成的二次污染。the secondary pollutant resulting in handling the recycling process.resulting in 改为 caused by13.造成二次污染等严重问题。produce serious problems such as secondary pollutant.Produce 应改为 cause14.来达到人体最舒适的坐姿和躺姿。so the patients can have the most comfortable sitting and lying gestures of the body,the most comfortable sitting and lying gestures of the body can be achieved.文中没提到主语,应用被动语态。15.由于改进型的鼻全息穴导药电极解决丁现有产品罩状电极使用寿命过短。错误:Because the improved nasal holographic point drug-leading electrode has solved the problems of the short life-span of the cover-shaped electrode of the current products.正确:As the improved nasal holographic point drug-leading electrode solves the problems of the short service life of the cover-shaped electrode of the current products.16.符合提升产品经济效益的有益功效。错误:thereby going with the demand for enhancing economic benefits of products.正确:thereby conforming with the demand for enhancing economic benefits of products.17.圆盘圆心位于金属筒轴线中。the center of the disk is located in the axial line of the metal barrel,located不准确,应改为positioned18.还具有结构简单、可靠性能好的优点,The utility model also has the advantages of a simple structure and a high reliability.应把a改为the,或者把a去掉19.斗式提升机或刮扳机机尾位于熄焦水槽底部、机头位于焦仓上方设置。The end of bucket-type lifting machine or the scraping machine is an arranged under the quenching flume while their heads are arranged above the coke bin.their 属于代词,指代不清应改为 the head of bucket-type lifting machine or the scraping machine20.翻译时,不要用it, them, 应当指出所代表的具体东西,如其结构是撬体由两个方钢骨架和四个方钢加强筋Its structure is the skid consisting of two square steel frameworks and four square stiffeners.改成:The skid waterproof deice has the structure of that the skid consists of two square steel frameworks and four square stiffeners.21逻辑不清。在处理此类问题时,我们要抓住句子的主干部分。例如:自我穴位点压按摩器,包括立柱、支撑臂、按犀球,其特征在于分别有垂直杆按犀球的两个连件一端共同套在立柱上,垂直于立柱的两连件另一端分别与两个相向弯曲的支撑臂内端作轴连接。Self point percussion massager comprising a standing pole, supporting arms and massage balls is characterized in that (two connecting pieces, vertical to the standing pole, each one of which has a combo of vertical pole and massage ball and is fixed around the standing pole at one end, are pivotally connected to the inside ends of two aspectant curving supporting arms at the other ends.)(one end of the two connecting pieces of the massage balls of the vertical pole is respectively sleeved oil the standing pole together; the other end of the two connecting pieces which is vertical to the standing pole is respectively and pivotally connected with the inner ends of two aspectant curving supporting aims.)22. The utility model, makes use of V clamps not only ensure an easy feeding of materials and realize ail accurate positioning but promise the availability of the clamps with the same specification to the materials with different sizes and shapes, thereby endows the clamps a university (thereby.doing)改成thereby making the clamps have universality23.回转销将回转摆臂总成可转动地安装在转轴座总成上错误:The swivel-pin fixed rotatablely the assembly of gyroscopic pendulum arm on the assembly shaft seats.正确:The assembly of gyroscopic pendulum arm is rotatablely arranged on the assembly shaft seats by the swivel-pin.注:专利翻译中要严格区分安装、设置、连接、固定,不能一律使用fix24.水平回转驱动作业可靠。错误:The utility model is credible in horizontal gyroscopic driving operation.正确:The utility model is reliable in horizontal gyroscopic driving operation.25.设置在轴上的刀具由两种刀具来构成错误:The cutters set on shaft are two types.正确:The cutters arranged on shaft are two types.26.包括机架组件(2 )、尾轮组件(8 )、乘座组件(9 )错误:.includes chassis component(2) tail-wheel component(8)seat component(9)正确:. includes a chassis component (2), a tail-wheel component (8), a seat component (9)注:首次提到的名次前应该叫不定冠词a/an,再次提到时用the27.并利用冲入的热气体使缸体内水流动和产生漩涡,实现按犀功能错误:.and the invention utilizes surfed hot gas for water flowing and burble in the tub in order for massage function.正确:.and the invention utilizes surfed hot gas for water flowing and burble in the tub so as to realize the function of massage.28.用以容置传动齿轮组的齿轮传动箱的近圆盘锯端错误:End of a gear transmission box which is used to contain the transmission gear set closing to the disc saw正确:End of a gear transmission box which is used to contain the transmission gear set close to the disc saw29.瓶体的顶端安有灯。错误:A Lamp is equipped in the top end of the vase body.正确:A Lamp is arranged in the top end of the vase body.30.笼体下端设有若干支撑架。错误:Some support brackets are at the bottom of the cage body.