牛津深圳版英语七上7.2《Our daily life》ppt课件之三.ppt_第1页
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1. To talk about our daily lives 2. To learn and grasp the key phrases and target language,Learning aims,2. Listening,1. Pair Work,3. Word Competition,4. Group Discussion,OUTLINE,Get to know something about your partners daily life. A: What do you do every day? How often do you. Do youonce a week/always/ every week? When do you B: Inever/every day/week/once a week,1. Pair Work,brush teeth,wash face,go to school,play football,watch TV,have breakfast,have a class,climb mountain,do homework,do morning exercise,play the piano,go to bed,Now, lets listen to the tape and read after it together.,2. Listening,1.高材生 2.她所有的家人 3.穿上 4.早餐时 5.坐自己的车 6.打电话 7.在去的路上 8.考试不及格 9.一星期两次,10.从学校接我 11.回到 12.放学后 13.参加俱乐部 14.开电脑俱乐部会议 15.请求我帮忙 16.一两个小时之内 17.在白天 18.继续工作,短 语 竞 赛,3. Word Competition,高 材 生 她所有的家人 穿 上 早 餐 时 坐自己的车 打 电 话 在去的路上 考试不及格 一星期两次,the top student,all of her family,put on,at breakfast,in my own car,make phone calls,on the way to,fail an exam,twice a week,短 语 竞 赛,10.从学校接我 11.回 到 12.放 学 后 13.参加俱乐部 14.开电脑俱乐部会议 15.请求我帮忙 16.一两个小时之内 17.在 白 天 18.继续工作,collect me from school,return to,after school,attend a club,have computer club meeting,ask me to assist,in an hour or two,during the day,continue working,Wendy Wang is one of the top students in Shenzhen.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),1. the top student,I put on my school uniform.,同义词:,反义词:,wear, be in,take off,put on与wear, be in的区别: put on表示“穿”的动作,而wear, be in表示“穿着”的状态。 Mary, put on your coat. Its cold outside. Mary is wearing a red coat. Mary is in red coat.,Take off your coat.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),2. put on,Every morning we discuss the business at breakfast.,Id like to talk with my classmates at lunch.,Every night I watch TV for an hour after supper.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),3. at breakfast / lunch / supper,I always go to school in my own car.,我爸爸经常坐自己车上班。,My father goes to work in his own car every day.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),I always go to school by car.,4. in my own car,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),5. make a phone call=call somebody,I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school.,I often meet my parents on my way home.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),6. on the way to / on ones way home,Wendy never fails an exam.,paraphrase,Wendy can pass every exam.,Did you ever fail an exam?,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),7. fail an exam = cant pass an exam,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),Once a week I have violin lessons.,I meet my friends twice a week.,8. once / twice a week,About twice a week my driver collects me from school.,Who collects you from school every day?,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),9. collect sb. from,After school I usually attend a club.,What do you do after school? I usually play basketball.,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),10. after school,Then I go to my office and continue working on my games.,Tom continues doing his homework after dinner. I continue washing my clothes after I answered the phone.,go on,Make sentences with the following phrases(用所给短语造句),11. continue doing sth. = go on doing,Find five differences between Wendys and your daily lives. You can do it like the followi


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