



Unit 4 Stories and Poems单词闯关1. 大声的;喧哗的_ (adv.)_2板;木板_3醒着的_(v.)_4.音乐家;乐师_5也许;可能_(同义词)_6frightened _短语互译1.从前_ 2逃跑_ 3不再;不复_4. 走过;经过_5. in a loud voice_6.come back_7look through_8be filled with_9be covered with_10puton_句型在线1.从前,有一个又大又漂亮的花园。_ _ _ _, there was a large, lovely garden.2一天,孩子们正在花园里玩耍,这时一个巨人出现了。One day the children _ _ in the garden _ a giant appeared.3绿草被雪覆盖着,寒风使鸟儿们远离(花园)。The green grass _ _ _ snow, and the cold winds _ the birds _4一天早上,当巨人醒来躺在床上时,他听见从窗外传来了美妙的音乐。One morning as the giant _ _ in his bed, he heard lovely music _ _ the window.5他想一定是国王的乐师们正在经过。He thought it _ _ the kings musicians _ _.1 loud adj. 大声的;喧哗的观察 The giant cried in a loud voice. 巨人大声喊道。探究 loud在句中用作_词,意为“大声的;喧哗的”,指音量比平常大得多,暗示过分强烈或突出。 拓展 (1)loud还可作副词,表示“发出音量大、传得远的声音”,用于speak, talk, shout, laugh等动词之后,在句中作状语。其多用比较级louder。(2)loudly只用作副词(与用作副词的loud同义),但比作副词的loud使用范围广,它除了与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用外,还可与其他表示声响的动词连用。1Why is there too much noise?Because they are playing CDs _ and the music is _Aloud; loudlyBloudly; loud Caloud; loudDloudly; loudly2no longer 不再;不复观察 The poor children no longer had a place to play.这些可怜的孩子不再有玩耍的地方了。探究 no longer 意为“_”, 相当于 “_”。 He no longer lives here.He doesnt live here any longer.他不再住在这里了。辨析 no longer与no moreno longer指时间或距离的“不再”延长,多与延续性动词连用。no more相当于notany more, 指数量或程度“不再”增加,多与非延续性动词连用。2Excuse me. Is this Mr.Browns office?Im sorry, but Mr. Brown _ works here.He left about 3 months ago.Anot nowBno moreCnot stillDno longer3awake adj. 醒着的观察 The noise of the street keeps us awake at night.街上的喧哗声吵得我们晚上无法睡觉。探究 awake 用作_词,意为“醒着的”。它可以在句中作表语、定语或_,作定语时通常要后置。其反义词为asleep,意为“睡着的”。3.2017常州To complete the work, he drank some coffee to keep himself _ (wake)1One day the children were playing in the garden when a giant appeared.一天,孩子们正在花园里玩耍,这时一个巨人出现了。探究 此句是含有过去进行时的复合句。when作连词时,引导_从句,表示多种含义。在本句中,when 表示“_”;此外,when 还可以表示 “当时,在的时候”。1Did you say anything to your parents_ they shouted at you? No, I was afraid to talk back. They looked reallyserious and scary. Aunless Bwhy Cwhen Duntil2One morning as the giant was lying awake in his bed, he heard lovely music coming through the window.一天早上,当巨人醒来躺在床上时,他听见从窗外传来了美妙的音乐。探究 through为_词,意为“穿过,通过”,可与go, walk, get等动词连用。 拓展 through还可译为“贯穿;在整个期间”。辨析 through, across与over through指从某个立体空间的内部通过。across指从物体的表面通过。over指越过障碍物等。2(1)2017河南Father brought his little boy to a concert. But he was too young to sit_ the whole concert.Afor BwithCduring Dthrough(2)2017徐州A bird flew into the kitchen_ the window.Aacross BaboveCthrough Dunder3He thought it must be the kings musicians passing by.他想一定是国王的乐师正在经过。探究 pass by是动词短语,意为“_”,相当于go/walk/run/swim等动词past。Every day the boy passes by the bakery. 这个男孩每天都经过那家面包店。拓展 pass是动词,意为“经过,通过”;而past是介词,意为“过”。注意 pass的过去式passed和past是同音词。3他经过我家,没有停留。He _ my house without a stop. 教师详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1loud; loudly2.board3.awake; wake4musician5.perhaps; maybe6惊吓的; 受惊的; 害怕的短语互译1once upon a time2.run away3.no longer4pass by5.大声地6.回来7.透过看8装满; 充满9.被覆盖10把放/贴在上句型在线1Once upon a time2were playing; when3was covered with; kept; awa


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