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Speaking,Talk time,Word linking When we speak English, we do not say each word separately. We link many of the words together.,Vowel sounds,When a word ending with a vowel sound is put together with a word starting with a vowel sound, we say them as if they were joined with the letter: -y -,However, if the first word ends with an -o sound, we say them as if they were joined with the letter -w -.,Practice saying these pairs of words. Make them sound like one word joined with -y- or w-,-y-,-w-,Consonant sounds,When we say words together that finish and start with the same consonant sounds, we only pronounce one of the sounds.,Say it,Say these pairs of words together.,Some money plastic cards Bob Brown pet turtle big group good dog top prize,Learn how to give health advice,S1: Ive got spots on my face. S2: Then you need more vitamin A. S1: Where can I get it? S2: From carrots.,Work in pairs and make conversations,1 Im not growing fast enough. 2 My teeth are getting loose. 3 My skin is dry. 4 My eyes are a bit weak. 5 Im losing hair. 6 Ive got soft bones. 7 I look pale.,example,S1: I am not growing fast enough. S2: Then you have to take more vitamin B1. S1: Where can I get it? S2: From grains and fish.,Give a report according to the conversation,To prevent spots on my face, I need to eat more carrots. To give myself healthy hair, I need to get more meat and beans. For healthy teeth, I need to eat more fruit and vegetables. To give myself strong and healthy bones, I need to drink more milk and eat more fish.,Writing,How to keep healthy To write instructions, you should use words such as first, then, next and finally. Write a recipe for cheese-baked potatoes with the words in brackets below the pictures.,Cheese-baked potatoes,You will need two large potatoes, butter, cheese, salt and peppet.,1. First, wash the potatoes.,2. Then rub them with butter.,3. Make holes in the potatoes with a fork.,4. Cook the potatoes in the oven for one and a half hours at 175。C.,5. Take the potatoes out of the oven and cut them in half.,6. Use a spoon to scoop out the insides of the potatoes.,7. Then put the insides into a bowl and mash them with a fork.,8. Cut up the cheese and mix it with the mashed potatoes.,9. Add salt and pepper.,10. Return the mixture into the potato skins .,11. Put the potatoes back into the oven.,12. Finally, cook until the potatoes are golden brown.,写作导引,请以My lifestyle为题,写一篇80词左右的英语小短文,介绍你的生活方式。 【文章主题】 介绍个人的生活方式,倡导健康文明的生活。 【谋篇布局】 本文的写作内容很宽泛,饮食、运动、休息、卫生等方面都可以作为介绍的内容。介绍时要注意态度鲜明,抓住重点,避免出现一种谈了很多、内容却很空洞的现象。,【遣词造句】 1. 习作中会用到哪些词语呢?请想一想,然后补充到后面的横线上。 be good for, keep in good health, although, hardly ever, kind of,. _ 2. 下面的句型在这一类英语作文中会经常使用到,如果你在习作中能运用到它们,相信会为你的习作增色不少! 1) I sleep.hours every night. 2) My healthy lifestyle helps me. My lifestyle,My lifestyle Hello, Im Chen Jie. I have a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, my eating habit is pretty good. Every day I eat fruit and vegetables. I usually drink a glass of milk before I go to bed. Some junk food is very delicious but I never eat it. I know its not good for my health. Secondly, I get enough sleep. I sleep nine hours every night. Thirdly, I often exercise. Of course, my healthy lifestyle helps me keep in good health and study better. Im very happy!,习作开门见山地说出主题句:I have a healthy lifestyle,然后通过介绍自己在饮食、睡眠和运动等方 面的生活情况,向我们展示了一种健康的生活方式。 全文重点介绍饮食,略写睡眠及运动两个方面,最后 用Im very happy!将作者享受健康的喜悦之情体现出 来。全文条理清晰,详略得当,值得大家学习。,consolidation,1 You should p_ th


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