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五十一课文详注 Further notes on the text1but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.但是近来情况变得越发糟糕,以致他决定节食。(1)things(要用复数形式)可以表示“情况”、“情形”、“状况”、“形势”等含义:Youve surely made things worse.你确实使情况变得更糟了。How are things going on with you?你那里情况如何?(2)get作不及物动词时可以表示“变得”:I got interested in French.我(变得)对法语感兴趣了。I got angry with him.我(变得)对他很生气。(3)diet用于表示治疗某种疾病或调节体重的“特种饮食”、“规定饮食”时通常与on连用:The doctor put him on a strict diet.医生让他严格控制饮食。She is on a diet.她正在节食。I once went on a diet for a week and then I gave up.我曾经节食过一周,然后就放弃了。2First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.首先,他开列了一张长长的单子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物。(1)first of all为固定短语,表示“首先”、“第一”:First of all I must see your passport.首先我必须看一下你的护照。(2)write out这个短语表示“(正式)写”、“写出”或“全部写出”:You should write out a report.你应该写一份报告。3The list included most of the things Hugh loves这张单子上的大多数食物都是休喜欢吃的It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! 里面装了5大块巧克力和3袋糖果!include和contain都有“包含”的意思,但contain可以用于表示所包含的全部事物,include则只表示其中的一部分:It included three bags of sweets.其中有3袋糖果。(另外还有其他东西)contain的主语通常为某个容器,include则含义更广:Does the bill include a tip?账单包括小费吗?Were including you in our team.我们把你列为我们队中的一员了。4Yesterday I paid him a visit.昨天我去看望了他。pay a visit to sb. 表示“拜访某人”:I paid a visit to Jane the other day.前几天我去看望了简。5Hugh was still as fat as ever休仍和往常一样胖。as ever是as he ever was的省略形式。asas ever这个结构表示“照旧”、“依然”:He is as strong as ever.他依然那么强壮。6It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.显然他感到很尴尬。it为先行主语,真正的句子主语是that引导的从句,它在句子中起名词的作用。从句作主语时通常前面用先行主语it,以免句子看上去头重脚轻:It is certain now that hell come on Monday.现在可以肯定他星期一将会来。语法 Grammar in use一般过去时在第3课及第27课的语法中我们都学习了一般过去时。在一段文字中,初次使用一般过去时的时候通常要有明确的时间状语,随后的叙述则可以不一定使用时间状语;如果不加before, after等词语,过去的动作就被认为是按所描述的顺序发生的:One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。天将黑时,小船撞在了一块礁石上,姑娘跳进了海里。与一般过去时常用的两个词是once和recently:I went on an excursion recently.最近我作了一次短途旅行。recently在表示“最近一段时期”时也可以与现在完成时连用:I havent heard from him recently.我最近没有收到他的信。一般过去时也可以用于时间状语从句中:词汇学习 Word study1raise与rise(1)raise作动词时只能作及物动词,即它必须跟宾语。它可以表示“举起”、“往上提”、“使升高”等含义:Will those who agree with me please raise their hands? 请那些同意我的人举起手来好吗?Why did they raise prices?他们为什么提高物价?(2)rise作动词时通常为不及物动词,表示“起立”、“起床”、“(日、月等)升起”等含义:Youre still in bed and the sun has already risen!你还在床上,太阳已经升起来了!I used to rise at half past six.我过去常常6点半起床。All the students rose when the teacher came into the classroom.老师走进教室时所有的学生都起立。2lay与lie(1)lay的过去式与过去分词均为laid。它通常为及物动词,表示“置”、“搁”、“铺”、“准备”等:Please lay the book open on the desk.请把书打开放在书桌上。I laid your clothes on the bed so yon could put them away.我把你的衣服放在床上了,这样你可以把它们收起来。If you cant cook the dinner, you can at least lay the table.你如果不会做饭,至少可以把桌子摆好。(2)lie的过去式和过去分词分别为lay和lain。它是个不及物动词,表示“躺”、“平卧”等:Are you going to lie in bed all morning?你打算在床上躺一上午吗?Are you going to spend the whole morning lying in bed?(译文同上)We were so tired after last nights party that we lay in bed all morning.昨晚的晚会之后我们非常疲劳,今天在床上躺了一上午。3beat与win(1)beat作及物动词时可以表示“打败”、“战胜”、“胜过”、“超过”:They beat their enemy, though they were fewer in number.他们虽然人少,但打败了敌人。表示一个球队打败另一个球队时也用beat。