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Useful Expressions,After Reading_1.1,Useful Expressions,Discussion and Writing,Optional Classroom Activities,Picture Talking,Proverbs and Quotations,Listening Comprehension,1. 人生的艺术,the art of living,2. 紧紧把握人生,hold fast to life,3. 回首往事,in backward glance,4. 褪色的美,a beauty that faded,5. 消逝的爱,a love that withered,6. 严重的心脏病,a severe heart attack,7. 重症监护病房,intensive care,8. 辅助检查,additional tests,9. 沉醉在这金色的阳光中,relished the suns golden glow,10. 来去匆匆,hurry to and fro,After Reading_1.2,11. 视而不见,be indifferent to,12. 为琐碎而低俗的顾虑所困扰,be preoccupied with petty and mean concerns,13. 从这次经历中所获得的顿悟,the insight gleaned from that experience,14. 太掉以轻心,be too careless of,15. 把握每一个小时,embrace each hour,16. 矛盾体的另一极,the opposite pole of paradox,17. 世界在我们的掌握之中,the world is ours to command,18. 满腔热情、全力以赴,with the full force of our passion,19. 面对现实,confront us with realities,20. 在人生的每个阶段,at every stage of life,Useful Expressions,Discussion and Writing,Optional Classroom Activities,Picture Talking,Proverbs and Quotations,Listening Comprehension,After Reading_1.3,21. 承受损失,sustain losses,22. 开始独立的生命,begin independent lives,23. 面对不可避免的死亡,confront the inevitability of death,24. 心甘情愿地服从于,be reconciled to,25. 倾心地去爱,give ones heart in love,26. 破解这个矛盾,resolve this paradox,27. 通向永恒的窗户,windows that open on eternity,28. 人类对得到拯救的憧憬,the vision of humankind redeemed,29. 永远无求无争,forever free of need and conflict,Useful Expressions,Discussion and Writing,Optional Classroom Activities,Picture Talking,Proverbs and Quotations,Listening Comprehension,Text B,WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,heroic adj. hrk,有英雄气概的,英雄的,英勇的 having the characteristics of a hero; of heroes; very brave heroic的意思是“有英雄气概的,英雄的,英勇的”,强调坚韧不拔或冒险精神,尤指战争期间或有危险时候的英勇表现。也用于形容甘心冒险或牺牲自己的生命去救别人的行为或事迹。,abandon v. bndn,vt. 1. 放弃; 舍弃; 离开 leave a place, especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay there vt. 2. 离弃; 遗弃; 抛弃 leave completely and forever; desert; leave sb when you should stay with them and look after them vt. 3. 放弃; 中止 give up or bring an end to (sth), especially without finishing it or gaining the intended result,U 放任; 放纵 an uncontrolled way of behaving that shows that sb does not care what other people think abandon用作名词时的意思是“放任; 尽情; 任意; 放纵”,常用于介词短语within abandon中。,1.abandon ones profession废业 2.abandon a habit戒掉某种嗜好 3.Abandon Meaningless Suffering 不能没有意义的苦难 4. They abandon themselves to drinking. 他们沉湎于饮酒 5. Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed. 那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。,with abandon 放任地,放纵地,纵情地,spend money with abandon 乱花钱. People were shouting and cheering with abandon. 人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。,faithful adj. fefl,1.忠实的,守信的 full of or showing loyalty 2.如实的,可靠的,忠于原文的 true to the facts or to an original 3.忠贞的 loyal to ones (marriage) partner by having no sexual relationship with anyone else,commit,v. kmt ( commits; committed; committing ) 双解释义 vt. 1.犯罪; 犯错 perform a crime, foolish act vt. 2.承诺; 使自己受约束 pledge; bind oneself vt. 3.托付; 交付 entrust, give over, hand over,+名词,commit a crime 犯罪 commit an error 犯错误 commit an offence 犯罪 commit a suicide 自杀,+介词,commit oneself to 受的约束,专心致志于,献身于 commit oneself to a cause 献身于某事业 commit oneself to a promise 使自己坚守诺言 commit sb to the care of 把托给照顾,Ive committed a serious crime, which I want to confess to you. 我犯下了一项大罪,想向您坦白说出来。 The government is committed to promoting quality project management. 政府致力提倡高质素工程管理。,grain n. gren,U C 1. 谷粒,谷物,谷类 C 2. 小的硬粒 tiny hard bit U 3. (天然)纹理 C 4. 微量,一点儿 very small amount U 5. (物的)纹理; (人的)性情,脾气,天性 the basic quality or characteristic of sth/sb,p183,Word detective 1. e a g b h c f 3. kept his word step aside live over set out work at,Words in action,1.commonplace 2.enduring 3.dim 4.command 5.imperfection 6.intensive 7.abandon 8.finite,9. mean 10.weaving 11. additional 12. aspirations 13. gratitude 14. endless 15. faithufl 16. committed,1.live on 2. dawned upon 3. live by 4. is invested with 5. hold fast to,6. All too 7. step aside 8. step out 9. to and fro 10. work at,“dawn upon.somebody” = become clear to sb. (事物)变得(令人)明白. the truth began to dawn upon him 他开始明白事实的真相了 It never dawned on her that the story might be a fabrication. 她从来就没明白这个故事是编出来的。,invest,vt. 花费 vt. 1. 授予 2. (把资金)投入 3. 投入(时间、精力等),invest with,.把授予; 赋予某种性质 He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him. 他让律师全权代表他。 The governor has been invested with full authority to act. 总督已获全权进行处理。,Cloze,1.wither 2. sense 3. fait


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