正确:A plurality of support brackets are arranged at the bottom of the cage body.31.在回流管上装有回流马达错误:The circumfluence motor is installed on the circumfluence pipes正确:A circumfluence motor is arranged on the circumfluence pipes32.特点是:错误:The utility model is provided with the following features:正确:The utility model is characterized in that33.二调整片体另端各设有勾体与结合体。错误:The other ends of the two trim plates are equipped with clasp and coalition respectively.正确:The other ends of the two trim plates are provided with clasp and coalition respectively.34本实用新型的目的在于提供.错误:The utility model is aimed at providing. 正确:The utility model aims at providing. 35.采用移动式结构,便于在普通家庭中使用;采用鹅卵石为按犀头,按犀效果好,美观大方,具有一定的装饰效果。错误:The movable structure is easy to use in the ordinary households; using the cobblestones as the massage lie a (Is, which has the good massage effect beautiful appearance and certain decorative effects.正确:By adopting the movable structure, the utility model is easy to use in the ordinaryhouseholds; by using the cobblestones as the massage heads, the utility model has good massage effect beautiful appearance and certain decorative effects.注:翻译时,要弄清楚逻辑关系,找到主语,注意语法。36.循环传导管回流液体,先经过在回流储藏室混合错误:the backflow liquid of the cycle conducting tube shall flow through the backflow storage 1,00111 and blend正确:the backflow liquid of the cycle conducting tube flows through the backflow storage 100111 and blend注:时态一般采用一般现在时。37.主管上靠近主管头的一端有气囊。错误:The main tube has a balloon near one end of the main tube head.正确:One end of the main tube close to the main tube head is provided with an air cell.39.本实用新型设计有(具有,设有)气囊错误:The utility model designs the balloon正确:The utility model is provided with the balloon39.例如:患者无痛苦,操作准确可靠,膨胀均匀,使用一次性胶套,可杜绝任何疾病传染错误:no pain for the patients, accurate and reliable operation, even dilation, while the disposable rubber cover can prevent any disease infection.正确:The utility model has the advantages of no pain for the patients, accurate and reliable operation, even dilation and preventing any disease infection by using the disposable rubber cover注:此错译句子中,缺少主语,句子结构不完整,不统一。40.例如:本实用新型的防滑胎回弹力高,强度大。错误:The anti-skid tyre talked about in the utility model enjoys a high resilience and large strength.正确:The anti-skid tyre of the utility model has the advantages of high resilience and large strength.41.本实用新型具有节能环保的效果,可对发动机尾气进行降噪,并熄灭夹带在尾气中的火错误:Enjoying energy-saving and environment-protecting functions, the utility model may be used to lower the noise produced by the discharge of tail gas of motor and to quench the sparks existing in the tail gas.正确:The utility model has the functions of energy-saving and environment-protecting so as to lower the noise produced by the discharge of tail gas of motor and to quench the sparks existing in the tail gas.本实用新型由二层结构构成。错误:The utility model is in possession of a dual-course structure.正确:The utility model is composed of a dual-course structure.43.钢丝固定圈的外侧有制有大斜度的斜形面。错误:The outer side of stationary wire cycle of main body of rotating rim is formulated with a inclined place with a large pitch.正确:The outer side of stationary wire cycle of main body of rotating rim is provided with an inclined place with a large pitch.44. 要解决普通的0 #柴油在天气寒冷时无法使用的问题。错误:.mainly aiming at handling the problem that common dies el oil 0 model cannot be used in chilly weather.正确:.mainly aiming at handling the problem of that common dies el oil 0 model cannot be used in chilly weather.45.具有警觉性的手感,外表形状也比较活泼。错误:The utility model gives an alert handle. Besides, its shape gives people a vivacious feeling.正确:The utility model not only has an alert handle but also a vivacious appearance.注:原译文意思和语法都基本符合原文,但是要考虑英文的表达方式改进。46.本实用新型的优点在于.错误:The merits of the utility model lie in that正确:The utility model has the advantages of that注:要严格使用专利要求中的专业术语47.金属层1和轴2结合为一体错误:The metal layer (1) and the axis (2) are integrate as a whole正确:The metal layer (1) and the axis (2) are integrated into a whole48.炉膛与水套间有保温层,错误:Between the health and the water jacket is the heat preservation layer正确:a heat preservation layer is an arranged between the health and the water jacket 或者Between the hearth and the water jacket a heat preservation layer is arrange 。注:不可按照汉语顺序简单排列句子,要符合英语语法。49.“本实用新型提供一种The utility model provides”,而不要用The utility model is provided with”例如:本实用新型提供一种立式矿石对辊研磨机。错误:The utility model is provided with a vertical one twin-roller grinder.正确:The utility model provides a vertical ore twin-roller grinder.50.