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Module2EducationUnit1Theydontsitinrows.基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.My uncle looks handsome in his redtie(领带).2.Their new library is as beautiful asours(我们的).3.In the classroom,her daughter is in the firstrow(排).4.Dont swim in thatpool(水池).Its too dirty!5.You are really anexcellent(优秀的) student.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空real,in a row,our,tie,swimming pool1.There is a largeswimming poolin their school.2.I have a happy family and Ireallylove my family.3.What could I get my father for Fathers Day?What about getting him atie?4.We satin a rowat the back of the room.5.Your house is much bigger thanours.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.He enjoyed himself in the zoo last week.(改为同义句)Hehadagoodtimein the zoo last week.2.There are two apples on the table.(对画线部分提问)Howmanyapplesarethereon the table?3.I hope I can go there by train.(改为同义句)I hopetogothere by train.4.Lets look at the picture.(改为同义句)Letshavealookat the picture.5.My bike is black.What about your bike?(改为同义句)My bike is black.What aboutyours?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.英国的学校什么样?Whatare English schoolslike?2.在美国一个班里有多少学生?Howmanystudentsare there in a class in America?3.他们没有成排坐。They dont sitinarow.4.演讲者把嗓音提高了一点,以便让别人听得更清楚。The speaker spoke upabit/littleso as to make himself heard more clearly.5.我希望有一天可以参观苏西的学校。I hope I can visit Susies schooloneday.综合能力提升.单项填空(D)1.How was your visit to the World Park in Beijing?Wonderful!We enjoyedvery much.A.itselfB.myselfC.yourselvesD.ourselves(C)2.Wow,what a nice camera!Whose is it?My aunt bought it for my brother and me.Its.A.mineB.hisC.oursD.hers(D)3.Its too bright and sunny.Why notyour sunglasses?A.breakB.cleanC.makeD.wear(B)4.I dont want to stop to have a rest,because I am nottired.A.a lot ofB.a bitC.a fewD.a bit of(A)5.I dont want to beelse.I just want to be.A.anybody;myselfB.somebody;myselfC.everybody;meD.anybody;me(A)6.There is a swimmingin the garden.Lets swim in it.A.poolB.riverC.seaD.water(C)7.foreign schools like?They are big and beautiful.A.WhatsB.HowsC.What areD.How are(C)8.people are there in your family?Three.A.How oftenB.How longC.How manyD.How much(B)9.May Iat your new phone?Certainly.A.look intoB.have a lookC.look forD.look up(C)10.Ten and fifteen is twenty-five.A.All rightB.Thats allC.Thats rightD.Thats all right.完形填空I did very badly at school.My headmaster thought I was1and when I was 14,he said,“You are2going to be anything but a failure.”After five years of3 jobs,I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl.It was the best4that could have happened to me.I decided to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to her what people said about me was5,especially her mother,who had said to me,“You have failed at everything you have ever done.” So I tried hard with my6and went to college.My first novel7while I was at college.After college I taught during the8in high schools and attended evening classes at London University,9I got a degree in history there.I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of giving up that job to write full time when I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University.I began to feel proud of myself.My writing career(生涯)10when I realised my own style.Now I am rich and famous.But I just wish all the people that have put me down had said,“I believe in you.You will succeed.”(C)1.A.brightB.usefulC.simpleD.hopeful(A)2.A.neverB.sometimesC.oftenD.seldom(B)3.A.lowB.poorC.goodD.useful(D)4.A.supportB.happinessC.surpriseD.thing(A)5.A.wrongB.rightC.stupidD.foolish(C)6.A.experimentB.experienceC.writingD.practice(D)7.A.came onB.came inC.came backD.came out(A)8.A.dayB.nightC.monthD.year(C)9.A.butB.soC.andD.or(A)10.A.took offB.put offC.gave offD.got off.阅读理解MydreamschoolWe all have our own dreams about how to make our school better,and so I do not mind sharing my views about how I would like to have my school changed.I have always dreamt about my dream school.In this school there would be no examinations,and no pressure of studies from parents.All school hours would be leisure(空闲).I have always dreamt that my dream school would have a large library where children of all classes could go and borrow whichever books they wanted to read.I have always dreamt that my dream school would have a cafeteria(自助餐厅) where children could enjoy their time off.I have also dreamt that there are teachers who truly believe in their students,trust them and encourage them,so that the students have nothing but true respect,faith and love towards their teachers and their school.I know my idea for a dream school is perhaps difficult to come true.However,I strongly believe my dream will come true in the future.(B)1.The writer of this passage must be.A.a fatherB.a studentC.a teacherD.a head teacher(A)2.The writers dream school would have a cafeteria so that.A.children could enjoy their time off thereB.children could have a good lunch thereC.children could play games thereD.children could


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