



中学英语常用短语精解之三(1) to pick out (2)to take ones time (3)to talk over (4)to lie down (5)to stand up (6)to sit down (7)all day long (8)by oneself (9)on purpose (10)to get along (11)to make no difference (12)to take out1. to pick out : (to choose, select) 【说明:】to pick out (挑选,拣选)多指购物时的挑选而言。out 用作副词,形容及物动词pick. 【例:】(1) I want to pick out some new ties to give as Christmas presents to my friends. 我要选些新领带,送给我的朋友们作为圣诞礼物。 (2) which book did you pick out to send to Helen? 你挑选了那一本书给海伦呢? 2.to take ones time : (to work or go leisurely, not to hurry) 【说明:】to take ones time(从容不迫,慢慢来)指有足够的时间,尽可慢慢的去做,time的后面可以跟现在分词,如例一中的doing,作为主词补语;也可以跟in,接着用一名词或动名词作为in的受词如例二。 【例:】(1) there is no hurry. You can take your time doing that work. 不要忙,你可以慢慢地去做那个工作。 (2) william never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does. 威廉做事从来不匆忙,他总是从从容容地做每一件事。 3.to talk over : (to discuss. Consider) 【说明:】to talk over(讲座,商量)指讲座、会商尚未实施的计划或问题,或以商谈说服,使别人赞成自己的计划。后面的受词如果是名词,应放在over之后,如果是代名词,则放在over之前,如My husband talked me over. (我的丈夫说服了我。) 【例:】(1) We talked over Mr. Reeses plan but could not come to a decision. 我们讨论过李斯先生的计划,可是尚未获得结论。 (2) With whom did you talk over your plan to buy a new car? 你跟谁讨论你买新车的计划呢? 4.to lie down : (to recline, take a lying position) 【说明:】to lie down(躺下,横卧)指躺在床上或睡椅上休息而言。Lie是不及物动词,down是副词。 【例:】(1) If you are tired, why dont you lie down for an hour or so? 如果你累了,你为什么不躺下来休息一小时呢? (2) The doctor says that Grace must lie down and rest for an hour every afternoon. 医生说葛丽斯每天下午必须躺下来休息一小时。 5.to stand up : (to rise, take an upright or standing position after being seated) 【说明:】to stand up(起立)指从坐下的姿势转取直立或站着的姿势而言。 【例:】(1) When the President entered, everyone in the room stood up. 总统进来时,室内每个人起立。 (2) When the “Star - Spangled Banner” is played, everyone must stand up and remove his hat. 当奏美国国歌时,大家都应该起立并且脱帽。 6.to sit down : (to take a sitting position after standing) 【说明:】to sit down(坐下)指从站着的姿势转取坐下的姿势而言。主人请客人坐下可以说 “Sit down” 或 “have a seat,” 或 “Take a seat,” 或 “Be seated.” 【例:】(1) After standing for so long, it was a pleasure to sit down and rest. 站得太久了,坐下来休息真是愉快。 (2) We sat down on the park bench and watched the people as they passed. 我们坐在公园的长凳上,留心观察着来往的行人。 7.all day long : (the entire day, continuously through the day) 【说明:】all day long(整天,全日)为副词片语,也可以用all the day long.指做某一件事,在一天中不会间断。 【例:】(1) I have been working on this problem all day long. 我研究这问题已经有一整天了。 (2) She shopped all day long looking for a new dress. 她为了选购一件新衣服,逛了一整天的商店。 8.by oneself : (alone) 【说明:】by oneself(独自,独立)为副词片语,oneself包括myself, yourself, himself等,为反身代名词。 【例:】(1) John did the work by himself. No one helped him. 约翰独自做这工作,没有人帮他忙。 (2) She likes to walk by herself through the park. 她喜欢一个人在公园里散步。 9.on purpose : (purposely, intentionally) 【说明:】on purpose(故意,蓄意,预谋)与of set purpose同意,通常放在句子的后面。 【例:】(1) It was no accident. She broke the dish on purpose. 这不并是意外的事,她是故意把碟子打破的。 (2) Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? 他认为他是故意弄错的吗? 10.to get along : (to do, succeed, make progress) 【说明:】to get along(进行,成功,有进展)指在某一种工作或学问上有进步与发展而言,后面用in。此外这个片语也有和好相处的意思,如He and she cannot get along with each other.(他和她两人处不来),后面用with。 【例:】(1) John is getting along very well in his study of English. 约翰学习英语很有进步。 (2) How is Mr. Holmes getting along in his new job? 贺尔姆斯先生的新工作做得怎样? 11.to make no difference : (to be of equal importance) 【说明:】to make no difference(没有区别,没有关系)于两种不同的情形或事物,某人认为没有区别,无足轻重。用此成语时常以虚字it为其主词,如上述二例句,后面用whether介绍的名词子句则为真正主词。至于二句中to me与to you 的to 亦可改用with. 【例:】 (1) When I asked him whether he wanted to go in the morning or in the afternoon, he said: “ It doesnt make any difference to me.” 当我问他要早晨去还是下午去的时候,他说“这对我没有什么关系”。 (2) does it make any difference to you whether we have our lesson at two oclock or at three oclock? 我们在两点钟上课或者在三点钟上课,你觉得没有关系吗? 12.to take out : (to remove, extract) 【说明:】to take out(取出,拔出)中的out是副词,如果take的受词是


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