尽量不要whose指代,用原名称即可:.与.相对应:be corresponding to例如:双螺杆挤出装置的出料口对应布料装置的上料端,布料装置的卸料端对应干燥装置的 上料端错误:the material outlet of the twin screw extrusion device is relevant with the loading end of the material distribution device, whose material discharging end is relevant with the loading end of the drying device正确:the material outlet of the twin screw extrusion device is corresponding to the loading end of the material distribution device, material discharging end of the material distribution device is corresponding to the loading end of the drying device51. “_Shape适合做前置定语,如果是做宾语最好用“-type”或“-shape”例如:所述的支撑架(1 )和回形压块体(2)连接成T型错误:The support frame (1) is connected with the square- hole pressing block (2) to form a T-shaped52. 一种移动脚踏式拖把绞干器,主要由框架、把手、水箱、排污阀、锁定式滚轮、接水槽、挡板、绞干机构和脚躍板组成。错误:A mobile pedal type mop water extruder which consists essentially of a frame, handles, a water tank, a wash water valve, locking type idler wheels, a water receiving tank, a baffle, a water extruding mechanism, and a pedal.正确:A mobile pedal type mop water extruder consists essentially of a frame, handles, a water tank, a wash water valve, locking type idler wheels, a water receiving tank, a baffle, a water extruding mechanism, and a pedal.注:原错译句中关系代词which时使句子缺少谓语和主语,翻译时要注意句子成分的完整。53.句子用词,并列成分前后词性要一致。例如:本实用新型公开丁一种适用于自行车使用的,不仅可以提高存车数量,而且有利于杜绝乱停乱放现象,方便存取的一种自行车车把侧向停放的自行车停车装置55.例如:其结构要点是:错误:.and the structure key points are:正确:.with structure key points of:56.首次提到要用冠词a/an,除非中文原文中明确地说了几个。例如:自行车中轴盖,它由中轴套盖(1 )和大拐头盖(2)组成错误:The bicycle intermediate shaft cover is composed of an intermediate shaft sleeve cover (1) and a large crutched cover (2).正确:A bicycle intermediate shaft cover is composed of an intermediate shaft sleeve cover (1) and a large crutched cover (2).57.注意句子结构例如:人们在吃带皮食品的时候就会将瓜子皮等放入包装袋中,既卫生又文明。错误:When people are eating the food with shell or nut, the skin 01 nut like the melon seed shell can be put into the packaging bag, not only meeting the sanitary requirements but also the civilized behavior.正确:When people are eating the food with shell or nut, the skin or nut like the melon seed shell can be put into the packaging bag, which not only meets the sanitary requirements but also is a the civilized behavior58使用时,只需对各部位进行简单的组合,并由固定螺栓(14)穿过“U形卡及各方管钢预留的穿孔后紧固错误:When using the utility model, assemble every parts and use the fixing bolt (14) to travel through the U-shaped block and the holes obligated in each square tubes, thus the frame can be fixed easily.正确:When using the utility model, every parts are assembled and the fixing bolt (14) is used to travel through the U-shaped block and the holes obligated in each square tubes, thus the frame can be fixed easily.注:不可用动词作主语,这样不符合英文习惯,最好用被动语态代替59.介词使用不准确例如:上结晶器1 0浇铸不锈钢水5”错误:The upper mould 10 is cast in molten stainless steel 5正确:The upper mould 10 is cast with molten stainless steel 560.注意语法(1)在砂轮(l )的背面,接近外圆周处设置若干个盲孔(2 ) 错误:a plurality of blind holes(2) are provided on the back of an grinding wheel (1)near the edged of the grinding wheel.正确:a plurality of blind holes(2) are arranged on the back of an grinding wheel (1)near the outer circle.用密度较大的物质填充盲孔错误:The utility model can have a heavy matter fill in the blind holes正确:The utility model uses a denser material to fill the blind holes使磨浆机能够平稳地工作,延长丁磨浆机及砂轮的使用寿命错误:so as to make the pulp grinder work smoothly and prolongs the service life of the pulp grinder and the grinding wheel.正确:so as to make the pulp grinder work smoothly and prolong the service life of the pulp grinder and the grinding wheel.61.被安装于,被设置于,不可用be equipped on/ be provided on只能用be arranged /be positioned on例如:将在面板上设置的控制信号反馈给数据控制电路错误:the control signal which is equipped on the panel is fed back to the data control circuit.正确:the control signal which is an arranged on the panel is fed back to the data control circuit.62.注意翻译时理解原文的逻辑关系,意思要与原文符合例如:包括空心外套、外套一端插入并固定在其内的护手错误:comprises a hollow outer bush, a hand protection which is inserted by one end of the outer bushand fixes the outer bush正确:comprises a hollow outer bush, a hand protection, one end of the outer bush is inserted and fixed for the hand protection63.注意词性例如:较大推广应用价值错误:greater valve of popularize application正确:greater valve of popularization and application64按照原文的意思,所属关系要表述清楚,不能简单按汉语顺序罗列词语造句例如:支杆的下端铰接在一短杆的中部,下端设一有中孔的套,错误:the lower end of the supp


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