(2)win作及物动词时可以表示“在获胜(成功)”、“赢得”、“获得”、“夺得”等:练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A got(1.1); decided(1.2);began(1.2); wrote out(1.3); included(1.4); paid(1.5); rang(1.6);was not surprised (1.6); led(1.7); hid(1.7); asked(1.9); smiled(1.9); put(1.9);explained(1.10); had to reward(1.10); showed(1.10)2难点练习答案1 rose 2 lying 3 laid 4 rose 5 beats 6 win3多项选择题答案1 b 2c 3d 4d 5d 6a7 d 8 c 9 a 10 d 11 d 12 b五十二课文详注 Further notes on the text1I have been trying to get my new room in order.我试图把我的新房间收拾整齐。(1)与课文开头那句话的后半部分一样,这个句子也用了现在完成进行时。(cf本课语法)(2)getin order表in“把整理好”,in order的含义之一为“整齐”、“井然有序”:GetPut everything in order before you leave the room.离开房间前把所有的东西都整理好。2To make matters worse, the room is rather small更糟糕的是房间还非常小to make matters worse是个插入语,与主句之间要用逗号隔开。matters(复数形式)可以表示“事态”、“情况”。这个短语是个惯用语:I lost my way in the forest, and to make matters worse, it became dark.我在森林里迷了路。更糟糕的是,天开始黑了。3At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room.这会儿,书把地板的每一点空隙都占据了,我实际上是踩着这些书进出房间的。(1)at the moment表示“此刻”、“目前”:At the moment, Im busy preparing for the exams.目前我正忙着准备考试。(2)to get为表示目的的不定式短语,相当于一个从句。4You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!空闲时你可以坐在这儿读地毯!spare可以表示“空闲的”、“多余的”:I like to read in my spare time.我空闲时喜欢读书。Have you got a spare moment?你(现在)有空吗?语法 Grammar in use1现在完成时与现在完成进行时在第4课、第28课的语法中,我们学习了现在完成时的用法以及经常与它连用的时间副词(或短语)、介词等。现在完成进行时由have been+现在分词构成,强调动作在某一段时间内一直在进行,而且动作现在有结果。到现在为止,该动作可能已不再继续进行,也可能还在继续进行,这要根据上下文来确定。句子中常含有all+表示时间的词语如all day, all morning等或for和since。一般说来,现在完成表示已完成的动作,现在完成进行时则可表示尚未完成的动作。有些动词,如learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep, stand, study, wait, work等本身就有持续性,现在完成时形式与现在完成进行时形式可以互换,惟一的区别是后者更强调动作的持续性:2形容词、相应的副词及其用法(1)许多副词,特别是表示方式的副词,皆由形容词加-ly构成,如easy(容易的)easily(容易地),beautiful(漂亮的)beautifully(漂亮地)。一些频度副词也如此构成,如usual(通常的)usually(通常)。还有少数几个表示程度及观点的副词也都以-ly结尾:high(高的)highly(高度地),real(真的)really(真正的)。这些副词与它相应的形容词的意义区别不大,比较容易掌握:She is very happy now.她现在很快乐。She lives happily with her mother.她和母亲一起快乐地生活。(2)有些副词虽然由形容词加-ly构成,但在意义上与其相应的形容词并不相同,如hard(勤奋的,困难的)hardly(几乎不),cold(冷的)coldly(冷淡的),late(迟到的,晚的)lately(最近,近来),near(近的,接近的)nearly(几乎,差不多,差点儿)。有些副词有两种形式。有的意义相同,如cheap(廉价地)cheaply(廉价地),但有的意义不同如late(迟,晚)lately(近来),hard(努力地,猛烈地)hardly(几乎不)。有些副词在形式上与形容词相同,如fast(快),past(过去),far(远)等。(3)大多数方式副词的位置一般在宾语或动词后面:Look at this photo carefully.仔细看这张照片。(宾语后面)It snowed heavily last night.昨天夜里雪下得很大。(动词后面)Why dont you try to work hard?你为什么不努力工作呢?(动词后面)表示时间的副词常位于句尾,有时也可位于句首:This morning I got up very early/ late.今天早上我起得很早晚。(句首或句尾)程度副词,如almost, enough, hardly, nearly, quite, rather, too等,大部分用在它们所修饰的词之前:The film was quite good.这个电影相当不错。(修饰形容词)I nearly cried out with surprise.我惊讶得几乎叫了起来。(修饰动词)副词的位置比较复杂,大部分要看具体情况。词汇学习 Word study1own(1)vt. 拥有:I own over a thousand books.我有一千多本书。Who owns this car?这辆车是谁的?(2)vt.,vi. 承认:He owned(that)he had made a mistake.他承认自己犯了个错误。He owned to stealing the wallet.他承认偷了钱包。(3)adj.自己的:He lives in his own house.他住在自己家里。He has a car of his own.他有一辆自己的车。2quite与quiet由于发音和词形都很相似,这两个单词往往容易搞混,其实区别很大。(1)quite为程度副词,表示“完全”、“相当”、“很”等含义:Im quite ready.我已全准备好了。That hat is quite pretty.那顶帽子很漂亮。Are you quite certain?你敢完全肯


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