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,2009届高考英语 专题复习,Chen Jiao Middle School,Caixuan,Practical Skills in Words Guessing,(2008广东卷) A Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager. “I would never have said to my mom, Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.” Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits. Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families 6. The underlined word gulf in Para.3 most probably means _. A. interest B. distance C. difference D. separation,Dealing with words or phrases in reading comprehension,Comprehension of Words,Have a discussion in pairs on the meaning of the underlined words then list the approach of guessing words.,Task 1:,1. The Wenchuang earthquake left the city flattened. 合成词、转化词、派生词与缩略词,如cost-effective,heartbroken,computer-literate,decision-thinking,imperfect,VIP,DIY等;,被夷为平地,Skill: Word Formation,定义或释义关系常由定语从句同位语/或由is, or, be called,be known as, be defined as等词汇或破折号来表示,2. Modern medicine began with the stethoscope,a medical tool used for listening to the movements of a persons lungs and his heartbeats.,听诊器,Skill: definition,Signal words: but, however, yet, or, while, though, on the contrary, instead of, etc.,3.Though Toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby.,dirty,Skill: Contrast,Signal words: or, that is ( to say ), in other words, to put it another way, etc.,4. Green loves to talk,and his brothers are similarly loquacious.,健谈的,Skill: Similarity,Signal words: because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result, so that, such that,therefore etc.,5.Thousands of products have been prohibited because government officials judged them to be dangerous A. offered B. supported C. provided D. forbidden,Skill: cause and effect,Signal words: such as, like, for example/ instance, etc.,6.Today young couples often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and color televisions.,家电,Skill: Example,7. Most women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Q: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate” A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick,Skill: Context, In old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.,嫁妆,Contrast,Guess,Example,How to guess the meaning of words?,Context,Cause &effect,Definition,Word Formation,Common Sense,Similarity,回顾总结,1. The word “.” refers to/probably means 2. The underlined word “”could best be replaced by 3. What do you think the expression “”stands for? 4. By saying “”,we mean 5. “”,as used in the passage can best be defined as 6. Which of the following words can take the place of the word “”? 7. The underlined phrase “”is closet in meaning to? 8. The underlined word “” roughly means?,Question Form,Practice makes perfect,Task 3:,Practise Now!,Read the following passages and see if you understand the words or phrases that may be new to you:,Passage 1 The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time. It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day,this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience. The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way” means _ . A.far away B.dangerous C.ancient D.secret,Passage 2: The ruler had been so cruel and dishonest that after the revolution he was banished. A few members of the Senate (参议院)opposed this decision , but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the country for ever. The underlined word “banished” mean_. A killed by stoning B sent away C imprisoned D punished by whipping,Passage 3.(2008全国卷 A) The next day dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, Im at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, Im delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was. 1. The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to . A. the authors son B. the authors father C. the friend of the authors father D. the caf owner,Passage 4 (2008辽宁卷) Study showed that it is an unusual kind of protein. It has many small sugar molecules(分子)held in special positions within each big protein molecule. Because of its sugar content, it is called a glycoprotein. So it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein, or AFGP. 5. What does “glyco-“ in the underlined word “glycoprotein“ in the last paragraph mean? A. sugar B. ice C. blood D. molecule,Passage 5 (2008安徽卷) Climbing attracts people because its good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger. 3. The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _. A. settlement B. exercise C. excitement D. tiredness,Passage 6 (2008福建卷) For years we have been told that encouraging a childs self-respect is important to his or her success is life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-aholic kids who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek to same kind of approval from friends when asked if they want to go in the back scat of the car. 2. The underlined words “Praise-aholic kids” refers to kids who are _. A. tired of being praised B. worthy of being praised C. very proud of being praised D. extremely fond of being praised,Passage 7(2008江苏卷) Time is something from which we cant escape. Even if we ignore it, its still going by, ticking away, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. So the main issue in using your time well is, “Whos in charge?” We can allow time to slip by and let it be our enemy. Or we can take control of it and make it our ally. 10. The underlined word “ally” in Para. 3 most likely means somebody or something that is _. A. your slave and serves you B. your supporter and helps you C. under your control and obeys you D. under your influence and follows you,Passage 8(2008湖南卷) Hugo Critchley further explained, “Our bodies synchronise and when we like the other Person, we even copy his behivour. Next time you chat with a friend, take note of how youre sitting-its pretty likely that you will be the same. Scientists believe its our way of telling each other that youre parents. Through body language, humans give each other very subtle (微妙的) but clear signals that show emotions. ” 9. The underlined word “synchronise” in paragraph 4 means “_”. A. move slowly B. change rapidly C. relax temporarily D. respond accordingly,Passage 9(2008重庆卷) I arrived at my mothers home for our Monday family dinner. The smells of food flew over from the kitchen. Mother was pulling out quilt(被子)after quilt from the boxes, proudly showing me their beauties. She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church. When we began to fold and put them back into the boxes, I noticed something at the bottom of one box. I pulled it out. “What is this?” I asked. “Oh?” Mom said, “Thats Mamas quilt.” I spread the quilt. It looked at if a group of school children had pieced it together; irregular designs, childish pictures, a crooked line on the right. “Grandmother made this?” I said, surprised. My grandmother was a master at making quilts. This certainly didnt look like any of the quilts she had made. “Yes, right before she died. I brought it home with me last year and made some changes,” she said. “Im still working on it. See, this is what Ive done so far.” I looked at it more closely. She had made straight a crooked line. 12. The underlined wood “crooked” in the passage most probably means . A. unfinished B. broken C. bent D. unusual,Passage 10( 2008全国卷 B) In nutrition (营养) it was all good news too. This nice tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C(维生素C) than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater. 11. The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something _. A. that people enjoy eating B. that is always present C. that is difficult to get D. that people use as a gift,回顾总结,Focus on what we have learned today:,Skills on how to guess the meaning of the words or phrases of a passage,Summary:,TIPS,Words, like people, are frequently known by the company they keep. A words context or surroundings, can provide clues to meaning.,做题要领,1)文中找线索或信息词; 2) 根据熟悉的词及词义判断新单词之意; 3)根据上下文判断新词汇在特定句中确切意思。,判断词义,Review what we learned in this period and finish the exercises you are given today .,Homework,“得阅读者,得天下” 让我们一起努力, 征服阅读,战胜高考!,May you succeed in your studies!,Practice makes perfect!,Passage 10 (2008北京卷) On another level, diet products have greater psychological effects. Every time we have a zero-calorie drink, we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we dont have to work to get results. Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle. 7. In Paragraph 3, “gain comes without pain” probably means _. A. losing weight is effortless B. it costs a lot to lose weight C. diet products bring no pain D. diet products are free from calories,(2008湖北英语卷)B Parents who find older children bullying younger brothers and sisters might do well to replace shouting and punishment by


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